Hard times have come. The crisis destroyed my little firm. I did not even have time to pay the loan. I rented the premises, sold the equipment, even sold the car, but I did not have enough money for a while. I had to look for a job. All the same crisis has thrown into the labor market SO MANY of the workforce, that even the vacancy of the manager, except that you had to fight. Actually, I became a sales manager in one large company. There was hardly enough money to make ends meet. Not to mention paying the loan. Immediately for late payment, the bank accrued a penalty. Above us threatened to lose the apartment by the court. In general, in financial terms, it was all bad!

On the other hand, the boss seemed to treat me well. Well, not only to me, but in general to the workers. The company, despite the crisis, was firmly on its feet, and the boss regularly organized corporate events. That paintball tournament is a trip with families on a tour or in a boarding house for the weekend. At one of these events, he met my Katenka. And after that meeting, he became somehow more supportive of me. This I now understand the true reason for his behavior, and then he took everything at face value.

Then one day at a corporate drunk, on the occasion of the signing of a contract, he approached me with an offer. They say that his secretary went on maternity leave, and we, as he knows, have financial difficulties. And therefore, knowing that Catherine is not working, he could offer her the post of secretary. Of course, I did not mind, and my wife was delighted. She, like me, was experiencing a hard fall into poverty. And so the work is normal and a good salary, and again together. And on Monday she began her duties. So a month passed, the money began to suffice for life, but again we didn’t scraped for the payment. I was already thinking about borrowing money from the Chief, how the following happened.

Wife came home from work depressed. No, not depressed, rather dumbfounded. In general, not the same as always. And in the evening over tea we had the following conversation:

- Serge, we need to talk seriously.

- Yes darling?

I thought we would be talking about debts to the bank and the need to repay them.

- Nikolai Petrovich today offered to raise both of us a salary ...

- Hello, just why suddenly?

- He can also borrow money for us to repay the loan.

- But this is serious. What an auction of unprecedented generosity? What's the catch? Who should we kill for?

Even without knowing what was going to be discussed, and what would be required of us, I was in a great mood.

- And in return, I will have to provide him with services ... Well ... Sexually ...

Having said this, Katyushka reddened to the tips of her ears. And I ... And I was dumbfounded. Goggling eyes, looking at her and grabbing the air, like a beached fish.

- So what?

- Here, he told you to consult?

- Chegooooooo?

- He said to discuss this issue with you and if we both agree, give an answer tomorrow.

No, well, I understand everything, I laid eyes on someone else's wife, well, so try to seduce or bribe, since she works for you as a secretary, but demand permission from her husband ... Idiocy. Although I thought hard. This would certainly solve all our problems, but to share a wife with another man ?! About this. I never even thought about it. No, I have never been particularly jealous. To be honest, I even got the idea to try to persuade my wife to have threesome sex. And not only in the format ZHMZH, but MZHM would also be nice. But so frankly, in fact, to put my wife under the boss myself ... Well, do not put it on, okay, but silently agree with the fact that he will fuck my spouse. I tried to think about the situation, and in order to draw time, and at the same time clarify her opinion, I decided to ask my wife.

- What did you say to him?

- I dont know. You know, you have my first ... And the only ...

I really was Katya's first man, which then was very surprised.

- Well, what do you think then?

- I don’t know, Serge, it’s scary, but I don’t want to lose my apartment and work ...

In general, we talked in the kitchen until late at night. Nevertheless, we decided to try to agree to the proposal of the chief. It was the only way to avoid court and save the apartment. I must say, this decision was easier for me than for Katyushka. To me, push jealousy and pride deeper and endure it. And then she take the rap. But his wife even shed tears of self-pity. I had to console her. Still, I was shocked by the demands of Nikolai Petrovich. He put forward a condition that I must be aware of what is happening. And nothing else. As it turned out, he just really liked my Katyushka, and he did not want problems with a jealous husband. Therefore, being a business man, I simply set such conditions, in essence, buying myself a sex toy on “legal” grounds.

In the morning, my wife just shook with fear, and I myself was worried in earnest. All the same, she will sleep with another, and even with my permission. I consoled myself that hundreds of thousands of wives cheated on their husbands, and everything is fine. All the way to the subway, Katyushka pressed herself against me, as if in search of protection. I hugged her and stroked her head soothingly. And he thought about that, but if I were a woman, could I just go under the chief for the sake of family well-being? There were too many conditions. If the situation was really difficult, if the boss was sympathetic to me, well, or at least not disgusted, if he did not demand anything that would be unpleasant for me, etc. I could not fully surrender to a random person on his terms. The kitten was ready for this for family well-being. What is it? Dedication or bl @ dovatost? Unclear.

When we approached the office, Katya looked into my eyes and asked:

- And you just can not stop loving me!

- What are you!? I will only begin to love you more, for you are going for it for us.

I answered her what she wanted to hear. I myself doubted my words. Trying to imagine how someone else fucks my beloved, I experienced a contradictory storm of emotions. It was all from sexual arousal and some kind of irrational pride to a sense of humiliation and contempt for oneself.

- Yeah ...

The wife grunted and looked away.

"And maybe not just for us," I thought then.

I accompanied Katya to the reception and went to my workplace. We agreed that she would call me after talking to the boss. But the work did not go well. The thought that maybe right now my boss is laying out my wife on his desk stirred the brain. And, to be honest, aroused.

Half an hour before the lunch break I received SMS from my wife “Go downstairs to the smoking room”. On the second floor, almost all of us were non-smokers, and a few tobacco lovers, preferred to smoke on the porch, for coffee (a coffee machine was installed in the lobby). But the smoking room, as well as on each floor, was present. On the second one, it was empty most of the time, that is, there was simply no better place to talk in the entire office building.

When I entered the smoking room, Katya was already there. Crumpled, disheveled, with a slightly unclear look, but not tearful, already good.

I sat down next to me, tried to hug her, but my wife jumped up, twisted out and crouched across from me. Her movements were fussy, feverish, indicating either excitement or strong excitement. And maybe about that and about it.

- well, why don't you ask: how did it go?

She asked.

- I wait, while you tell.

Yesterday we agreed: whatever happens, we will talk about everything to each other, without reserve.

- well, listen ...

She easily agreed ...

... - He summoned me to himself, said to lock the door and asked what we decided. I said we agree. Then he forced to undress completely and stand in the middle of the office. And he walked over to walk around me and examine me. He had his parker in his hands, you know. They he began to touch my breasts, crotch. Then he said to get cancer, spread his legs wide and bend down. But I could not keep the balance when he ordered the buttocks to stretch to the sides. Then he ordered the breast to lie on the table and spread the buttocks as wide as possible, and he himself began to touch the sexual lips of the parker, poke the pussy and even study the anus. Seryozh, you won't believe it, I started to flow, forgive me. It was humiliating, disgusting but exciting. Then he put the pen down and began to paw me everywhere with his hands, but he did not kiss. I started up this even more. And then he put me on my knees and told me to suck. You know how I get a dick in my mouth. I still sucked him, I wanted to caress myself terribly, but I was embarrassed and patient. He finished right in my mouth, and I swallowed everything. And he is pleased with this, said: "While free, you can dress." But I did not let me put on my panties, ordered me to be thrown into an urn. They are not on me, look.

Katia, squatting, spread her legs wide and lifted her skirt, and I saw her shiny with moisture magnus @ enku.

- Sergei, dear, if I do not finish now, then I will die! Give suck!

A patter blurted out his wife and began to unbutton my pants. From her story, my dick stood like a stone, it was not necessary to bring him to alert. Wife like a hungry dog ​​on a bone, pounced on my dick with some kind of rumbling. In this case, with her right hand, she violently pulled at her sexual lips and clitoris. For a long time I could not stand such pressure, and soon I irrigated her mouth with sperm. Immediately after this, my wife swallowed noisily, made a lingering sound of iiiiiiii, and she also finished, with her forehead buried in my knee.

A few minutes later she looked up at me dull eyes and whispered: "cigarette". We both lit up. I noticed a drop of sperm on her lip and pointed it out. Kate grinned, licked her and began to clean up. Then we went to dinner together. True, they dined in silence, they were embarrassed to talk about anything. Everyone was immersed in their thoughts.

After working on the way home, I began to ask my wife if the chef was sticking to her. She said that he did not miss the opportunity to lift her skirt, slap on the ass or grab her chest, but nothing more serious. Katya also said that her beautiful lacy panties are still in the urn, and that the cleaning lady will certainly find them. And that is why she is terribly ashamed. I reassured my wife that anyway the cleaning lady would not guess who exactly the chef fucked. Katyushka also told me that the boss had forbidden her to wear panties and a bra for work.

From the thought that the wife will now always walk around the office with a bare pussy, and she can at any time get under the skirt, I wound up again. “All the same, there are pluses in the current situation, and quite a few,” I thought, recalling that for the first time my wife had given me a blow job at work. And indeed it was the first time we had sex, even oral, somewhere outside the house / tent / hotel or pension room. Yes, and in a non-lockable room. In the evening we had a rough sex. And in the morning, as was ordered, Katya did not put on her underwear.

This fact did not give me rest, and I, all the way, like the last pervert, pressed against her, running a hand in her crush under her skirt. My wife at first shook off that kind of my behavior, and then, it seemed to be the other way around, catching the buzz. Yes, and at work, I did not miss the opportunity to fond his beloved, or just to look under her skirt. The accessibility of her holes, albeit theoretical, stirred my brain.

And it seems, not only mine. At dinner, she said that her boss was pawing on each occasion, and once asked for coffee, take off her skirt, and while drinking coffee, admired her crotch. What a pervert.

True in the evening, already at the end of the working day, made Kate climb under the table and suck while sitting there. Katya says it was terribly uncomfortable. So a week has passed. The boss was pawing my wife, forcing her to suck, looking at, sometimes putting her in humiliating poses, but never fucked. And on Friday to us. On cards dropped double salary. We marked this affair with friends by three families in the sauna.

But on Monday, at the end of the working day, the chief looked in at me, and, slightly embarrassed, said:

- Seryozh, Katya today is ... Delayed at work. It is necessary ... a report to prepare.

- Yes, Nikolai Petrovich, I understand.

I replied, not daring to raise my eyes.

- Good…

He muttered pensively, clearly embarrassed, and rushed out into the corridor.

My heart beat at a frantic pace. Today he will definitely fuck my sweetheart. I cannot even describe what I was experiencing at that moment. Injection of jealousy? Probably! Shame and humiliation? A little bit. Excitation? Hardly. It came later, when I, in anticipation of my wife, imagined what it was and how my boss was doing with her. Fear? Definitely. I was scared, if I did not lose it, if we would change our attitude towards each other. Well, the banal fear that another man would be better than me in bed. Pity and sympathy for his wife? Not a bit. No matter how much I wanted to say that I felt sorry for her, that would not be true. Here I turned out to be such a cynical bastard.

I thought Katyushka would call on me, duplicate the order of the chief, but she limited herself to only dry SMS: “He said to linger after work. Don't wait, drive home. ”

After her return, she admitted that she was simply ashamed to talk to me.

All up I drove home. Hands trembled, the head did not think a damn thing. To calm down, I waved a hundred grams of brandy. Did not help. In the head, on the contrary, got different pictures on the topic of how he ... Her ... Now ... At his desk ... I was excited, and not seriously. The realization that I'm here humbly waiting for another eb @ t my wife, for some reason, put my dick up. The desire for sex was so strong that for the first time in several years I was even ready to jerk off. But having gathered all his will into a fist, he decided to wait for Katya. In order to occupy himself with something, but at the same time to show care and attention to his wife, he prepared dinner, cleaned up the apartment a little, and was about to sit down at the computer, when the doorbell rang.

On the threshold was a favorite. She was beautiful! Her whole appearance simply yelled that she had literally just been fucked.

Looking satisfied women, and satisfied more recently, completely and more than once. A happy half-smile wandering on her lips, lightly showered or smeared mascara, smeared with lipstick, as if she were casually wiping something from her lips, forgetting that they were made up. Accepted dress. It happens, if it was not completely removed before sex, or, on the contrary, in a hurry, they put it on after. She radiated sex, she smelled sex, she was sex itself. My knoll in my pants would probably be noticeable even to my neighbors if they decided to pry through the peephole.

- Hi dear!

My wife put her arms around my neck, she was slightly drunk.

- Hello Kitty.

- Mmmmm, it smells delicious! Did you wait for me?

- Of course I waited, my love!

- Do you know that I have you bl @ d?

- Stop doing that!

- No, no, your slut came home with a bl @ doc! And you, like the right husband, cooked dinner. This is so romantic!

Of course, I was disgusted with her drunken chatter, but when she called herself bl @ dew and whore ,. I, and so, overexcited, almost groaned.

- So, in the shower!

Raking his wife in an armful, I carried her to the bathroom and began to undress. There were no panties on it, I was even surprised at first. Although it was time to get used to the week. The sexual lips of his wife were swollen and reddened, obviously weary. When we had sex with her, not every time we rubbed them so hard.

- I want you to take a shower with me!

Capriciously stated Katya.

I undressed and crawled over to my wife, who was lounging under warm streams of water.

- Will you wash me? You do not disdain?

- Of course, dear! With pleasure I will wash you!

I began to stroke her body, squeezed the shower gel on my palm, and began to soap it. My wife clung to me, it was clear that she was pleasant to my touch.

- Do you want me to tell you how it all went?

It seems she sobered up, at least her tone from recklessly-merry, became sad-guilty.

- Of course, we agreed.

I kissed her on the lips. The lips smelled of wine and ... .. I did not immediately understand what it was for the taste and smell, but already when my wife responded to the kiss, it dawned on me .... It was the smell of semen. Most recently, she gave a blowjob to our Chief, maybe even in the car, on the way home, and now with the same lips, without even rinsing her mouth, she kisses me. The first impulse was to break away from her, rinse your mouth, but that would hurt your wife. And I did not want to offend her. Therefore, busting disgust, as if withdrawing psychologically, I continued to kiss.

“You are my miracle!” Then listen ...

Despite the fact that Katyushka told emotionally, she turned her eyes into the floor of the shower stall and never looked at me during the story.

... - Back in the afternoon, he called me to him. I thought, as usual, make me suck, I was even used to it, and immediately came up and began to unbutton his pants, but he stopped me. So casually, gesture. He said that I was late in the evening, asked me if I had a period. And I realized that I would fuck. Terribly frightened, and was ashamed. I wanted to run to you, cuddle, cry, but as I imagined that I would tell you, and it became so embarrassing that I did not dare. Even now, if I was sober, I could not tell you. She sat on pins and needles and was very afraid. When everyone had already left, only the security on the ground floor remained, he called me to the selector. Not “Katerina”, as usual, said, but “Katenka, please come in.” This “Katenka” me was so cut to the ears. As on autopilot, went to him. And there is a type of romance. Candles are burning, champagne is poured. Well, I think everything ... There is no way back. I decided to get drunk, laid down on the champagne .. I don’t even remember what he said toast, and still climbed. I allowed everything. She herself did not notice how he climbed under the dress to me, but there was no panty there. From drunk - the flow has become, and he just needs it, on the table I was overwhelmed, I pulled off my pants, and how I zasandalil. I already bit my fists! You see!?…

I really were shown pens with teeth marks.

... - He was so tough, not at all as gentle as you. At first I just suffered, and then, Shackle, you just forgive me, I could not. The body itself was excited, and I am from its hard ... pressure .... Or how it ... Fucking ... In general, I finished. Finished, you know, everything after me becomes hypersensitive, I even ask you to stop, but it does not stop. And he continues to fool me, right on the table, and fucks, fucks, fucks. I can’t even jump off, neither can I go anywhere, nor run away, in my opinion I’ve even started to scream, and he will slap me on the ass, snarling: “Don’t yell, bitch!” And continues to fuck. I fell on the table, squeezed my teeth, and began to imagine that we are playing hard sex and started to get excited again ... And this is how I finished it under him for the second time, imagine how the last whore. Under the chef, twice while the husband is at home ... I am so ashamed, Sergei ... Honestly…. Terribly ashamed ... ...

Katyushka zaglyupala nose, I feel, now burst into tears. And I have from her story - already sperm on the brains crushes, I feel that now the eggs will explode. Not only that naked girl clung to you, so also SUCH tells. I caressed her on the head, reassured, saying that I still love her, that this is all nonsense to continue telling. Continued, thank God.

... - In general, after I finished the second time, I didn’t have any strength at all, I don’t feel anything, only the piston walks in me, even my lubricant does not stand out, he began to rub, finally he twitched and began to finish. I SUCH relief experienced. Finished, pulled off the condom, stretched out in the chair, lit ... Cognac from the table took. And I still lie with a dress on my back tucked up. He smoked a cigarette, said: “Get ready, I will give home to my husband. Yes, hurry up. ”And my legs do not obey, my hands are shaking after two orgasms. Something hobbled to the car. And he sat down in my back seat, and pawed all my way around my chest. And already almost near the house, again I was excited, silently took me by the back of my head and tilted it to my groin.

He had to suck in the car. It was so embarrassing in front of the driver, I probably blushed to the tips of the ears. And the guards guessed everything, when the chief and I came out of an empty building an hour after all. So they can only guess, and the driver was in the car .... I began to suck more while driving. Nikolai Petrovich, then when they stopped, he drove out the driver, but he heard everything, and he probably saw ... I am such a slut with you ...

I finished washing my beloved, special attention a long time ago, having given it to the crotch, and at the end of the story she just stood nestled on my chest. I could no longer hold back. While she was telling me, I represented everything that was happening to her in colors, as if watching porn with my own wife. Therefore, my dick was ready to explode. I turned Katyushka with my back to me, lightly pressed on the back so that she leaned on the wall of the shower cabin with her hands, (It was a familiar hint), but she suddenly balked.

- Sergei, my dear, let's not, I have it all so rubbed, let me just take it in your mouth?

I was already in such a state that I didn’t care. Just to finish. If she had refused me at all, I would first distort the member myself, and only then would I begin to find out the reasons for the refusal.

The kitten sat on his knees (a shower so as not to flood his face, threw the shower stall on the floor), and took my rearing member in her mouth. Over the years of living together, she knew very well what to do, and literally in five minutes, I began to end violently. The excitement was strong, the orgasm was extremely bright, and there was an unusually large amount of sperm. I poured all her face, neck, breasts, and exhausted, I crawled to the floor beside her.

Katyushka looked at me with loving eyes, without even thinking about wiping herself. On wet skin from water, droplets of thick sperm glistened. A smile on her face wandered. A strange smile, I've never seen one like this before. But beautiful. After catching my breath after an orgasm, I did not hesitate to get dirty, in the tide of unprecedented tenderness, I hugged my beloved wife. Well, what does it have to share with someone, we still love and respect each other!