This incident happened to me in the turbulent student years. Then there were still problems with the institute, but despite this drunkenness, nobody canceled the spree. And just like that, we gathered, three students to go to the recreation center, relax, unwind. And we should say about the appearance of each of us. I am a brown-eyed brunette Nastya, everything is with me as they say, and the priest, and chest, then I was 18, another girl, Dasha was 19, she is the complete opposite of me, that is, a sort of thin pretty blonde, blue-eyed. The boy, Kolya, was a couple of years older than us, he was from our faculty, but the course was older, also such a blue-eyed blond, he always had slyly narrowed eyes, as if he was plotting something that undoubtedly gave him charm.

We bought some food, alcohol, including, and came there. They drank, had a snack, met the owner of this place, and even the people who were there. I forgot to say that I was there for the first time, and Kohl sometimes worked there, so it happened and rested there often.

- Nastya, you have a great priest, gave me a compliment to Nicolas.

- Thank you, I blinked.

We decided to go for a walk around the expanses of this base, and as soon as we left the house, Nicolas issued a phrase that made us embarrassed:

- Girls, and you know what I want now? And you are able to fulfill my desire.

- Speak well!

- I want to kiss the three of you, how do you look at it?

Dasha was vividly impressed, and expressed her negative opinion on this matter. And I was a little intrigued, but I pretended that I was against it, and besides, if it were not for the effect of alcohol, I really would have been against it, but Kolya would not lose his chance and eventually won over us.

The three of us got close to each other, took each other's hands, and the three of them came together. We kissed without reeds, but still it was worth a try. Dasha pulled away from us, with the words:

- Oh, you perverts! Nasty corrupt, but I do not need.

I smiled and looked at him, he hugged me and kissed me already in a hickey.

When we returned to the house again, we drank a little bit more, and I had that same kiss before my eyes. I already wanted him, but in the end everything did not work out the way I wanted, and in general everything went on terribly.

When we decided to go out again to air, I barely got up, I could not control myself, I was very unhappy (although then when I twisted this picture in front of my eyes, I thought that I was still sprinkled on something, because never more I did not have such a state). Kohl saw that I was not well, and asked:

- How are you? can you sleep?

Yes you can, I babbled.

He asked me to take me to another house, the man who was the chief there. He took and decided to just fuck me. He dragged me into the house, laid me on the bed and walked away, at first I thought like a naive Chukchi girl that he would leave, but no, he closed the door, came back and started to undress me without shame, I tried to resist, I did not want to, but the last forces they let me go, my eyes closed, I just wanted to be left alone. And when he finally undressed, he didn’t even try to excite me, he just wetted saliva between my legs, dressed prezik, and just lay down on top, and stuck a member in me with all his strength, and fucked with some sort of special fury, saying something when this, they say what a bitch I am and the like, but during this time I was constantly cut down, despite the fact that it hurt me when I opened my eyes with difficulty, I saw his grinning face, tears dripped from my eyes. And then I just chopped off ... After some time I felt a salty taste in my mouth, I opened my eyes and I saw before him his weapon, with which he fucked me so maliciously, but now he was putting my head on it. And it was such a first bad blowjob experience.

The next time I opened my eyes, I didn’t immediately understand where I was, when I finally realized where I was, I looked around, saw that I was undressed, somehow gathering my strength into a fist, I tried to get dressed, with nth I tried it out. I thought that I had to get out of here, otherwise, he would not come back here again. Again, somehow I got to the door, tried to open it, but it was closed, I started to panic, but still took myself in hand, found my phone, called Dasha to pick me up.

I sat by the door and waited, after a few minutes the door opened, and I wanted to go out, but now Kolya pulled me back. I understood everything that I would not leave from there until he received his own! He took and dragged me back to that damn bed! I planted, I saw lemonade on the table

- On, refresh yourself.

And again I have a failure in my memory, probably then when I was back on the bed, I was knocked out again, I opened my eyes only when I felt that something cool touched my chest, it was a ring in Kolya’s tongue. On the one hand, I kind of wanted him, but not in this situation, when I was morally humiliated before this, I was disgusted by the fact that they used me as they wanted, but on the other hand my feminine principle could not resist. And I gave myself to him, trying to release even for a short time everything that happened before him this afternoon. He also put on a condom and entered me, making a barely audible moan, making a few pushes, turned me into my favorite position with cancer, making frictions, giving us both pleasure, despite the fact that I was in prostration, and then sat me on top of myself and Squatted on his 19-centimeter handsome, gradually accelerating the pace, he soon tensed, shuddered with his whole body and finished.

Kohl helped me get dressed and we got to the house where Dasha immediately ran over me:

- Well, how are you? I hope you didn't give that man?

- Not! How could you think such a thing ???

- Well, what else could I say? Although about Kohl, I still could not resist telling, to which she asked only one question:

- Well, and how is he?

- Everything would be fine if I wasn't so drunk!