Faithful wife and sexwife. Chapter 5

Some more details about my wife's sexual adventures.

Faithful wife and SexWife story On the eve of this day, I gave myself installations, we, when it was well trained in this intelligence school, autogenic training and auto-suggestion, and this really helped in a combat situation. It was possible to cause calmness in oneself, in an extremely dangerous situation, to overcome fear and pain, and so on.

So my friend Oleg, being a sniper, possessing this skill, was calm and calm, fired and aimed slowly, as if in a dash, being under a barrage of fire, among the scattered mine fragments and whistling bullets, but if he took someone to the fly was doomed, Oleg had no blunders.

I inspired myself that I would be calm in any situation, in any case, I would avoid fighting to the last. For any provocations, I will not answer immediately, but only having counted to thirty. As a rule, in these thirty seconds, a strong outburst of emotions goes away, which have never led to anything good.

And instead of the first emotional reaction, comes a reasonable solution to the problem. It helped me more than once, so in a fit of anger, I could kill a man, but having counted to thirty, I calmed down, and understood that I was wrong about something, and asked him to apologize.

We were invited to one o'clock, and because we got up early, Irinka was going for a long time, at first she put on a beautiful lace bra and the same color, pink lace panties, complemented her underwear, black stockings. Then she tried on one dress, then another, asking me which one suits her best.

Stopping, finally, on a beautiful dress, reddish - scarlet color with glitters, which was seemingly modest, below the knee length, but, nevertheless, had a high neckline in the back. In addition, it tightly encircled her beautiful, slim figure, emphasizing all her naughty places.

On the dress was a belt that emphasized her narrow waist. And the top of her dress was decorated with a large neckline, as a result of which there was an appetizing hollow between her upright breasts. - And how are you, honey? - She asked, unbuttoning the top of the three buttons that were at the bottom of her neckline, and thus making it even deeper, more open.

Her breasts were ready to fall out, which looked quite appetizing. - This is me, just in case their apartment is stuffy. Fuck, she is fucking, I thought to myself, of course, it will be stuffy for you ... and I don’t understand that this is all in order to show off in front of the peasants, to attract their attention, I’m used to it. Make-up brightly, she gathered her hair upstairs in a beautiful hairstyle, jokes their big, beautiful bright hairpin, in the form of a butterfly.

This hairpin should clearly indicate who she is - a moth, confused! - I smiled to myself. Crowned her outfit with high heels, she looked just awesome! I could not take my eyes off her, admiring her. A beautiful, slim and tall young woman, in a bright, bright red dress.

When we arrived, there were already a lot of people, and, of course, all the men unwittingly stared at her, and their wives looked at her with malice and envy. Irinka stood out among them, although they were well dressed, they were rich, expensive dresses, and they were all hung with various gold jewelery and diamonds, but their figures were flabby, sometimes thick, loose, thin, muscular.

The erysipelas of all had wrinkles on which they applied a layer of plume, I involuntarily remembered the words of V. Vysotsky, - “Like a circus horse, all plumed ...”. This epithet is very suitable for them all. Irinka riveted the attention of everyone, in some, she aroused admiration, in others, desire and lust, and almost all women - anger and envy. However, everything was, as always, wherever we were with her, everyone always had the same reaction.

Our mutual friend Yuri, was a rich man, the owner of a solid company, but in front of us, he was not conceited, did not show his superiority in social status, but tried to keep with us simply, on an equal footing. Today he had an anniversary, and because it was full of guests.

Yuri had a luxurious four-room apartment, with a better layout, a table was laid in one room, assembled from two large tables, richly lined with various meals and drinks. In another room there were two sofas and armchairs, as well as several small tables with fruit and wine.

Here was a significant part of the guests, who were talking, sipping wine, someone smoked on the balcony. Soon came the remaining invited guests, and all were invited to the table. One and a half hours the feast lasted, and then everyone began to leave the table.

They turned on the music, and someone began to dance, and someone led lively conversations in the next room, some of the guests painted preference in the third room, the men constantly smoked on the balcony. Irinka, of course, was in that room where danced, drunk and emboldened men and boys, she was constantly invited to the dance.

Even those who were with their wives also wanted to dance with her, she was the center of attention. Between the dances, many missed a glass, another, and again invited women to dance. The entire male half constantly drilled her eyes, and the more the men drank, the more in their eyes was the desire and lust.

Three of my "friends" tried to make heart-to-heart conversations with me, but I constantly dodged, avoided their companies, they became friends with the Yuri comrades, there were six of them, also wealthy people.

Apparently, they told them something about my wife, as they constantly looked at her, devouring Irinka with their eyes. I, then talked with different people, then played several parties in preference, sometimes going into the room where the table was set to overturn a couple of glasses and dance with anyone.

It was not possible to dance with my wife, she was constantly busy, she was invited by one or the other gentleman. Once again, going there, I did not see my friends, and with them their new comrades. I wondered where they were, I went to the balcony, men were smoking there, but they were not among them. Then I looked into the fourth room, from which the door opened onto a large, long loggia, which was almost the whole room. The door to the loggia was closed by curtains, I pushed back the curtain and saw a whole company there, among which were three of my friends, all of them were at the far end of the loggia.

On the loggia was the owner of the apartment, Yuri, his neighbor on the site, Gena, three of my friends and six of their new comrades. Yuri, Gena and Misha were sitting on folding chairs, the rest were standing around them, they were all looking at something with enthusiasm.

Misha was flipping through the pages on his phone, while the rest leaned over him and looked at what he was showing them. From their surprised and admiring exclamations, it was not difficult for me to guess that he was showing the photos of my wife to the guys.

One of the guys turned to Michael, - Listen, arrange a meeting with her, eh ?! I put a box of cognac! Misha hesitated, filling his price. - Two boxes! - Said another one of these guys. Three boxes! Three boxes set you, if you organize a meeting right now! - Said the third. - Yes! Yes! We will put you three boxes of good cognac, if you now agree with her! - They talked to the other six.

Mishina's eyes glittered greedily, but he said, confused, - but where ..., I would be happy, but nowhere .... And then Gena, Yurin's neighbor, intervened - as if there is nowhere, but mine !? I'm alone now, the woman went to the mother in law! Please, welcome! I have a big bed there, let's take a dip! My apartment is near, there are shmig, that's all!

- So what are we sitting ?! - They turned to Misha. - Ok, said Michael, now I'll arrange everything! How many hours will you take it? - How much can you? - Well, let's spend about four hours, otherwise she and her husband, he will lose her, and then fuck her and return here all.

He looked at his watch, it's half past four, let's go until nine in the evening, okay? - Yes, of course, good! - Glee guys. Misha continued, - and another time, if you need it, I can arrange it at least for the night, at least for a day, well, of course, not for free.

- Yes, there is no question in money, the main thing is, organize! And today we will take a test! Misha got up from his chair, - let's go and have a drink for it, and I will tell her to think of something to say for my husband, and be in your apartment ... what apartment number do you have, Gena?

Then you, Gena, you will go to your apartment beforehand, and then, and all the others, gradually, after you, and of course, she! I quickly left the room, followed by this company dumped me. The guys sat at the table, which I had already sat down.

Misha said loudly to all the dancers, “we ask everyone at the table to drink the jubilee’s health!” Everyone who danced happily sat down at the table, after several toasts, Misha got up and turned on the music again. He approached my wife and asked me for permission, - Allow the sir, your lady?

- Go ahead! Sir huy! - I told him, restraining myself. Many, too, rose from the table and began to dance. Misha danced like a decent gentleman, not snuggling, but gently holding Irinka by the waist. I left the room on purpose, and after a while, when I looked into it, Misha was already holding Irinka tightly by her ass, and, clinging to her, said something in her ear.

All the other guys looked at her with lust, and talked among themselves, without taking their eyes off her, probably discussing her virtues as females. The dance ended, and I entered the room again, and sat at the table, Irinka, on the contrary, left the room. A few minutes later, she came in and beckoned me with her hand, I got up and walked over to her.

- Dear, they called me from work right now, they asked me to come for a few hours, they can't cope with something there, they can't find the documentation. I, as soon as I finish there, so immediately come here by taxi. You’ll probably stay up here late all night ?! Well, I went, okay, honey? I will instantly help them deal with the documentation there, and come. All I kiss, dear!

She, having kissed me, began to gather. I noticed how Gena came out and with him three of those six guys, and Irinka followed. Apparently decided not all at once, but in turn, so as not to attract attention.

My friends with the remaining three guys and Yuri, were again at the loggia and were discussing something. I listened, Yuri said, - Well, not so, he is your friend! - So what?! What if he has a wife whore! Do not lose anything from him! If we do not smack her, then others will still be!

Everyone tried to convince Yura, saying, she is a prostitute! So what if she's a friend's wife! It will be our friend! Chick she is so cute! Cool! Why miss this opportunity? Acne does not know! We three together have been with her more than once! She herself likes to fuck! Yurok, do not live in the clouds, be in reality! She is a whore! Do not miss your chance!

Soon they came in, all the guests sat down again at the table, drank, moved toasts, had a snack. Then, again, everyone, already drunk, began to dance. Several men searched for Irinka’s eyes, one of them could not stand it, and asked the birthday man, - and here such a bright lady was, I don’t see something, don’t know where she is?

- Yes, I left for a short while on business, I will soon arrive, I promised. - Yuri told him. About an hour and a half later, one of the three who were in the apartment of Gena’s neighbor, with my wife, arrived. His face beamed, he shook Misha's hand, - thank you! Everything was awesome! Just fantastic! She is really super!

The rest eagerly asked him - well, how? How is she? But he, nodding in my direction, said, “well, not here I will tell you.” Give at least a drink, a snack, and then, let's go, come out, I'll tell and show, he pulled out and showed them his phone. There I nasnimal such! You oooo! One of the six, said - well, fuck you, wait! I went there myself! He got up and went out, and behind him, Vitek and Tolik jumped up and went out, with the words - we too, let's go, take communion! After drinking, the guys came to the loggia, after waiting a bit, I cautiously walked over and opened the curtain ajar.

The guys were a circle, looking at what was on the phone, the one of the guys that had already been with Irinka. - But! Check it out! This is my trophy! He pulled out of his pocket, the pink lace shorts that were on my wife today. Having shown them to everyone, he smelled them, and carried them in front of everyone’s nose - class, yes ?! I first took them off her, and the first one stuck to her! And she's so cool there!

About forty minutes later, my two friends returned, and they were replaced by Misha and two guys. After another hour, the two guys came that they were the first to leave, and they again gathered at the loggias, excitedly talking about their exploits, and discussing the intimate merits of my wife.

They are two, and two of my friends, persuaded the already drunk Yura to go there, saying, “Yes, make yourself a gift!” Such an opportunity may no longer be, go, it is just super! Yes, look at the photo! Look, what a cool one! Yurok, well, admit it, you wanted to see her without a dress?

And now, it can be seen firsthand, not only in the photo, but really, to bruise her elastic breasts, count up, she did not give birth, they poured her, stand! Nipples up, hard, big! Fuck her with cancer, and they smoothly and heavily sway! And what a pussy! Gently shaved all, her big plump sponges, went to the sides, and the wet and slippery hole has now opened up like a rosebud, and how good it is inside ..., hot, cool!

Clitoris swelling from excitement, sticking out between the lips, big, red! She is now in ecstasy! Podmahivaet just super! Ass twists! You saw what her ass ?! Imagine, you fuck her with cancer, and she is in front of you, this beauty ..., and she also walks, turns, twists, turns her around your dick! And how she moans! I have not seen the best whore!

Go Jura, and then later, you will only see her in a dress and lick her lips, but bite your elbows, wishing that you missed such an opportunity to fuck such a cool chick! Take it off yourself, as a souvenir, will have something to remember and boast to your comrades! Not every such female fucked!

You take it off yourself, with your dick, and in your mouth and pussy, she is without complexes, allows herself to shoot, even willingly poses, tell her, stand up and she becomes, tell her to look at the camera when she and your dick mouth and she looks. Just admire yourself, we each took it off, everyone has a photo with his dick in her pussy and mouth, - they showed her photo to Yuri.

- Okay! Persuaded! But what if the guests lose me? - Yes, do not be afraid of you, whatever we are, let's say to them, and you will tear yourself off with her for an hour. - Listen, and I will take with me that man, this is my old comrade, he is already stuck with Irina, everyone asked me where she was and when she would come.

- Yes, no problem, take it, go! - I will not tell him that he is waiting for him there, I will surprise him, let his eyes roll out of surprise! Guys, and how can it be, with rubber, or without, is it possible? - Yura, you are a birthday boy, you can be without rubber, she is clean, she’s married, she’s sitting there, and you know it well yourself. We fuck her without rubber, and the rest are all with rubber.

So you can without rubber, you will feel her vagina from the inside, count it up, you will know what your friend Vitalik feels! This forbidden fruit is now available to you, you can know what was available only to her husband, feel what only he felt!

Now his wife will be completely in your hands! Do whatever you want with her! You can even finish it, she has a spiral worth it! Cum to her there, and then another in the mouth! She sucks cool, and swallows cum, and a member carefully licks, count, so she does it sexually, like a popsicle licks! - Well, that's it! You excited me with your conversations, I already have! Everyone persuaded me to go! I'll give Irku, I want to fuck her for a long time! Now I will take my camera and go, fuck her, but take a photo!

Yura approached the peasant who was interested in Irinka, said something to him, and they left. I thought, well, and Yura did not resist the temptation, while he was sober, he held on and drank, and there too, as everyone. I thought that, probably, it was a retribution for the fact that my wife was beautiful, men always stared at her, she was always and always in the center of attention.

How good my friends are, no one stares at their wives, because they don’t need a damn thing, and they don’t need to be jealous of anyone ... their nerves are calm. But no, I would not want such a wife either. I remembered the saying: "It is better to smell the rose in a crowd than shit alone." Nevertheless, it is better to have one that is beautiful, but accessible to all, what kind of crocodile, which no one is looking at.

And even better not to marry at all, just like my friend Oleg, he so many beautiful girls screwed up ... and now my wife ... and not any obligations, problems, jealousy. But then I remembered, like Oleg himself, he said that he was jealous of me, you can’t please people, and it’s so bad, and everyone is not happy with what they have, and they are jealous of others. No wonder they say that in a strange garden apples are sweeter.
In general, to marry badly, and not to marry badly, I remembered one joke: "When I get tired of living well, I will marry, and I will suffer like all normal people."

I danced a little, with some pretty girl, until the jealous man approached her, the guy who apparently smoked on the balcony before, and I sat down at the table, sat and drank. I had pretty much picked up when, finally, by nine o'clock, the whole company returned, and after them Irinka and Gena, all the men immediately paid attention to her. Gene loudly, for everyone, he said, - but I met Irina in the doorway, she had just returned from work.

Irinka's eyes were burning, and her hair was loose, the hairpins were not on them, with her hair loose, she looked even sexier. Irinka came up to me, saying - well, see, dear, I quickly turned around, I see that the party is only in full swing, and how are you without me here? Not with anyone spun? And then look at me! Okay, I'll go to the table, have a bite, I'm very hungry.

So, she fucked herself, but she suspects me of something, is jealous, - I thought. To the place, I remembered one anecdote: “Wife to husband: where have you been? - At the bachelor party. I suppose they shot one fuck and fought her all night? !!!! - Not. What makes you think ... - Oh, come on !!! As if I was not a bachelor party ... ".

She sat down at the table, opposite the guys who had fucked her recently, she was immediately poured with wine, she ate and drank. I noticed that the top button on her dress was unbuttoned, and from this, the neckline was even deeper. Her cast breasts strove to fall out of the neckline, it was immediately obvious that her bra was not there, which was confirmed by the nipples sticking through the tight-fitting dress.

Nearby the sitting men, the boyfriends, constantly poured her, she drank, laughed, talked about something with them, Irinka was already drunk, and she was all poured. Those guys that fucked her, along with my friends, sat opposite, drank and, with a smile, indulgently looked at her boyfriends, who, trying to unwind her, talking to her, fed her.

They had blurred, shiny faces, they were satisfied, today they knew her all, were filled with her, and now they looked like others, a few men, trying to solder her, take care of her. They clearly felt their superiority over them, as they had recently experienced what they could only dream of.

Sometimes, laughing, they talked among themselves, looking at new suitors. I even heard one of them say, - well, then what? Well, they fueled her, well, let's say they break, but where? Where will they fuck? Yes, and my husband is sitting here!

- Yes, hula husband, he is already in the ass drunk, he sits, nose bites, will soon be cut out, - said one of the guys, about me. While we were flogging his woman, he was fucking dumbfounded! I was really drunk, but not so much as to stop thinking, and therefore, hearing these conversations, I pretended that I was completely drunk in the trash.

When they once again looked at me, I was holding an empty glass in my hands, pretending that I had just drunk vodka, and then I laid my head on the table. - Everything! Ready! Hubby in touch! - They laughed.

I put my head on my hands, turning it so that they could be seen, and opened my eyes slightly, and no one paid any attention to me. Everyone was already drunk, the guests gathered in groups of several people and spoke animatedly and loudly, immediately drinking. Most of them were in the room where there was a balcony, since everyone smoked there and talked.

Others, played in another room, some cards, some lotto games, and some were already going home. In this room, there were only my friends, six of their new comrades, a neighbor, Gena, my wife and three men, already in the years, who took turns inviting her to dance, caring for her in vain. There were also two more young couples who, already drunk, danced and kissed without noticing anyone around.

Several people, noisily talking, went into this room for a drink. Seeing me lying at the table, the women said to the peasants, - let's put him in a chair! The men, taking me by the arms, gently dragged me and sat me in a chair that stood in the corner of the room.

Now, I comfortably reclined in an armchair, pretending to be drunk in the ass, I no longer calmed my eyes, lying at the table, and fell out of their sight, moving to the corner of the room. All those present saw how they dragged me and sat me in a chair, now, knowing that I was in a cut, no one paid any attention to me anymore, and I opened my eyes a little and saw well what was happening in the room.

The guests, having drunk and ate, left the room, from the young, one couple remained, who were reclining on the sofa and kissing, not paying any attention to anyone. One of the adult men who cared for Irinka got up and dimmed half the light, saying - the darkness is a friend of the youth!

I heard Misha say to the rest, two friends, - and what, let's help the peasants? - In terms of? - Well, in the sense that we will hand it over to them for a while, while Vitalik is drunk asleep. And they are good, and we grandmother with them poimeem! - Lets do it! Well done Misha! This is an idea! - Let's go to the loggia, we will smoke, and then I will offer it to them, they are probably rich dudes. - And Jura has all the rich comrades, then the bankers, then what kind of firms ..., and they left.

At this time, Irinka and her three boyfriends came up and sat down at the table. Ira, let's drink some more for your health! They poured her a glass of wine, she drank it, and they immediately poured her another. - What are you guys, I just drank! - Ira, they say that after the first and second, the gap is small! Let's drink for your beauty!

They clinked glasses and drank, Irinka was already drunk, and they poured her a third glass of wine. - Ira, God loves a trinity! Let's make a toast to you! You are such an amazing woman! They drank more. She laughed loudly, and they showered her with complements, I sat on the side of them and saw everything. One of the men, one hand, hugging her waist, and his other hand was on her thigh, stroking him. Another man, sitting on the other side, hugging her, had already laid his hand on her ass. The third man, who remained on the sidelines, came up, took Irinka by the hand, and pulled her from them, saying, “Irochka, let's dance with you!”

They danced, the man pulled her to himself, Irinka, who was already drunk, just laughed, the music ended and he was immediately replaced by another boyfriend, at that time the guys entered. They sat down at the table, pouring themselves a drink, and Michael, going up to the dancers, told them - let me lend your lady!

- No, we will not allow! Still did not dance with her! - Replied one of the men. - Yes, I will not ask you! This is my girlfriend! Michael pushed the man and began to dance with Irina. The men wanted to regain such a desired female, and rushed at Michael, but then they got up from the table, the other guys.

- Hey! Dear! Let's go sit down! Have a drink with us! They stood in confusion, looking at Irinka and Mikhail, then at these guys, but then, nevertheless, they came up and sat down at the table. Michael, dancing, undid all the buttons on her dress, and now, her breasts fell out of the neckline.

Having danced so little, he, to the amazement of the men, pulled them completely out of the dress, then took one breast and began to suck her nipple. Then Michael, with one hand lifted her dress, and the other, firmly took her ass. The men were so frozen with glasses in their hands, opening their mouths and bulging eyes, they did not look up, eagerly looked at this shocking spectacle for them.

Mikhail continued to shock them, with one hand he held the dress up, and with the other, he climbed between her legs. She was sideways to those who were sitting at the table, and they had a great view of her mouth-watering shapes. Her ass protruded back, long legs in black stockings, bare breasts, with big nipples sticking out of excitement.
True wife and SexWife photo The men were shocked by this sight, in front of them was the object of their desires, and to their great surprise, there was no underwear under her dress. All of her charms, thanks to Misha, were visible, only her pussy was covered by the hand of Michael lying on her.

Irinka, bent, throwing her head, and sticking out her ass, and her beautiful, long hair, reached almost to her ass. Mikhail kissed her breasts and caressed her pussy, finally, the music ended, and Mikhail lowered her dress, removing his hand from her pussy.

At the table everyone began to drink, and Mikhail took Irinka a little to the side, and told her, now you will go with those three. “But Misha, I served all of your comrades today, right there, my husband is right there, and if he wakes up, then what should he say, where have I been ?!

- Ira, you probably forgotten? Do I remind you of something? - Sorry, Misha ...

- Correctly express bitch! “Sorry, master ...” - Repeat what I am for you? - Boss ..., I'm sorry, my host, I understood everything, I will do everything, as you say ...

Go right now with Gena! He shouted at Gena, - Gena! Take her away! Gena got up and they already went, but Mikhail called her, - Wait, Ira! She stopped in front of the table. - Guys, stand in the door! So that no one came! Four guys got up in the aisle of the doors, blocking them with themselves, there was no one else in this room, the lovers had already left, so only this company remained.

- Well, ka, show yourself Irochka! She looked at Mikhail imploringly. - Well! Come on, quick! Irinka turned her back to those who sat at the table - unbutton! One of the men unzipped her back, on the dress.

Irinka looked at me, making sure that I was sleeping, she looked at the doors that covered the guys, and took off her dress. She was completely naked, not counting stockings on her legs. - Twist! - Said Michael. Irinka slowly turned to the seated, side, back, other side and again in front.

- Dance! Irinka began to twist her pelvis, making rotational and sweeping movements. Then one of the guys standing in the door, whistled slightly and waved his hands. - All, get dressed! Irinka pulled on a dress, but did not have time to fasten the zipper from behind, when a noisy, cheerful company entered the room. - And you, what, here, dance everything? - They asked cheerfully. Oh oh One dancer is ready! Resting! - They meant me, and in that room, two more people are just relaxing on the sofa, the guys walked cool! Well, let's drink for the road! And then we are already leaving, let's guys pour!

All began to drink, drunk conversations, noise and din began. Irinka and Gena came out under the guise, and Michael, beckoned with the finger of these three men, and they came out. After a while, Mikhail came in alone, with a satisfied face, he sat down with the other two friends.

They sat at the end of the table, as the rest of the place was taken by the newly surging guests, who took their last leave and drank at last. The guys were not far from me, and I could hear something through noise and din. Mikhail said to the others, they paid off in dollars, I pushed the price to them, so they didn’t even bargain, for they were very eager for her!

Two of those six guys came up to them, the others, four, had already said their goodbyes and got dressed standing at the door. About an hour later, Gena came in, he drank and said, - that’s how the men went! It seems to be age already, and tearing it up without a break! I also have it, I also inserted a wand!

One man has a helicopter there! Four ears are on all sides! So Irinka already squeals under him! Fuck and still have time to shoot! I also took them off! Here is a photo, look! There is a video! - He handed the guys his camera.

Two guys could not stand it and asked Michael, - but can we still go, we will insert it into Razik? Yes, go ahead! No pity! If he wakes up, Misha nods at me, then we will distract him, and whoever, quickly drives you to him and tells him to round out, go!

The guys left, the guests gradually dispersed, some women dragged their fellow muzhiks. Yura came in, - phew! Finally, everyone has sent off! - He said, pouring himself a vodka, and that Acne, passed out, all asleep?

- Yes, he was bewildered on the glusnyak! While Irochka and I were having fun, he apparently, out of boredom, and even for free, plucked up, so now the dude is resting! And the woman pissed him again! - How do they flog, who? - Yuri asked. - And what if no one, such a chick smack?
Yura said - I, too, still want her! - So go to your neighbor, he ran there again, only now. - Well, I went! Guys, if my wife remembers me, tell her that I went to accompany the guests, and Yura went out.

I sat and listened to their markets, but still tired of pretending to be drunk and fell asleep for real. I woke up because Irinka pushed me, - Hey, hubby, wake up! It's time to go home, are you going to spend the night here? Get up, go home!
I glanced at Irinka, she looked tortured, her eyes sunk, but, nevertheless, they burned with fire, the peasants could see that she was well pumped with energy. She herself was drunk, her hair was disheveled, and all the buttons on the dress were unbuttoned, apparently, she no longer paid attention to it, being drunk. None of the guys was already there, I looked at my watch, it was three in the morning. Yura came up to me, - Well, how are you? Here, sober! And he handed me an open bottle of beer. I drank it in one gulp, he handed me another one, after opening it.

It was a nice walk! - He said, everyone admired your wife! Everyone wanted to dance with her, did not let her go, she today danced so much ... she must be very tired ... - I shouldn't be tired! - Said Irinka, I am falling from my feet! Have danced me today! My legs hurt ... my whole body ...

I came to my senses, and then it dawned on me, I remembered how the guys transferred everything to Yurin's computer, from their cameras, cameras and mobile phones - what they all took together today, so that later, from the general heap, to throw myself on the flash drive all that the rest of them filmed.

I asked Yura, - listen, buddy, but can I get into your computer for a while, tomorrow I have to find something for work, and mine, the infection, hangs. - Yes, no problem, let's go, and he took me to the room where there was a loggia, there was a computer desk. - Here, turn on! Do what you need! And Yura left, leaving me alone.

I quickly opened all the folders by selecting "Sort by date", and found the folder for today's date, with the name: "Birthday". Opening it, I saw that I was not mistaken. There were several folders in it, a total number, a little more than there were those who flogged her today. Sixteen folders, and all the name: "Porn with Irochka." I searched the discs with my eyes, and I saw on the shelf next to it, DVD discs. Quickly inserting one, I threw several folders on it, and began copying them onto it, so I copied all the folders to three discs.

Quickly hiding them in my pocket, I could not resist and opened one of the folders, there was a bunch of photos and a few videos. I opened the photo and saw three naked men, those who cared for her so, and with whom she passed for Misha’s money. They fucked my wife in a variety of poses, one by one, and two by two, and three at a time.

So, while I was sleeping, all participants threw everything they had taken today, and surely, each of them took all the materials that everyone had. I opened another folder and at the first photo I saw, I saw a pretty smiling Yura, who sucked Irinka, in the next photo I had a close-up of her face, with his cock in her mouth. In other photos, Yura is already on her, close up of his dick in her pussy, he fucks her with cancer, holding her breasts. In the following photos, she is lying sideways, his cock is in her, her pussy with his cock is clearly visible, Yura himself is holding a glass of vodka, clinking glasses with one of the men, who gives Irinka in his mouth.
I opened the video, removing the sound, Yura hollowed Irinka on it, ends up in it, and then pulls out his penis and admires her vagina, from which sperm flows. In another video, he cums in her mouth, she swallows his cum and licks cock. I closed the video, everything is enough, otherwise I was already excited and I was already standing. And then, God forbid, Jura will come in and see everything! I turned off the computer and went into the room, it was quiet there, only in the kitchen, the hostess banged plates.

I slowly walked over to the room and looked in there, there was no one there, then I went to the balcony. Slowly coming up to him, I heard a smack. I looked in there and saw kissing Yura and Irinka. Her breasts were bare, and his hand between her legs, he caressed her pussy. Looking up from her lips, he began to kiss her breasts. - Irish, when can I see you again? “All through Misha,” she said, agree with him. If he tells me to meet with you, then I will meet, and so I can not, otherwise he will punish me if he finds out.

- How will he punish you? - How how! As already punished! He gave me some kind of fraternity for three days to use, they took me somewhere outside the city, and used all three days to the fullest, when they themselves got tired, their friends came ... well, they gave me away so that I could hardly drag my legs. Misha came for me and took me, saying that if I again disobeyed, he would give me up for a week to use, or he would tell Vitalik everything and praise me to the whole city.

Since then, I am afraid to disobey him, doing everything he tells me. Yura was already very excited and having raised Irinki's dress, put his dick in her, fucking her in the stand, having had sex for about five minutes, he put her on cancer, and finished it in five minutes. Irinka quickly leaned over his cock and sucked him. - Oh! I have all the thighs flowing! - She said.

I went out to the hall, I waited for them, thinking - that is what a fucking bitch I have wife, whores! Fucked, can not stop! What she was a whore! Where is her modesty, shyness !? It was not enough for her today, so she is still now, and with such a risk, on the balcony ..., at any moment, both I and Yurina's wife could come in ...

It is not enough for her to have a case in the park when she fell into a bondage to the locals, and through them, and to Misha into slavery to sex, you see, the lesson is not in vain! Finally, they came in, surprised that I was already sitting here. Misha handed me a bottle of brandy - this is for you on a hangover! And this is your beautiful wife, for the fact that today she has decorated our evening! And he handed her a bottle of expensive wine.

We said goodbye to him and left. Arriving home, I offered her a drink, he refused, but I insisted, - Come on, little wife! We haven't had a drink together for so long! Let's just sit for a while together and talk! I persuaded her to drink, she was already so drunk, had not yet departed, and, probably, was intoxicated from excessive sex.

She wanted me to open the wine, but I insisted on brandy. I told her how I love her, how beautiful she is, that all my friends envy me. I showered her compliments and praised her, she melted away from it, and did not break anymore, but drank with me, and I poured and poured everything to her.

Finally, seeing that she was already drunk, I grabbed her and carried her to the bed. - Vitaly, what are you doing ... I began to kiss her, and then, pulled off her dress, and kissed her breasts, she stopped resisting, then I went to her vagina. I kissed, caressed her clit with my tongue, and inserted two fingers into the vagina, it was all wet, slippery and, spacious ... I put in my third finger, she began to breathe heavily and moan, - the little wife got aroused.

By stimulating her so, I inserted her fourth finger, she was already moaning loudly, and I still licked her clit, finally, I decided to introduce her and all the fingers. I took out my fingers and dipped my thumb into her vagina, richly smearing it with grease, and then, and the back edge of my hand, all that is higher than my thumb.

My whole hand was slippery, in her discharge, and I began to insert my hand into it. At the same time, I kissed, licked and sucked her clit, she moaned loudly, and surprisingly, did not pull back my hand, but she began to actively push herself on her with her vagina, her pelvis, did forward movements, she pulled her vagina on my arm!

Finally, the whole hand was in it! These were very sharp and unusual feelings for me, for the first time I felt the female vagina with a hand from the inside. Finally, I felt these antennae from the spiral that stands in her uterus.

I realized that the guys, whose members were reaching out to her uterus, were experiencing and came across these antennae. Indeed, they were harsh, and, probably, they pricked their heads until it went further, pushing the uterus up.

I fucked her hand! Irinka howled and strongly waved to me. She was ecstatic, drunk, she completely forgot that she had no underwear, forgot that she had to squeeze her vagina, when she was with me, and now her pussy was the same as those who had big dicks knew.

With the others, she probably squeezed her, as well as with me, because I myself heard from many men how they praised her vagina, calling it elastic, and even narrow. But now she was drunk and lost control of herself. Inside her vagina was not so crowded. Like at the entrance, and I squeezed my fingers in half, continuing to actively fuck her with my hand.

Then, I turned around so that my dick was near her face. Suck a bitch! - I said rudely. Suck Whore! Suck fuck! Come on bitch, take it deeper in your mouth! Surprisingly, she swallowed my penis, without any problems, and then I felt what I heard about so much from the men.

She sucked and really great! She with all the passion, masterfully sucked my dick, and I rammed her with my own hand, her vagina made gurgling and slurping sounds. Then I turned her over with cancer and put a point in it.

She did not recoil from me, but on the contrary, began actively podmahivat, sitting down on my cock. Irinka moaned loudly and screamed in a fit of passion, - more! More Fedya! Still! Having fucked her like that for ten minutes, I could not stand it and finished her ass.

After that, I rolled onto my side, we hugged, and fell asleep. In the morning, I woke up first, she was still asleep, I took the blanket off her and looked at her. On her breasts there were several large hickeys, I spread her legs, on the inner sides of her thighs, there were also hickeys, her vagina was all worn out, ajar and still red. There were bruises on her thighs and ass, purplish-blue fingerprints, and her whole ass was scratched with her nails.

I covered her with a blanket, went, finished off the remnants of brandy and, opening the computer, began to watch what I stole from Jura from his computer. At four o'clock she woke up - dear, what are you doing? I approached her, asking - can you bring wine?

But she all shuddered and said, “yuck!” Do not remind me of alcohol! Am I an alcoholic or something to hang over ?! Yesterday, so plucked ... like a fool! I remember badly the rest of the evening ... but I don’t remember at all! What did we do there at the end? How and when did they go home?

She wanted to get up and took off the blanket, but she saw hickeys on her chest and thighs, and with surprise and fear, she opened her eyes wide, seeing that I was looking at her, she again pulled the blanket abruptly, looking at me in a frightened way . I enjoyed this spectacle, it is not clear what thoughts at that time, flashed through her head.

Probably, she thought that everything, caught red-handed, and what will happen now, how can I explain this, and even with the hangover my head did not work. She looked at me, her face expressed strong fright, she was ready just about to cry.

I felt sorry for her, and I said, saving her, - Darling, you excuse me, I was drunk yesterday, and gave you a hickey everywhere. She fell down like a mountain, she sighed with relief and joyfully exclaimed, what are you, dear, what nonsense! From such an unexpected turn, who saved her, she immediately came to life, jumped, and began to kiss me.

I happily finished a bottle of wine, which she refused. Irinka took a bath, we ate and I asked her, and do you remember how we had sex with you yesterday? - No ... and we really did? - Yes, you were engaged, see, I’m drunk aspirations for you?

She looked at me suspiciously, and you remember what happened yesterday? She knew exactly who had been hired up by her, but apparently decided that I was drunk and didn’t remember what happened, and ascribed it to myself, to her great relief.

Watching the news on TV, I heard the call, she picked up the phone and went to the balcony, going to him, she began to talk to someone. I slowly went to the balcony and listened. - Misha, Misha, please! Well, I beg you! Misha, well, I am very tired yesterday, my whole body hurts, and everything hurts there, fucked me yesterday ... so many people were ...

Misha, well, I can not! Misha, well, let me go, please, let me rest for a day or two ... Okay! I agree! I rest for two days, and I will be with them for two days, I agree! Only now let me rest, stay at home, but my husband does not see me at home at all!

Okay, Misha, we agreed, on Wednesday I will call you, and you will tell me where to go. Yes, of course, it is better if they take me by car. It will be those yesterday that were with me? Okay, Misha, everything, bye.

Yes, Misha took her into circulation, - I thought. That evening, I again began to excite her, like yesterday, but today, she was already different with me, she restrained and controlled herself. And when we fucked her, in her pussy, it was all very narrow again, she again kept her in good shape, squeezing the trained muscles of her vagina.

Surprisingly, she ended up with me, was excited and passionate. - Honey, give me a blowjob! - I said. - you what? Is it already something? Am I a whore? Immediately I remembered the anecdote: “My husband, lying on the couch with a newspaper, says to his wife, fumbling in the kitchen: dear, give me a blowjob! His wife says evil to him, “Or maybe you can even suck a dick!”

I restrained myself, in order not to finish any longer, we kissed her, and I asked her - say, and do you love me? What a stupid question, of course, I love! - She answered sincerely.

- Did you cheat on me? She pulled away from me, looking intently into my eyes, as if trying to understand if I knew what, and said, what a stupid question you have today! Of course, did not change! What are you, love! I don't need anyone except you! Silly you at me! I love you, why do I need someone else ?!

Darling, and you will not change me? - I continued to bend my topic. - Of course not! I will not! You what What do you think horrible? Well ka tell me, where did you get such thoughts about my betrayal? What do you think, if I danced with everyone, it means that I can lie down, under each one? Well, well, you think about your wife! Well, I did not expect this from you, hubby! What the fuck are you ?!

She broke up, and I broke her off, unexpectedly asking for her - did you find your swimming trunks with a bra? She immediately shut up, not knowing what to say, and looking at me in fright. I waited for an answer that she would come up with a tell me.

She asked me carefully, “What, I was looking for them yesterday?” - Well, I do not know, when I took off your dress, you were without underwear. - And what did I tell you? - You said you probably left in the bathroom. Come on, I'll go see them there? - She clung to me - no! No need to go anywhere, I remembered, I put them in the laundry, and took off in order to make you a surprise - you take off my dress, and I'm already naked!

Deft twists, comes up with an excuse for himself, I thought. During the night, I slaz on it three times, she really very quickly recovers, as Oleg once said to me. It seems that both her body and her entire sexual sphere have become accustomed to such a load, - several people at the same time, for her the usual thing. Her vagina, after such orgies, no longer has such a terrible look as before, it, of course, becomes swollen and red, wide open, but it is already quickly restored, coming back to normal very quickly, and finding its usual form, elasticity is restored and tonus, I was convinced again today.

In just one day, it turned from a plowed plow, into which my hand went without difficulty, into a usual pussy. Well, perhaps just that, her big sponges were widely spread to the sides, exposing the entrance to the vagina, which was, now always, slightly ajar.

But still, she is a prostitute, and a local whore, in one person, who fuck almost every single day, and this is her professional qualities, her vagina has adapted to the load, and has taken the most convenient for this form. And if she did not train the muscles of her vagina, then my cock would fly in it, like a sparrow in a barn.

The next day off, bestowed upon her by Michael, she told me that she was going on a business trip again, and did not know how much. Kissing me, she left, and I came out after him, heard the heels rise up, Fyodor, probably, was already waiting for her, and she, too, bored, hurried to him. And the next morning, I heard the neighbors talking at the entrance, one said the other - again Fyodor brought some fucking to her, moaning all night and screaming like a slice.

She appeared only after a week, so it began to repeat constantly, apparently, she was torn between Mikhail, who exploited her, and the locals, and it is still unclear how she managed to serve Oleg with his people and earn money by selling herself to rich clients.

I didn’t go to free shows anymore, in the form of group sex with my wife and local ebaris, which I had seen before, standing under an open window, in one of the apartments where they whipped her on Fridays. I did not go for the simple reason that it was autumn, it was cold, and the windows began to close.

So the whole winter passed, the wife rarely appeared at home, all her free time, she spent with Fedya, practically living there, with him. I regularly visited a prostitute Irina, and had already become accustomed to her, even began to be bored when I had not been to her for a long time. But I was, as a rule, twice a week, although I would like more.

She was both beautiful and good at sex, and she could talk with her on various topics, she was very clever, which is very rare, since among whores, stupid girls most often come across as traffic jams. My wife is a whore, fucking with other men, and I with another whore. So our family was now purely symbolic.

Life went on as usual, with the events described above, at the birthday of Yuri, eight months had passed. There was a lot of things, I was more than once impressed with the adventures of my wife, for this winter, she was probably retrained by our entire array.

Irinka really became a local landmark, sex star of the district, or, sex queen of the yard, as she was often called by local guys. More than once, being in different places and companies, I heard such conversations - there you have on an array, such a cool whore lives ... who called her a whore and who, an elite prostitute, but that now many people knew her - fact!

Here is another case confirming this. As I met two old friends with whom I was still studying, we hadn’t seen each other for a long time and they offered to get ready to sit, drink, talk. They said they were going on Saturdays, in the apartment of one dude, their boyfriend, who lived alone, and was a good womanizer.

I arrived at the appointed time, in addition to my old friends, there were eight more people with whom I was introduced. We had fun, drank and talked, and as always, after a certain amount of alcohol, we started talking about women.

After a brief conversation on this topic, the landlord said, and if you want, I will show you a photo of a heifer, you will lick your fingers !? - Come on! Of course, show! The owner of the apartment, his name was Egor, said, now I will bring it from the computer to the monitor! A huge screen hung on the wall, and images appeared on it.

Egor opened the desired folder and, clicking on the photo, said, here it is, enjoy it! The photo was my wife, Irinka. - Here I have everything selected consistently, first she is wearing clothes, then in her underwear, and then without anything completely naked!

And then, the most interesting - she is in a group orgy! Photos apparently were fresh, recent, since Irinka was wearing a fur coat and a winter hat with a scarf. Apparently, she was filmed when she came to someone, and was still wearing clothes. Then, send a photo where she was in different dresses and skirts made at different times.

Then we went to the photo, where she was only in underwear, then with bare breasts, but in swimming trunks, and, finally, completely naked. There were a lot of photos where Irinka was in different poses, and standing, and lying and sitting ..., in some photos, she clearly posed, smiling at the camera, and at others, she was just shot by someone, at different times.

- How do you? How a hen ?! - Awesome! - They spoke in the voice of the guys. Good Breast is what she has! Already worth it! She is probably not yet giving birth, not married? - Of course, not giving birth, but married! - Said Yegor. - Oh, fuck, she's married! Do not drive us!

What kind of husband would live with such a whore !? - Yes, I'm serious! I answer for the market! She is married - What does her husband know? - No, of course, he does not know, but his friends know him, and they have it in full! Well, just not lucky dude that his wife was a whore! He married a beautiful woman, thought, probably, that she was decent, and he would be faithful, and she turned out to be a whore.

It was necessary to take the target, but not to rely on her assurances that she, allegedly, somehow by chance, by mistake and stupidity, happened once ..., so the target lost and ..., but only once it happened. Such noodles are usually sluts and are hung on the ears to their suitors. And they get married, specially, so that no one would think that she is a whore, everything is so for cover.

So this, too, found a burdock, okrutila it, chick, she is what! Here anyone would have a crush on her! - Yes, chick, she just fuck! - The guys said. No luck to her husband! - Oh, fuck, no luck! Lucky, and how lucky! Try to find yourself such a steal! Yes, I would be happy to live with this! Well, let them fuck to the left, but then, she is mine! - Spoke one of the guys.

The opinions of the guys diverged, they began to argue, some of them would like to have such a wife, despite the fact that she is a damn, and others said that you should live with a whore. Egor interrupted them, - so you will look further?

- Come on! Let's show on! Further various porn photos have already gone, there Irina fucked different guys, men, in different poses and places. Eblie her, and one by one, and two by two, and three, at the same time. These were different photos, different scales, and made from different angles, there were a lot of them, made at different times, in different places. Just then, I saw those photos taken by the guys on the day when Fedya first fucked her. There were those photos that Fedya himself was shooting then, I remember how I, wanted so much to see them, and suddenly I saw them here.

- Here is this huina! Fuck yourself! I wonder how many centimeters does he have? - Twenty-five centimeters, this is the minimum! Fuck how fat he is! Yes, and put yourself an ear! Nahuya his ear, with such a shaft !? Fuck ... how he pussy then stretched her! Here is a tool!

- I would be like that, I would go all the women in the district! - Or would you, no woman did not give! With such a fuck, not everyone can! - The guys have long discussed Fedin instrument. Then went to the photo, where she is in some cottage with a crowd of guys, there were photos and in nature, she is naked with the same guys, bathe, drink, and then, fuck her on a spread out blanket.

Watching all this, I was amazed, where only she was not fucked, and who only did not fuck her! There were even such photos where she was fucked in the car, a photo where she sucked in some kind of park, from a guy who was sitting on a bench. I was very impressed with the photo, where the bottleneck protruded from her pussy, so that was just super!

“But these photos are from the last ones,” said Egor, here, I fuck her! Indeed, there were many photos where Yegor fucked Irinka, and lying, and sideways, and cancer. Everywhere he posed, showing his thumb up. - How do you like this little face? In the photo, close-up, there was Irinka's face with his penis in her mouth, then, there was a photo of her face filled with sperm, and where she opened her mouth wide, filled with sperm. - My job! - Said Yegor. I was surprised by those photos, where she had on her pussy, had a hairstyle in the form of a mustache, a neat mustache, in the form of a Latin letter V, the same was a prostitute Irina.

But when did she manage to do it? Although, I have not seen her undressed for more than a month. I involuntarily broke the question, - And what, she still has such a hairstyle on her pussy? - Yes, she has been with her for two months now, and before that she had just had a pubic strip, but you saw it yourself.

I fucked her a week ago, she had one. Now she will always do this, is it really beautiful? - And where did you take so much of her photo, didn't you shoot it yourself? - I asked him again. So this collection of photos and videos, I begged myself, one of his chum, he has a lot more then with her!

- And who is he then? Where did he get so many materials? Egor laughed, - how did he come from ..., she is his woman! - Is he her husband or something? - Asked one of the guys. Well no! She's just his woman. He's something like a pimp, she has something to tell her, then she does. She listens to him implicitly! Afraid of him!

And I still have a bunch of videos with her porn! - So let's show! They asked his guys. Egor turned on the porn, it is a great instigator of all. After reviewing a few small clips, one of the guys said, “Everything, I already have! Let us order whores ?!
All supported him - just let the chicks order! But someone cooled their ardor, saying, - but you do not think that they will bring us, what be ugly? I last time ordered something to myself, they brought it to me three times, from different offices, and I refused all, I had to go to junkie, I jerked off, and I saved money! They brought different monsters, then thin, then fat like pigs, all drunken and smoked.

- That would be where to order ... - Listen, Egor, and you can arrange it for us? We would pay her well. Egor said - try, now call her. He dialed her number - Hello! Ira ?! Hi, this is Egor! It was heard, on the other end, a woman’s voice, “what else is Egor?” - Well, that ..., Well, that Saturday and I were with you ..., I was with Misha!

- Many were with me, what did you want? - And could you come to us, we are here with friends, they are your fans .... At the end, a voice rudely interrupted him - break off! Jerking off each other! Chao! And she hung up. I exulted, - great, their wife broke off.

But I was happy early, Yegor said, “Okay, now I’m typing Misha, maybe he can help, but only he is greedy for money, he just won't do anything, he will have to detach some money. Egor called Mikhail, - listen to Misha, can I order your Irina for the evening? We are sitting with our friends here, we are watching her porn ... so I want to see her personally!

It was heard how they answered there - a box of brandy and weaving from everyone! - Thank you Misha, we will put down, and how much can we take it? I did not hear that he answered him. But Yegor, happily said, that's all, agreed! But we have a box of cognac and weaving! - In rubles? - Asked someone. - Yes, in rubles. - So this is no problem! Let's throw off! - And how much does he give it to us? - Yes, at least how much! He is drunk in the ass, he says - fuck until you get bored! - Cool! The guys exclaimed, - and such a kral will not get tired of us for a long time! Walk the boys! Today we will have it off! We will enjoy our ends! We ought to buy more brandy! And condoms! - Added by someone.

- And when will she arrive? - Must call us herself! - Hera said. Soon the bell rang, - Hello! Address call! Where to drive? What language, something swallowed? Say where and when, this is Irina, if you do not understand. Hera called her address, and said - the faster you come, the better! Misha said you should be here in twenty minutes! He yelled to her.

- In twenty will not have time, let's, in half an hour! By seven in the evening I will be with you. She hung up. - Everything, men! Fuck up Coming soon! Let's throw lots, who for brandy and rubber runs! I walked away - I pass! Guys, I already need a home, business!

Then my phone rang, my wife called - dear, excuse me, but today we will not be able to sit in the evening, the authorities have now called, they urgently need a job. I thought - as soon as we, in a rare case, get together to be together, this “boss” calls her.
So hunt the guts to release this bosses! When either, I will not restrain myself and will do it with joy! The guys sent two couriers, to the store and the pharmacy, and everyone else began to watch porn, where the main character was my wife.

When it was ten minutes before seven o'clock, I drank with the guys for the road, and, asking them, would you shoot? - And how! Of course we will! Turning to my two friends, I asked, and then throw off something for me, what do you take off? - Yes, without a market! I left them the address of my mail, and, having said goodbye, left.

When I got out, I went to the playground, which was directly opposite the entrance, and it became so that I could not see from the entrance. I didn’t have anger on these guys, they didn’t know that it was my wife, unlike the rest of condoms.

Exactly at seven, a taxi drove up, and my wife got out of it, she was wearing a demi-season light jacket and a short, even very short, red skirt, her legs were toli, pantyhose, toli flesh-colored shoes, and high-heeled shoes. Irinka was without a headdress, with flowing hair, she looked very effective.

So I saw my wife whore come to order - a real prostitute! Just a classic look of the representative of the oldest profession! Irinka dialed into the intercom, the door opened, and she disappeared into it.

I was going to a stop and I thought - now these guys were lucky today, they will have a lot of fun with it! My wife is fucked by all my friends - comrades, neighbors and acquaintances, but not me. Everyone is lucky except me. As in a fairy tale, about Baba Yaga, - The hut is turned to everything in front of (my wife's front), but to me always with cancer!

But to whom how ..., in one old joke: The Armenian spoke in a hut, - listen, turned to Lesa before, and to my back, and yes !? And the cunning little hut, unlike everyone, did not turn its back on him, and even covered her ass with its hands! So, - "To each his own," - as it was written on the gates of one concentration camp.

The next day, I called one of my friends, - how did you spend your time yesterday? - Yes, fuck it easy! We still have a good time with her! - How? - I was surprised. “She should have left yesterday?” - And who said she should leave? Misha was drunk in the ass, he probably does not remember what he said, and he himself said - fuck until you get bored!

And we are not tired yet! Here we fuck her! Tomorrow let go, if of course he does not remember. And do not tell her to give ... Well, well, we told her that he told her to be with us all weekend. We yesterday, fucked her well, until three in the morning, and then, she stayed to sleep with Egor.

And today, she slept, took a shower, ate, we gave her a rest, a couple more hours, and here again, everyone gathered and set up her pussy to be beating! Listen to her howling! - I heard loud moans and cries of his wife. - Now I will bring my phone closer! Here, listen! I heard smacking sounds, and rhythmic slaps, about her ass. - How, class? This is her pussy so chomping! How good the bitch is! I asked him, took off anything? - Yes, we are still shooting! Then two more guys came to us, so they have great cameras! Guys specifically called them, one of them is a good photographer, so we fucking fuck up with anything! You must send everything, do not worry!

As I learned from my telephone conversations with friends, later, they had repeatedly called her to her, naturally paying for it to Misha. I have already come up with a plan for me to punish him, but I was broken by his Majesty, a case that put everything in its place.
Finally, here in Siberia, the long-awaited warmth arrived, it was the month of May, the bird cherry and the apple trees bloomed. Everything went on as usual, until the steady flow of the established life broke several unforeseen events, but about everything, in order.

On a warm May evening, I was sitting on a bench near my porch. It was Friday, and for sure, my wife was already at the local blatat, pleasing them. I did not intend to go to spy on this sight, so exciting to me, since it was not warm enough to open the windows, and you would see little through the closed window.

Now I really wanted her, because I had not been with a prostitute Irina for a long time, and I had a blunder ... but tomorrow my wife will be intercepted by my “friends”, and for the whole weekend, and even more, for a day - two will grab most often it happens.

Sitting on a bench, I thought with sadness that I needed to change something in this life, I was intoxicated by the smell of a blooming bird cherry tree, memories came pouring in, like me, being a kid, before my service, I also sat here and kissed Tanyukha. It was my first and very strong love, for the one who was now a wife, so hated by Igor.

She promised me that she would wait for me, she swore in love, and closer to the end of the service, one of her friends wrote to me that she was married. Tanka was always carried out on profit, and she fell for beautiful promises, a lying scoundrel, who told her that he and his parents were very rich people, and that he would buy her a nice apartment and a car, and would dress her according to the latest fashion squeak. .

When she saw him, it was too late, they got married, and they live in her apartment, instead of the promised choir. My memories were interrupted by a car driving up to the entrance, a dude came out of it in a strict suit, walked around it, and, opening the door, gave Tatiana's hand to the person who had gotten out of it. Wow, it is easy at the commemoration, - I thought, as if someone from above, considered my thoughts and materialized it in front of me.

Passing by me, she stopped, - What are you missing a neighbor? - Why, here I sit, I remember how once we were also sitting on this bench, when the bird cherry blossomed ... She, coquettishly smiling, sat down with me. It was strange, because for all the time, for so many years, we have only shakily greeted her, since I, having come from the army, rudely told her everything about who she is and what I mean. I think her.

- What is it that pulled you to such memories? I, too, sometimes remember you ..., I am very sorry that I did not wait for you then, I went beyond this tail of the tail ... “Hookruta,” it will be more correct, ”I added. She put the package she was holding on her hands and blurted the glass.

- What, booze, did you buy your crap? I asked. - Yes, he would have gone ..., I also booze, I will buy him! Will kill! I was treated at the workplace, here I had brandy and French wine. I can give you brandy ... will you? She took out a bottle of good brandy, - hold on!

I said - so maybe you drink it yourself? - No, I do not like strong drinks! But drink the wine! But how to open it? She twirled the bottle in her hands. - So are you going to drink it here? I asked in surprise, and only now I felt a slight smell of alcohol from her - she was drunk. - What am I supposed to drink at home with this freak? - Well, you chose him ... - Vitalik, well, do not start, but! - Nevermind! And let's go to me there and have a drink? - Well, so you have a beautiful wife there? She said wickedly. - No, not her, and today will not be, just like yours.

How do you know that my will not? - And I saw him leave the house. - Where did you go then? “Well, probably for fucking ass,” I told her. - She looked dumbfounded at me, and then, said, - and dick with him! Let it be at the blues! If only away from me!

So, we go to your neighbor? We went into the apartment, - settle down, I said. Now I will prepare a snack ..., - Acne, here, cut me. - She took out a stick of smoked sausage, and followed her, laid out chocolate, apples and tangerines.

- Is that, too, the authorities presented to you? - Yes, my boss loves me! Knowing that she works in one large company as a secretary, that is, as people say, a secretary, I just wanted to ask her, - And how do your superiors love you more - with cancer, on the table, or on the couch? But I restrained myself.

We drank, I drank cognac, and she wine, after a few glasses, we got drunk, she especially, since she was already drunk. - And come on brotherhood? She said. We drank on brotherhood, and stretched our lips to each other, putting the glasses, we began to kiss.

Soon already, I crushed her gorgeous breasts, and then, he took it in an armful and carried it to the bed. I began to undress her, and she tore off my clothes. Soon, she was already lying in front of me completely naked. She had a smart figure, she was about the same height as mine, tall, with long legs.

Despite the fact that she was a bit stout, she had a narrow waist and wide hips with a chic booty. Her breasts were larger than mine, but under their weight, she hung down, and unlike my wife's breasts, her nipples looked down. But the breast itself was molded, resilient, since it did not give birth either.

Tatiana was a natural blonde, with long hair and beautiful, bright, blue eyes. In short, a woman vamp! Surprisingly, her pussy was shaved, there was a small triangle on the pubic hair. I kissed her breasts and my hand caressed her pussy, which was already wet.

Before the army, I never saw her completely naked, she was virgin and said that everything would be afterwards, after the wedding, but this later, did not come…. And now, my youthful dreams come true! I threw her!

Inside she was cool, at first, I was afraid that after the big dick of her husband, she would feel bad for me, which was much smaller. But then, to my surprise, I saw that she really ended up beneath me. I fucked her for about twenty minutes, I couldn’t hold back any longer, and I told her everything, Tanya, I’ll finish now! - Cum in me! I have a spiral worth it! And I filled it with a full hole. We lay and talked, she told me - I loved you so much! - And why did you not wait for me? You see, Acne ..., you would have come from the army ..., a goal like a falcon, you had not a penny for your soul ...

But I needed to arrange my life ... and Igor seemed so wealthy to me, he said that he was a rich entrepreneur, now his company has made very large deals with foreign partners, and that he will soon be very rich, maybe even become an oligarch. He promised me trips abroad, on his own yacht ... and turned out to be yap.

I was a fool, I believed him, dreaming about a good life, and he, like a Latvian, only dick and soul! And there is no soul! Dick only one! Nature has created such a worthless person, but in order to somehow compensate for his shortcomings, she gave him only one dignity, dick, and he does not know how to use it!

But, as Honoret de Balzac said: “Long fuck, short life!” She said. And I, referring to my situation, said, and Guy De Maupassant said: “Luck is not a dick - you won’t take it in your hands!” We were lying and laughing. And then, I asked her, - and tell me Tanya, to you, with Igor's member, is better than mine?

She looked at me and said, “Okay, I will tell you a truth that is not pleasant to you!” She paused, waiting for my reaction. And I said - yes, I myself know the answer, you can not speak, and do not be afraid to offend me ..., I know that size does matter ...

She laughed - and the truth that is unpleasant for you is that you are an idiot! You Vitalik, lived to such years, and argue like a boy! Yes, size does matter, but equally important is the ability to use it! Do you know how my fuck? Like a rabbit! No horseradish feels a woman, jerking, just to get pleasure for yourself.

It is necessary for a man to feel a woman, and indeed, to be a man, and not like mine ..., he doesn’t look like a peasant at all! Here you are, man, real! I always liked your figure! I was good with you! Highly! I even finished several times! And you know, I already forgot when I finished with my, probably for the last time, even in the first year of our married life.

And now, I don’t give him anything at all, as in a joke, - my head hurts, I am tired, or I just send him to the dick! Especially now, I was leaving here, but I came, my neighbors here told me about him ... that he drove the women in my absence!

But imagine, he again convinced me that it was not his fault that they confused him with Fedya, that he lived under us, that it was so much howling at Fedya's women, and he just poached with friends, made some noise, so the neighbors thought about him He convinced me, you bastard, and I believed him.

All my life I've been lying! A few days later I began to do the cleaning at home, and from under the couch I swept away several used candy wrappers from condoms! Bastard! I arranged for him then! I wanted to drive him out of my apartment, but he got on his knees, let's ask for forgiveness .... Fool I, felt sorry for him, but I had to drive him out!

Spat me that buy us a cottage, car, yacht ... and he turned out to be poor like a church mouse! Yes, it turns out, he played in the casino, my money lost! I told her, “Tanya, you are to blame for yourself, it was not the man who was important for you, but his wealth, not you saw him, but his pompous significance, his yachts, cars ... so you flew, because led on the benefit.
She frowned, was silent, and I told her the story of how at that time, when I was engaged in karate, a guy came to our gym, he said that he, too, was engaged, and wants to practice with us. We checked him, he actually was not a bad athlete, took him to the team.

He said that he himself was from another city, had a row with his girlfriend and left, so as not to see her and quickly forget. So, he lived, then from one of us, then from the other, and constantly asked that not be from things, from each. Type - let me drive my sneakers, one, let me drive my Adidas suit, the other, and the third one, out of clothes.

So he was packed better than each of us, and had nothing of his own. He borrowed money in the same way, from one he took, to another, he gave it back on a new one! So he, how many girls fucked up, they all fell for him, or rather not for him, but for his appearance, they evaluated him according to what he was wearing!

In addition, he had a tongue under his tongue, he also knew how to hang noodles on his ears, like your Igor. Naturally, the girls he used, and threw, as they say, - he died, and left! And those went with snot, - here so to be bought on benefit!

And the whole story ended with the fact that he found a girl with very rich parents, and when they already wanted to play the wedding, riot police arrived at the gym, wrapped his hands, put handcuffs on him, and took him away, no one had seen him. It turns out that he was wanted, and on his account, there were several rapes, robberies, and even murder.

You need to see a man, Tanyuha, and not his wealth! When you don’t feel with your heart, then logic rests on gain, then you fly, it is easy to deceive such a person by drawing in his imagination beautiful images of a rich life! She said, - Well, forgive me, Acne! Sorry! I was a fool! Forgive me!

I thought that I was a fool too - when I learned that she was married, I began to search for death. He stuck his head in the very thick! Fool, in one word. Tanya said - and let me expel my, and you too, divorce yourself, and start living with you! Come on, and, Acne?

I told her that our train was gone, and that I love my wife. - So she walks from you! She cried out in anger. - And you, how do you know this? - My said! He said that you have a wife whore! - Yes, your asshole a lot that can slander! Where is your yacht with a cottage? He told you that too! She was silent. That evening, I slaz on her three times, by it was clear that she likes to be with me. It was wonderful that now, her husband, along with other men, fucks my wife, and I am at this time, fucking his wife.

I asked her, - Tanya, and you are changing Igor? She hesitated a little, and then said, “But how can I be without sex, I don’t give him, and I’m alive, I need!” I suggested - probably with the head? - Yes, with the boss, but not only. She was already drunk and therefore, frank with me.

I asked her - and with whom else? She replied - well, it still happens that two of his assistants, a secret ... and sometimes it’s necessary and what important guests may be satisfied, even, sometimes, often on Saturdays, I relax with them in the sauna - with our men's team.

So do you have group sex? - It comes! I need my job! And for the fact that I have sex with them, he almost every month, wherever he goes to the south, he sends me on a voucher, and he also writes a good bonus, which is it bad?

When I got a job, he immediately told me that with such data as mine, I would not have to work with my head, there are others for that. He said that if I had an interview, he would take me to work, with a substantial salary. And he said - everything, the interview began, and suggested that I undress.

I did not think long and undressed, I needed a job. He examined me and said, “That's all, you are accepted.” And after work, stay! So he began to fuck me, and then everyone else. I thought - here and there, again she grabbed for the benefit, the skin, as she was, remained so!

Still, I began to live with such! But to fuck her well, and the figure is cool, and fucking good, and she is good with me. And most importantly, everything is close by, lives in the same staircase! It's like Fedi and my wife - everything is close by! And I will not spend money on a prostitute, and now I can unload when I’m lying.

I asked her - do you like group sex? Tatiana, averted her eyes, - well, not bad ... I was persistent - so good, or like? - Yes, I like it! But this is not often, you do not think! “Yes, I know that not often, just once a week, on Saturdays,” I joked. But she took it literally, seriously, saying, - Yes!

If she had not been a blonde with blue eyes, I would have thought that she was Jewish, since this is the distinguishing feature of all Jews, - all to build only on profit. In the end, I offered her Tanya, and let me take a photo of you as a keepsake !?

- Why do you want it? - As why, I will look, you will remember! “And you don't want to meet me anymore?” - Yes, why I do not want, I really want it! But I want your photo too! - And you will not show it to anyone? - No, that you are Tanya, of course not!

And I took a lot of her photos, she willingly posed for me, saying, - so that when you watched them, you would get up so that you always want me! It was two o'clock in the morning when she said - well, okay, I have to go home!

I suggested she stay with me overnight, but she refused. I said - what are you afraid of your Igor? “I’m afraid of this bloke ?!” Yes, I myself can tell him that I was with a man! And let only blather, nit, quickly fly out of the apartment!

No, Acne, I have to work tomorrow, I have a hard day tomorrow, I need to sleep. I remembered - Oh, right! Tomorrow is Saturday! Gruppen sekas! She smiled slyly, and went out, but then returned, and, hugging me, kissed me. So, when will we see you? - She said. - Here's your phone number. Call me!

Since then, we began to meet regularly with her, once a week, and when two. I treated her like an ordinary whore, she had a beautiful body, but a nasty soul. She was jealous of my wife, and she, in any case, tried to denigrate her in every way.

In addition, she thought that we had a happy family, and envied us, trying in every way to bring discord to our family. She always did everything for her benefit, but then she flew, with this goat, Igor, and now regretted that she had exchanged me for him, regretted and envied my wife, thinking that Irinka had won, but she did not. In general, Tanya, in addition to her external qualities, had a lot of vices, such as envy, greed, greed, see the benefits in everything, for this, she could be anyone, and slander, and substitute, and betray, like me when that

Therefore, I had a corresponding attitude towards her, - as to the skin. What about fucking her, that's good, class! A find for me, but no more! No game of love! What she hinted at and what she wanted.

I already had one time, and I did not want to step on the same rake a second time! She had already traded me once, betrayed me, and also betrayed me a second time! This is such a person in person. So, if she again, what a more profitable party, she will trade me, and betray with ease.

“Brokeback, the grave will fix it!” But I didn’t want to again, experience such heartache, if I again became attached to her, and she would throw me. Now she was jealous of our family, my wife, blamed her husband for everything, but, in fact, she was attracted to the same as her husband. Like attracts like, not otherwise! Apparently God sent her the likeness of herself, so that she could see herself in him, all her vices, as in a mirror!

But she, being a stupid, selfish woman, saw only other people's shortcomings, and blamed her husband, although she was his mirror image, - “two pair of boots!” Or: “She sees the mote in someone else’s eye, but doesn’t notice the log ! ”- The old common truth.

So that was Tatyana, in which there were many good things, but there was also bad enough, however, like most people, including myself, there are no perfect ones. Many men stare at this spectacular blonde, and I was lucky that now, I can fuck her, satisfying my sexual needs, she compensated for the lack of my communication with my wife.

Sex with Tatiana had great fun for my life, I was less disturbed by the fact that I and my wife practically did not live, what she spent most of the time with others, jealousy and worries about it.