Standing at the bus stop, Victor slowly smoked a cigarette. Mentally abusing himself, for unnecessary arrival at the institute, he peered at each number of the approaching transport, hoping to see the one he needed. Well, what a sensible person, who studies in absentia, comes to class on the eve of the eighth of March! Money handed over, all gifts purchased. Only because of one teacher, all fellow students had to drag themselves today to classes - Lyudmila Anatolyevna.

This woman of principle, constantly kept records of those present, and the pre-holiday day was no exception. Accepting congratulations and a modest gift - a bread maker, she, as if nothing had happened, conducted a lesson with a survey on the material covered and scoring. Lyudmila Anatolyevna did not forget about the roll call. Only because of attendance, everyone tried to be at her classes. After all, in the first year, she didn’t allow the guy who missed several of her lessons until she attended the same number of extra classes on her weekend. "Busty" - this is not a chance that she was given the nickname. Upon entering the audience, her immense bosom immediately entered, and then Lyudmila Anatolyevna herself showed up. In appearance she was about forty, but thanks to her corrosiveness and integrity, she was already a dean. And apparently because of these qualities, according to rumors, her husband left her.

The cool spring wind blew a light jacket through and through, and occasional rain broke unpleasantly in the face. Turning to the side, Victor noticed how the “busty” literally dragged his gift to a halt. Throwing a cigarette butt into the urn, he went to meet the strict teacher to help. It was not a noble deed, he just hoped that he would be reckoned in the future. Quickly approaching, the student grabbed a rather big box, which almost sank on the wet asphalt.

“Demin?” Said Lyudmila Anatolyevna in surprise. - you?

“Let me help you!” Victor answered firmly, pulling the gift from his hands.

- Well, well, help, if it's not difficult for you! - Unhooked from the box, replied "busty."

Having dragged the box to a stop, Victor saw a treasured minibus moving away in the distance.

- I was late, - stated the fact the upset student.

- And now what? - the teacher asked sympathetically.

“We'll have to take a taxi,” answered Victor, and taking out his wallet assessed its contents evaluatively. - Will not be enough. He borrowed his last major bill to a fellow student, without knowing what would be in such a situation.

Having examined her wallet, Lyudmila Anatolyevna said:

- I have with me only small money, we go to me, there you will receive the missing ones.

“No, no, I can't do that,” Victor began to unlock, realizing that he had no other way out. In a foreign city, he simply had no one to borrow money, and his fellow students had already left.

Reaching the destination, the student timidly entered the apartment of his strict teacher and, putting the box with a gift on the floor, froze in the hallway. Lyudmila Anatolyevna, quickly unwrapped, disappeared from view. After some time, from the depths of the apartment came the sound of cups and the voice of the hostess:

- Vitya, come in, we will drink tea!

The tea ceremony, which was not included in the plans, took the guy by surprise. Reluctantly taking off his jacket, he went to the sound in the direction of the kitchen. Lyudmila Anatolyevna has already turned on the teapot and put various sweets on the table. The sight of the food woke up the appetite and the student, already a little accustomed, sat down at the table. Brewing tea and pouring it into cups, the teacher sat down at the table and said:

- Do not be shy, let's treat yourself! - By setting an example, she first took the candy and put it in her mouth.

During the conversation, Victor discovered that the “busty” is not so terrible. Talking on various topics, they were able to find a common language, and the conversation was already becoming friendly.

- Do you have something stronger? - unexpectedly for himself said Victor. And as if justifying himself, he continued, let's drink to your holiday!

Opening the door of the kitchen cabinet, the hostess showed her student several rows of lined wine bottles. These are all teacher trophies from various celebrations and holidays.

Having drunk not the first bottle, Victor began to evaluate his teacher. She no longer seemed such an adult to him, and her huge breasts attracted him more and more. Drunk alcohol literally erased the boundaries between two people. Now they were just good friends - a man and a woman.

Having mastered another bottle of alcohol, Victor, having received permission, went to smoke on the balcony. Not having even done a few puffs, I heard the door swing open and joined him, already blushed by the wine, flushed with wine.

“Give me a cigarette, too,” she asked.

Surprised, the guy held out the pack and began to watch his teacher. That, in turn, having burnt a cigarette, began to smoke slowly and with pleasure. Gently touching the tips of her filter lips, she closed her eyes and slowly inhaled smoke. With each breath, her lush breasts grew even larger. Only for a moment, imagining that a member was in the place of a cigarette, as Victor immediately began to grow and rise. Dokuriv, Lyudmila Anatolyevna bowed over the balcony railing, so that her chest hung over the precipice and released the last puff.

No longer able to endure, the guy grabbed his teacher's rounded hips and pressed, already ready to work member to her ass. The woman, in turn, having felt a stone riser, did not begin to open. She grabbed the railing with both hands and froze in anticipation. With impatient hands, Victor began to fumble from behind, trying to get to the treasured cave. Lifting up her skirt and lowering her tights, he found for himself that the “busty” was without underwear. Having stroked the already wet pussy, the student threw off all that was superfluous and helping with his hand put the swollen member inside. Sensing a pleasant shiver that ran through her body, the teacher groaned softly. Hot bosom pleasantly warmed manhood. With each move forward, the student tried to drive his penis deeper, hearing pleasant moans turning into cries and insane squeaking. Trying to restrain herself, Lyudmila Anatolyevna squeezed her mouth with her hand. Encouraged and excited, Victor grabbed the chaotically dangling chest and firmly squeezed it with his own hands. His fingers literally drowned in soft and huge boobs. With an increasing pace, the student drove his petrified penis into the teacher's cherished cave. The same in turn, no longer holding back, began to shout:

- Yes, yes, come again, still-eee!

Feeling the climax, Victor quickly pulled out his dignity and squeezed him tightly, delaying the pleasure and not letting his boyfriend finish in advance. Having recovered from the rolled fun, the teacher straightened up and saw the riser, grabbed him with her hand and, without releasing, pulled the pupil into the house. When she reached the carpet, which covered almost the entire floor, the “busty” stopped and turned to face the student, but she knelt down. Closing her eyes, she leaned over and gently touched her lips to the head. Reaching her skin to the bottom of the hand, she put almost the entire member in her mouth. Slowly pulling it out, she began to massage her testicles with her second hand. Freeing her mouth, she looked up and saw the blissful smile on Victor’s face. Continuing to play with the penis, the woman stretched out the tongue and led them from the very bottom to the top of the reddened head. Tickling the tip of the tip of the tongue, she dug into the penis, eagerly drawing him into herself, as if trying to squeeze everything possible from him. Victor, bending forward, pulled up his jacket, exposing his big chest. Lifting the teacher, he sat her down on the chair next to her, so that his dignity was in front of her boobs. Coming close, the student took the chest with his hands and began to massage his penis with it. After taking over the baton, the teacher herself began to compress and breastfeed the riser guy. But she was not enough. Leaning down, she every time a member showed his head, tried to lick him with his tongue. Having played enough, the teacher let her breasts out of her hands, and turning around, she knelt on the chair. Reeling, she began to rub her ass on the swollen dignity, teasing and provoking the guy. Grasping her ass, student sharply stuck his fellow inside.

“Oh, yes ...” the satisfied woman blurted out. - Go on, go on!

It was as if the guy had been waiting for these words, and began wildly and passionately driving his dick into a hot heart. No longer holding back and not being embarrassed, the teacher began to scream with pleasure. Huge breasts, dangling back and forth, clapping, hitting the naked body. Trying to squeeze the maximum, Victor dugged the teacher, constantly increasing the rate and depth of penetration.

“Yes, yes, fuck me!” The busty shouted.

From the rolled pleasure, the teacher's legs began to weaken, so that the student had to squeeze his hands even more strongly on the sides of the buttocks, holding her. No longer able to resist, the exhausted body collapsed into a chair, and a member who had burst outward sprinkled his naked body. Breathing heavily, the teacher struggled to raise herself and said:

- Now you will always have a credit in my subject. And you can attend classes at my home at any time.