Teacher of physical education. In the narrow crack of the door penetrated the cunning little face of Louise. The girl looked for something, and seeing Steffi Doll, smiled. - Rest? Yeah! - Steffi c difficulty turned his head towards classmates. She sat on a low bench, leaning back against the cold wall. His legs were wide apart and stretched almost the entire length. With one hand she, without looking, tried to stuff the bag in your gym clothes, and the other lifelessly lying on the wet towel, she dried off after a shower. Her head rolled from one shoulder to the other, eyes wearily looked at Louise. Twenty minutes ago she, with difficulty, crawled to the locker room after twenty-five throws of the ball in the basket. OK, that's the last lesson. - Sighed the girl. - For you, not the last. Ms. Peters just told me that he wants to see you for a while in coaching. - God. Why did she still need? - Steffi even a bit worried. Suddenly, she something was done wrong in the classroom. - She didn't say. I was about to leave, and she saw me, grabbed me by the hand and asks, where are you? I told her that you're here and she asked me to ask you a couple of minutes. - A-Ah! Well, then - okay. - Steffi found the strength to nod to her friend. Louise nodded in response, saying, - I'll see you Monday, and wag her funny tail at the back, ran home. "What is she"? thought Steffi herself.

- "Maybe he wants to give the job to the weekend"? The girl quickly threw the last rag into the bag, combed her beautiful, though not very long dark hair, a little tinted purple paint and, with the labor fatigue, trudged into coaching. Miss Peters was a strict teacher. Thirty-two year old beautiful woman with lovely legs and a slim waist, very small, almost imperceptible Breasts, and short, straight, bleached blonde hair, was the most tasty and coveted piece for all the boys, from the fifth to the tenth grade. She was a former tennis player, and say, even once played for the national team of Denmark. But then I got injured and had to go to work in the school. However, this was a good side. Her perfect body did not buy the horse forms of professional sports. And when you consider that instead of sweats, she always preferred to wear short denim flared skirt with white knee socks, it is not difficult to guess that all males in the school would give five years of my life, just to see what color her panties. In fairness, it should be noted that the color of your panties, miss Peters was not so great a mystery. It worked well, did not hesitate to show itself the execution of exercises. Therefore, almost the whole school knew that the player would prefer either pink or pale yellow color of underwear. Steffi, when he reached the door of the room, stopped hesitating to knock or not. Finally, she decided to knock and, after receiving permission, slipped in the door. Miss Peters stood at the wardrobe and reached for the hook on the wall trying to hang a whistle. She did not too well, as the hook hung on the wall another athlete, a former basketball player, and the second hook was not. Finally, she managed to catch up, and whistle a pendulum flicked on the wall. At the time of throwing the woman's skirt lifted, and Steffi noted that today's color is pink. Miss Peters noticed the seventh-grader. She modestly stood near the door, holding in both hands the duffel bag that dangled at the level of the knees of the girl. - You wanted to see me, miss Peters? Asked by Steffi, looking at something on the floor. - Yes, miss Dollars. Sit down. - The teacher pointed to a pile of stacked mats, and she sat down opposite on the chair. - We need you to talk seriously. There is one problem. - The problem is in me? - Steffi shuddered. Not only that, she is a complete disaster c history, but there is also physical education. Dad spanking. Nasty feeling pain and humiliation. Well be - flogged through the clothes. So in fact, no. Even panties are not allowed to leave. And although the voice of miss Peters, it seems, were not bad, the girl intuitively squeezed her tired legs and grabbed the bag that was set on her lap. Miss Peters was quite an experienced teacher and immediately felt anxiety. She went to Steffi, literally snatched from her hand bag, put it next to the Mat and patted the girl on the shoulder. Then returned to its original place. - The problem is not really about you, Steffi. I must say that I like how you do the subject. You - well done! - The teacher was looking the girl straight in the eye. The problem is in your clothes. With clothes on?! - That one, Yes! Steffi was just shocked. Like, she dresses badly. For physical education she was always clean white shorts, beautiful athletic t-shirt-busshanter, socks, sneakers. Don't get me wrong, Steffi. Besides me there's no one to say it. - Miss Peters for the first time during the conversation, looked away to the side. And I need this to do something. - To do what? - A loss from the hands of Steffi ceased to pull at her skirt and turned her palms up. - C size of yours! - What can he do? - The girl finally realized what was the matter. The coach was referring to her ample Breasts. For fourteen year old girls breast Steffi was simply stunning - fourth size, fragile, beautiful conical shape, and is still quite saggy. The boys have repeatedly attempted to change to touch her, and indeed Steffi a year ago, I realized how nice it is to stroke their Boobs, pinch those nipples before you stick your hand in the pants before bedtime. And when, a few months ago, she first saw my friend's photos as a hairy Mexican passionately sucking nipples Busty brunette, Steffi acts of Masturbation turned into a Paradise and become almost daily. Then, immediately after viewing the log, she ran home. The first thing she c was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, it's furiously licked, sucked and bit her small nipples, which lay exactly in the middle of a huge - diameter big c apricot brown circles. The first time it was lowered and not touching your clitoris. Since then, hardly a day passed without the girl-not found anywhere secluded place and did not lick their Breasts. She especially loved to masturbate in the following way: tucked under the buttocks pillow, she left hand alternately shoved it in her mouth then one then the other nipple, and three fingers of the right hand clasped and twitching Clit. The result was a movement as if she wanted to pick fresh strawberries, but peanut did not respond. Whew! All these thoughts raced through my head Steffi for a couple of seconds and called natural, but it is not needed now, attack sexual arousal. Nipples stood up, and Steffi praised himself for the fact that she wore a blouse and not a t-shirt. Otherwise, in front of miss Peters it would be quite uncomfortable. In the end, after a conversation, she can pull her wet panties in the locker room and go home without them. Well, when she comes home, then really there: Miss Peters decided to interrupt prolonged pause. Hand making a gesture, she continued: - that's why problem just. Naturally, c size of yours can do nothing. And if you could, it would not be worth. To have such luxury and chest - this is happiness. For example, I always wanted one. But c clothing we can try to experiment. Just promise me that you'll take everything serious. The problem is that when you exercise, your Breasts so much bounce and turn, all the boys only for them and watching. And it prevents them from dealing with it. Miss Doll, You listening to me?! - Yes, Yes, of course. - Steffi woke up. She couldn't cope c and moved onto her lust. It's bad enough how c it to struggle, and after the teacher without a second thought complimented her, and even said that all the boys were looking at her baby, lost his head. Between the legs itched. Chest ached. The girl blushed, but still, a last effort, tried to hide their condition. I'm listening to You carefully, miss Peters. - Come on, you think, the woman realized that again, at least a little attention pupil, and tried to take the bull by the horns - go. Steffi did not want to get up. Horror as not wanted. If she was gonna tear your ass from the dark green Mat, miss Peters will notice a fresh wet spot on it. But it would be quite undesirable. "Still think I'm anxious, complains". But nothing to do - the girl began to rise, trying to cover up your body that place, which had just rested on her crotch. - Show me your bra, which you wear to my lessons. - The voice of miss Peters sounded louder than before. The girl, without turning around and trying not to go c places (we c you already know why?) I reached for my bag. Quickly feeling for her, she took his treasure. No, not that. This I see every time. It totally suits me, and it's not him. Show me the bra that is on you. After you put on this t-shirt? Yes. - I want to see is not small if it is right for you and whether it is resilient. - But we are.:This also can go. Whispered amazed Steffi. - Oh Yes! - My coach but he smiled, took four steps and turned the lock pawl. When the lock clicked, Steffi realized that the path of retreat cut off. Damn! It was necessary to immediately escape from here. Now, when she remembered the door, and after it locked up, the only thing you can do is to unbutton the blouse and show this Petrucci his chest. Even in a bra. And though objecis now. Lessons had already ended, and no one will hear. Steffi began to slowly face buttons blouses. Fingers did not obey. Pussy still ached and did not cease to ooze through the underwear. She coped with the second button, and c the third, but the fact of Stripping is also added to her new emotions and built excitement in the degree of "plus infinity". The girl lowered her head, wanting to watch, if not very dirty looks her Lacy snow-white, bullsgate. But dizzy, and Steffi took a step back, leaned both hands and ass on the edge of the mats. Heart was beating like crazy, tapping the rhythm in his temples and abdomen. - Miss$, what about You?! The coach was seriously scared and rushed to help. No, no. Nothing to worry about! Just, dizzy - Steffi casually put one hand on the strong arm of tennis players and said quietly, - thank you for your help, miss Peters. Can continue. - Okay, you go sit down. I help you to unbutton a blouse. - Strong and obedient fingers miss Peters flashed before her eyes, quickly freeing her Breasts from the fabric. In this case, the teacher did not hesitate and double-touched by the hand on the right nipple, causing it a new longing. Finally, she finished undoing his buttons and blouse, carefully folded, lay beside the bag. Eyes miss Peters appeared something amazing! A huge, erect breast, c crisp and translucent through matter, dark circles that few that were very large, but still slightly above the rest of the skin, bounced before my eyes crazed blonde. She was, stretched out his hand to the left chest, but, recollecting himself, withdrew it. "That's it, Yes"! - thought the woman, and suddenly realized that he had said it out loud. Just had to lick. Miss Peters intuitively looked at my own Boobs. They, as always, was absent. C relieving himself of unwanted thoughts, the teacher looked at Steffi. The girl was sitting now, leaning both hands on the Mat behind him, having connected legs together, and all your beautiful green eyes stared at the teacher, his whole appearance showing the world the innocence and gullibility. "Well hell, why should I refuse?", thought the teacher, and, as if deciding on something, stretched out his left hand to the girls shoulder and took a step forward. - Well, now you can see for yourself that your chest this bra is absolutely unacceptable. Firstly, it's too small. Ms. Peters deftly took the edge of lace from Boobs. Look what he had done. But, I'm always so, - the girl looked at the red mark from the edge of the bra, and on the shoulders is the same. It's not him, it's because they are very heavy. - Nothing like that. If because of gravity, then you have the tracks would be only on the shoulders and chest, nothing would have happened. Come on, take it off. - To remove?! Why? - Do what I say. In the woman's voice rang metal. She could no longer hold back. Velvety young skin of this young bitch captivated by miss Peters. Breasts girls and especially her protruding dark nipples, intoxicate the brain. "Brake system" women have long made to flow, and together with her tech her crotch. - But, because: - the girl again caught eyes with miss Peters and I realized that it is better not to argue. Her hands again were unable to cope with four small hooks on the clasp. She spent a long time, and is tired of the impatient blonde. The teacher took the girl's hands and pulling, turned her by the shoulders. Now a woman could enjoy the view of the slender girl back. One move, and that bra is hanging on some straps. The woman gently ran his hands up the shoulder blades, at the same time eliminating the seventh-grader from the narrow white stripes. When her hands were on his shoulders, miss Peters stopped to help it. She laid its body against Steffi, and her hands instantly cupped both Breasts. Getting to the papilla, the blonde crawled fingers under the bottom of the cups, and when the goal was achieved, the bra fell to the feet of Steffi. The girl don't even followed him with her eyes. She was already anyway. She wanted to cum. So, as of now, Steffi was not initiated never. She knew and understood. And that girl c girl, that's not good. Teacher c student is even worse. And that she was a virgin, Steffi remembered perfectly. But for all this, she was simply do not care. The first time someone caressed her, and it was amazing. She had to pull. Now! And miss Peters, meanwhile, was just crazy. She furiously rubbed breast Steffi with their hands, stroking them across the surface, stopping at a sturdy chocolate nipples, to pinch them a little. Mouth woman caught the earlobe Steffi and was now sucking it like a Lollipop, and hips frantically rubbed against the ass of a teenager. But all this was not enough for her. She force pulled the girl and fell to the Mat, threw it on myself. Steffi gasped, bent and trembled. Miss Peters was ready for it. She slipped from under the girl, leaving her under with one hand. Once on the side next to the fragile body, the blonde's mouth captured all of brown nipple, working it with tongue, and with his free hand penetrated between slightly outstretched legs and girls that have the strength, grabbed her pubic bone and squeezed powerfully, rasplyueva like a Vice, lips and Clit right through her panties. Of course, the little girl is not easy it all was to move. Focusing on his eager caresses, his chest, she had to switch on a pussy. But it took a second or two. The signal from the wet crotch reached the brain. The girl abruptly gulped air, and then the brightest of all orgasms ripped it to pieces: - Uyy-yaaaa!:, - in a second, again - ow, Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh! Ay-yaaaaa! The girl shouted so loudly that poor miss Peters had to pull away from the nipple down to save your eardrums. Steffi shouted into her ear, wriggling her hips and gripping nails into his back depraved teacher. Not realizing anything, but somehow, he felt that the language disappeared from the nipple, Steffi roughly with his left hand grabbed petrucco by the neck and force her mouth back into place. She didn't even resist. A more experienced woman clearly understood what an orgasm even was not going to end, and was ready to do whatever the girl lowered as long as possible. Still wriggling, Steffi started to play less loud and more clear sounds: - my God! Oh, my God! What a thrill! - Mind, Steffi slowly returned, but the orgasm is still not released. - My God! Don't stop! Masturbate him, please! - Steffi just rude went c the teacher on "you", but the player forgave her for it. - Come on, girl, stop! She whispered, when for a moment he broke away from the breast. After a couple minutes it was all over. Open Steffi, his eyes closed, was breathing heavily, trying to make up for the spent oxygen. Miss Peters was lying beside me, one arm folded under his head and the other gently podrachivala your clitoris. Finally, the girl opened her eyes and looked at the teacher: - Miss Peters, what's wrong with me? - language Steffi didn't listen, and instead of Ringing the voice sounded tired bleating. - You're fine. Everything will be fine, kitten. - Is it likely to be? I so much cumshot! - Power back to Steffi. Her face was glowing. Please, miss Peters, you can kiss me. The woman bent over the girl, ran a hand through her hair and gently, barely touching lips, mouth glued to mouth, Steffi. Then just gently pushed the tip of his tongue deeper and, holding them at the bottom of the sponge broke away from the Bud. Ms. Peters, can I ask? Certainly, you can. Ms. Peters, are you a lesbian? Actually, Steffi recently learned the meaning of the word, and she did enjoy it. - Lord, what do you know? - The teacher didn't know what to say to such a blatant curiosity, and so replied with a question. Just like that! Maybe I want to be a lesbian. - Silly! Ms. Peters chuckled and stroked the girl's tummy. - First of all, to be a lesbian you don't have. Secondly, you have certainly not experimented with boys. Thirdly, in order to become a real lesbian, you have a lot to learn. - But You learned. - I have learned something, but I've tried almost everything and realized that I don't like men. - I also do not particularly like! - Steffi said it with such unexpected confidence in his voice that made miss Peters to look at it quite differently. - Look, Steffi! Want to talk candidly? - In the eyes of miss Peters the devil shone lights. Love to. You will answer all my questions and if your answers I will like, I will help you become a lesbian, okay? Yeah! - Steffi still did not understand where it is addictive - well, Well. To begin, I will answer you on your question. Yes, I'm a lesbian. But it is not easy. I'm a lesbian-boss. Wow! How is it? I'm not! - Inflated hand trenerry meteor rushed to the girls head and grabbed her hair. - Go over there and stand in the corner on his knees. - Steffi was stunned. She was a bit hurt, and she stared at "so good", a minute ago, the teacher. - Just do it! The hand released the hair, but then slapped the girl on the cheek. Steffi was scared and crawled slowly to the corner, smearing her ass on the Mat oily stain. Reaching the goal, she turned and looked at the lesbian boss. - And now answer! - In the voice of miss Peters was thick with annoyance. - You're a wanker before? - Don't et! - They are lying!!! - Yelled the blonde and rushed to the girl. - Don't lie to me! She grabbed her ear and tugged. - Look me in the eye! Answer! Wanker?! Yes. The voice was barely audible. His eyes rose, but could not withstand, and second sight of the teacher. - How often do you do this? - Slightly softened miss Peters and released his ear. - Almost every day - Steffi decided not to lie. And so, you like that, bitch? - Yes, very. And every time I come. Yeah. And how you do it. Well, show. Miss Peters returned to the mats. Her voice again a little warmer. - Well, first I kiss your nipples. - The girl finally took the game. Accepting the fact that Ms. Peters is her boss, she needed only to obey. She planted her hands under your Boobs and lifting them, became the tip of the tongue to Flex c already re-energized the strawberry nipples. Then I lowered one hand down and climb yourself in your knickers, but don't take them off. I just fix the lips so that they parted. - Telling Steffi did the same with him. - Then I fully take in her mouth one nipple and his right hand caressing himself pussy. - Y-you... you b-fast: to-to-come? Lust's miss Peters in a tight knot. She was lying on her side, face to Steffi, curled up. Hands pressed her thighs to his chest. The forehead was perspiring. His eyes never left watching seventh graders. A woman with difficulty restrained so as not to start vyderjivat himself in such an uncomfortable position. - The first time - very fast! And then I masturbate again. To answer, Steffi had to release the nipple from his mouth, but after finishing the phrase, she immediately stuck again, just another berry. When the words "masturbate again," miss Peters completely lost control of himself. Her hands turned into two young greedy cobras, who greedily rushed to the edge of the skirt and pulled up her to waist, along the way leaving poisonous red marks on the buttocks from sharp nails. Eyes were dimmed with haze. The woman rolled over onto his back, and the legs themselves appeared almost in a split. Left hand snake rushed to a rather large Clit and pulled it as high as possible, and your right hand c scale, introduced the tip of two fingers in shiny secretions of the vagina. Of course, Steffi could not see what was happening in miss Peters inside, but judging by the sudden forward motion of the lower abdomen, it was possible to guess that the fingers are simply torn vagina in search of the coveted orgasm. After half a minute of such active actions of miss Peters sighed, squeezed her legs and sharply pulled his fingers from the vagina. C the tips of the nails on the floor flew three or four of viscous drops. Remaining moisture with a woman brought to his mouth and carefully licked. - Znachit, you come for neiesaku raaz! Asked otdyshatsya teacher, drawing out the vowels. - And with me you cum only once. I mean you did not like? Ms. Peters raised his voice. - No, miss Peters, is that You? So your dirty virgin wants more? The woman rose c the mats and took the pose of an officer of the Gestapo, a little legs apart and placing both palms on the waist. Still hasn't fixed the skirt exposed her clean-shaven crotch, and Steffi saw the indescribable beauty of female genitalia. The boss was very plump, strongly jutting pubis, the lower part of which was extended from the almost completely hidden Bud. A neat little sponge was out of this ball and is exactly divided in half crotch. Because the girl was on her knees, she was also seen that tops all this show, a narrow, almost closed the hole. The girl had never seen anything like it. Of course, she bathed together with their classmates in the shower after physical education classes, and pay attention to their girl's pussy, but nothing attractive did not notice. But now, when just finished, but obviously not satisfied the feminine abyss was sticking to her face, the girl sweetly drowned. Second, she fought c lust, but realized that it was useless. She had to admit to herself that she wants to take it all in my mouth and suck every last drop. Steffi shuddered as much from his own depravity, but that only added to the desire to crawl up to the teacher, and as the last whore, to give to fuck herself in the mouth. - Miss Peters, I want You. Whispered Steffi. Then I remembered the last words of your partner and more confidently said, - my little play the virgin again wants to cum. Yeah! So - how! Well, you'll have to work hard. Come on, come here. Steffi happily jumped up and rushed to the teacher, but miss Peters, quickly took two steps towards the girl and punched her ringing a hefty slap. From the unexpected blow Steffi again flew into the corner. The blonde approached her and painfully grabbed the left hand the right breast of a teenager. With the other hand she lifted the chin of the girl and hissed in her face: - Who are you, little slut, allowed to rise c of the knees, huh? In the eyes of Steffi read fear. Miss Peters released the girl and returned to the mats. She felt like a wild animal lust overtakes her once again. - Crawl here, quick! The woman pointed to the floor in front of her. - Yes, Boss! - Steffi, shaking Tits, crawled on all fours to the coach. When she reached the place pointed to Ms. Peters, the girl stopped, pulled the legs under him, sat on them, and looked full of innocence and pleading eyes on hungry shaved crotch. Face Steffi separated from the desired of the clitoris up to seven inches. - Now you lick me! Loudly, clearly pronouncing each word, ordered miss Peters. Then she pointed to a mole, located just halfway between groin and knee. - I'll start from here, and just try something skip. - Okay, boss! Steffi reached for the legs of the teacher. The dope from the excited crotch, c mixed smell of sweat, literally squeezed out the clitoris of the girl, who again longed for friction. Student without an order decided not to run your fingers down my pants that three times already in the last hour managed to get wet. Meanwhile, hairy tongue girls did their thing. He touched her thighs and crawled on the skin five or six inches, again to the center, leaving a wet trail. So the girl climbed higher and higher until finally it reached his groin. She was ready to give the pubis miss Peters her first kiss when boss grabbed her head and forced to lick the second thigh. And then the excited seventh-grader was allowed to touch the coveted place. Steffi closed her eyes and tried to c the first times to completely submerge the crotch in his mouth. She almost succeeded, with only a small part of the peach outside. There was nothing surprising in the fact that Steffi poor idea of what to do next. It took a woman for the first time. Yes, there is a woman! She did the first time in my life had sex. The girl was pampolina chubby little pussy, but her mouth quickly filled with saliva, and soon Steffi had to come off and swallow. Miss Peters took advantage of this hitch. She slightly bent down, clasped the young lesbian's neck and asked: - don't do that. Open mouth, pull tongue, straining it and relax your lips. Steffi obeyed. Ms. Peters even stronger threw the girl's head and she sat crotch to face. Hot entrance in a vagina felt like a tongue, like a rough file, was to remove a layer of fragrant lustful secretions c eager to caress the velvet walls of the vagina. The woman began to make rhythmic movements, gliding across the open area of the lips on the virgin mouth. Steffi was in seventh heaven. After the first orgasm, miss Peters felt much better. She is almost completely self-possessed, and wanting to push the second eruption, decided words to bring semilsku to madness. Despite the rude behavior, the woman felt gratitude to Steffi. Tenderness filled her life, when she thought about what she got this pristine, pink flower. Miss Peters wanted to cum myself, but even more she wanted to get her unexpected and inexperienced lover. She didn't look away from the face Steffi, who closed his eyes, took in his mouth her vulva. Breathing hard, the teacher began to inflame their partner: - Who gave you permission to close your eyes! Oh, you dirty little cunt! Now, open them quickly! Green eyes girl immediately opened and stared at the tight stomach of a tennis player. - You should see how fucking your mouth! You know you like it. Like it very much. Yes? Ms. Peters added heat, and now not only lips, but the rest of the crotch, from ass to clitoris rubbed by a Horny virgin's face. - Answer, like? Instead of answering, Steffi blinked wet with desire eyes. What she felt was indescribable. Her tongue with each movement bald crotch, licking sour tart selection. They mingled with the saliva, and the girl eagerly swallowed this cocktail. Her panties were soaked through, but she's still waiting for permission to run there fingers playful. Steffi had a feeling the first touch of the Clit flooded her body heavy orgasm, as with a hot iron. Yet she allowed herself only put both palms on the nipples, and stroking them to the beat of fuck movements. Miss Peters, meanwhile, has entered a decisive phase. Of course, you can hold back for some time. But this fabulous long languor to suffer it. Lesbian realized that in another second, and I want you to beat off himself. Come on, pull panties to the side. - Orgasm miss Peters was fast approaching, but she wasn't going down alone. Steffi already freed from his crotch strips panties, showing the world covered in a viscous skim milk, bobble Clit. - And now:and now:seychas - bitch caught the moment when the orgasm starts to break her, but there was two things. Fucked, humiliated and happy Steffi was not going to hold back anymore. Hearing the order, the student biting fingernails in long-suffering hill. The whole body, as if pulled red-hot barbed wire, straightened up, forcing Steffi to go forward. Budding lesbian with force shoved his muzzle in to fuck her pubis. Orgasm crushing uppercut punched a girl in the stomach. Muscle lightning fell, and curled up in a lump of arousal rushed to her throat. C a new wave of ecstasy jaw girl shifted, almost biting it in half hardened icing. Miss Peters gasped from the pain. The orgasm shook her, and she thought the girl took a bite of her Clit, which is now digested in the stomach. Her knees buckled, treacherously relaxed, and committed the body of the tennis player collapsed on the floor next to Steffi, not stopping to pull at the fold. But, despite this, the girl was in the best condition. Her orgasm was already on the decline, and miss Peters was basking in the peak of enjoyment. So talented Steffi rushed to crotch collapse of the teacher, and without removing his fingers from his spakauskas tubercle, again severely bit her Clit. Then another, and another. The plague of sexual pain, as from a hose, doused the vagina and uterus, miss Peters, and, unable to restrain himself, forgetting everything, the woman shouted: "UI-Yah-Ah-Ah-Ah!" and lost consciousness. After a moment, Steffi tore his mouth from the bitten of the clitoris, and the handle from my lips. Looking at the crucified woman, the newcomer closed his eyes, and began to cover the body of miss Peters a myriad of the most tender kisses. Not missing a single inch of her skin longed for, the girl tried to fight against the clothing that remained on her seducer, but I had no strength, and she began to give kisses right through their clothes. Then Steffi, realizing that the body of the teacher (not only physical) feels nothing, curled a kitten at her feet. Ten minutes it took the woman to recover. Her hand gently ran over her body. The head lifted, and eyes fixed on the devotional face of Steffi. - Come to me. Whispered miss Peters and hugged the soft ball. - Miss Peters. - And could only say go, girl, before you put the head on the shoulder of his first love.