Chapter 1

-Come in, please, and sit down,- said Victor. To make you some tea or coffee?
-Coffee if you can. No sugar.
-Be here in five minutes.

Viktor stared into the eyes of interlocutor. The interviewee's name was Natasha, she was 37 years old. Not to say that she was beautiful, but for her age she looked good. Very nice spotless face, which slightly spoiled the wrinkles around the eyes, and little plump figure. Stunning chest. Natasha and Victor were old friends, went to the same school in the same University, albeit in different specialties. Moved to Germany after the first course. In Germany, Natasha got pregnant, quit University and married the baby's father, who was her senior by 10 years and by that time was a successful entrepreneur.

I've been reading your books.
-Seriously? How do they look like?
-There is much I do not understand. I liked the one which compares incest, suicide and sects.
-Glad you liked it. By the way, they're not equal. They... Well, never mind. Tell me, what do I owe this honor?
-Victor, I need your help. You're the only one who can help me.

Natasha looked him in the eye.

-You're the only one able to understand me. I have a serious psychological problem. You know? Very serious..

Victor was one of the most influential psychologists of the new Millennium, and a vivid example of, from genius to insanity is only one step. He could do a fine career of a researcher if I were able to obey the authoritative power, or a therapist, if I was able to transfer the communication with patients. Instead, he has written several books about the nature of the human psyche that psychologists were struck by the mathematical precision of the arguments, but his conclusions about the man and his psychology was so insane, politically incorrect and inappropriate in a humane Christian German society that few scientists were willing to accept the results of his research.

Look, I told you before that I'm a shitty psychologist. I have no need of education. In addition, I used a lot of practicing psychoanalysis, but I just don't have the necessary talent. No man in the world who understood the human psyche better than I do, but trust me - chat with me may end badly for a weak mind. Did you know that Bavaria tried to ban "Source of Evil" for publication in the court of law?
-Victor, you must listen to me. I'm desperate. My life is crumbling before my eyes. You have to help me.

Viktor sighed. Why people are willing to accept anything except the voice of a sober mind?

-Well, OK. lay Down on the couch, going to play Dr. Freud. No? Well, as you want... have at it.

After some hesitation and gathered his thoughts, she started the story.

- In General, I don't know how to start... It started about two years ago. You know that stupid commercial of Coca - Cola, where the kid is twelve years old ratesget on a skateboard?
- Uh... No.
- In General, at the moment I'm really excited, probably for the first time in many years. Looking at this child. You know what I mean?
- Go ahead, please.
In that moment I did not attach special significance. However, later began the series Everwood, where he plays this 16-year-old kid, and each episode ended Masturbation with a stunning orgasm. I even bought a really expensive Dildo? for this reason.

Victor winced.

- Over time, I became a pedophile. Not a day went by without fantasies about how I fuck little boys, with such perverse ways, you're probably not even aware.
- Are you kidding me? Sexual perversion was the subject of my thesis.
Yeah trust me, what I did to them during Masturbation in any book will not see. But that's not the worst...
I'm all ears.
- I recently had a relationship with one 14-year-olds from the school near here.
- Narrow please "had a relationship". You had sex with him?
- Yes.
- Yeah....Okay...Tell me, how well do you know the local laws?
- You think I'm stupid? I understand what will happen if this gets out. I lost everything, husband, son, go to jail.... My life will be over. So you have to help me.
- In short, everything is clear to me. You need regressive hypnosis. We will find the cause and aliminium it.
- Have you done it before?
- A million times. It is the main tool of my research as a telescope for the astronomer.
- And can you guarantee the result?
- I never guarantee. But you can believe me or regressive hypnosis, or nothing at all. Rehabilitation programs and self-help groups proizvola less than goat milk.
OK. I agree. What do I need?
- I'll call you and set a date.

Chapter 2

Victor stood at the window and gazed thoughtfully at the receding VW W Beetle belonging to Natasha. He wondered how people in modern society is powerless before his Majesty the Case. When he was 16, he was in love with Natasha. Natasha was really beautiful, met with the leader of a local gang of juvenile delinquents with an impressive penalty register, and naturally don't like about nondescript overly intelligent teenager named Victor. Later, when Natasha had married a wealthy businessman and lived in luxury, Victor was still a student living on a meager scholarship and casual work. Gradually, his love turned into hatred of Natasha and others like her. Natasha always had everything she wanted. Victor also had to work hard for his success. This was the chance. Now he has provided a unique opportunity to take revenge on her for all his suffering. If he should take the opportunity to turn Natalino life into a living hell? Or you should be generous? In the end Victor as an experienced psychologist knew that such an act would be a recognition of the weakness and helplessness of one's own psyche with the punches. It was all so long ago, and today Victor fabulously rich, drives a Porsche 997 Turbo in body and is considered one of the best psychologists of our time. Well, this is the dilemma which need to be addressed.

After a week, Natasha was sitting in a comfortable chair, viewing stereoscopic helmet - one of the items of equipment needed to conduct regressive hypnosis. Software for device Victor had developed himself, when he worked as a researcher in one of the state institutions. The helmet was built sverhusiliya antenna, capture waveforms of the brain. Because the procedure involves the intake of LSD, the chair had leather clips for arms, legs and head.

- Blood pressure great, pulse is great, too. Tell me when you're ready.
- I'm ready.
- Well then let's start.

Victor fastened Natasha's hands and feet, tied a leather ribbon around her forehead, gently put on her helmet and stuck it in his mouth with a tube leading to the vessel with a solution of LSD. Then he sat down at the computer and started the program that initializes the 3D interface. Became the buzz of the fans of two powerful, accelerate to the upper limit of graphics cards.
- The program is ready. Tell me what you see on your screen.
- Graphik OpenGL Doom 3 Engine.
- So... And now?
- Some brains.
- Well, start sucking.

I hope she doesn't ussus right in the middle of Nirvana, thought Victor. A vessel with a solution quickly emptied. Victor pressed the button. On the screen flashed the image on another smaller screen went oscillogram of her brain. Viktor typed a few commands in the console, and through the screen raced carefully selected pornographic fragments at breakneck speed. Brain waves are then switched to the alpha region. Nothing reaction, thought Victor, and slightly changed the settings of the program. "Talk to me" he spoke into the microphone. Natasha mumbled something in response. The procedure promised to drag on indefinitely.

After about an hour Natasha's brains have reached the desired Victor condition. Victor lowered the frame rate to one per second and said into the microphone: "you're 14 years old.". Natasha said nothing, but her brainwaves clearly changed their mosaic. Yeah, thought Victor, and said, "you're 14 years old. You're lying in your bed. It's so dark outside. You're 14 years old. What do you see?". The frequency of brain waves made up of 13 Hz. What happened in 14 years, if your synapses arrange a nuclear war at the mere mention? Victor thought that in this state she couldn't utter a word and gave her a mild sedative. "you're 14 years old. You're 14 years old. You're 14 years old. Talk to me".

- I am 14 years old... I'm lying in my bed with the pink blanket... My Teddy bear, so gray... Pink... No, grey... Strawberry liqueur, sweet-presledki from him so gruzitsja head, and a pink... Like a sunset.... There is nothing more beautiful than a sunset... Parents talking in the next room... the Trolley taking me to the woods.... There is nothing more beautiful forest, late in the evening when you can admire the sunset, and rose liqueur, and big daddy's cock... There is nothing more beautiful.... Trees are good... And the sunset smiles at me... my Dad's dick moving faster and faster... Oh my God, what a beautiful feeling.... Fuck me, daddy! Fuck me harder! More! Fuck me, I want you so much! I want to merge with you, to dissolve in you! Become a lake, and talking to the trees! I want to fuck you, suck your cock, to bathe in your cum, I want everyone to see you vonteese me with his beautiful huge cock! I'm yours forever!!

Victor gave Natasha another dose of sedative, checked her pulse and helplessly plopped down on the chair. This reaction had not met him even once. I wonder if she really slept with the father, or is it just her imagination? Whatever it was, it was her primary fantasy, and because it has absolutely no value, it happened in reality or not. If that was true, Natasha was obliged to tell him. Maybe she was shy? Underestimated danger? However, even if it was only a fantasy or a dream, she was obliged to tell him everything. What the hell is the difference... Even once Victor had not heard the man was screaming during the session. Victor seriously. Pedophilia and incest was taboo, especially in Germany. To obtain material for research in this area was considered to be impossible: a pedophile or what the victim of incest voluntarily confessed to this? Despite this, Victor had to develop a sufficient volumetric database on these topics. But Natasha, apparently, was a special case.

Item a) her libido was overwhelming. So much so that Natasha could barely resist his impulses.

Point b): in principle, nothing forbids to enjoy sex with my own dad, but still nothing like Victor are not met. Usually victims of incest perceive sex with her father as rape, and the most horrible moment in my life. As a rule, the degree of injury is proportional to the age difference of partners in incest. Technology regression hypnosis for a long time proved its absolute infallibility, so Victor had no doubt that Natasha experienced again real events, not invented.

Paragraph C): that the incest victim becomes a pedophile, is not surprising. However, Victor knew that such a reaction is exclusively based on the needs of revenge, inferiority complexes, suicidal impulses and depression. Nothing like Natasha for all these years was not observed. She was absolutely normal, mentally healthy woman.

Many years ago Victor proposed the thesis that every person has a "source of evil"- the potential to become a potential sex offender. The only thing that restrains the person from the fulfillment of his deepest fantasy is his superego, produced by environment and education. His thesis could be seen as a direct consequence of Freud's theories, but the colleagues did not pay her special attention. People with moral principles will never recognize that can spontaneously turn into a monster, and therefore always looking for a reason first of all in the environment, and psychologists have no choice but to follow the policy's requirements. If Viktor managed to prove this in practice, he could outdo his arrogant colleagues, and then HE would have to decide whose opinion deserves attention. The idea of Viktor just cheer up. "maybe Natasha is the chance I been waiting my whole adult life... If I didn't know any better, I probably would have thought that God really exists." Victor looked at Natasha signed the form to consent to the experiment. LSD Victor received exclusively by the license, and last year it was proven that LSD does not cause brain damage, so Viktor is not particularly feared that the prosecution would be able to pin him to the charges. However, with the local system of law, everything is possible, so you need to be extremely cautious. ..If he can make out Natasha, say, a serial killer, it would be a direct proof of the theory of the "source of evil"! Victor would be a worthy part of the story, would have received an invitation from leading universities in the world, his book would become a bestseller... He could work with real scientists, Scientists with a capital letter, not with these litter Free Bavaria... so... Just quietly... we Need to act quickly, her flashback is about to end... In this phase, the person usually completely deconcentration, no 3D graphics here will not help... How can you concentrate her attention on what I need? And what I actually need? If I make a mistake, the consequences will be unpredictable... Need to localize its source, and kill the part of the superego that blocks...

NO!!!- Victor suddenly lit up. There is a way to raise attention on the source of evil! If the source is tied to her excessive libido, just enough to increase libido until it becomes more than his eternal enemy Super - ego, this product of underdeveloped morality of modern slow-witted herd called society, forever burned into the human brain. Victor was confident of success, as already observed a similar case at the beginning of his career. Then a perfectly normal woman, a Secretary in a prestigious law office, for no reason turned into a peeping Tom began to fuck horses. Victor thought a lot on this case, and now he was quite sure that something like that will be played on Natasha. Now the monitor showed moderate Delta waves, so Natasha was close to a dream state. In the dream, as you know, the superego has no power over the psyche. So all that is now needed is a small dose of ephedrine, the correct visual and acoustic program she will Wake up a brand new person.

Chapter 3

- How do you feel?nil?
- Awful. Like me the truck drove.
- Lie, you lost a lot of strength. Is this normal when taking hallucinogens. Do you remember anything?
- Yes. Clearly. Probably not all, but most so sure.
- Tell me why you didn't say anything about your father? This could save you from the need to regressive hypnosis.
- No, you're wrong. Your regressive hypnosis is the best thing that could have happened to me, and I'll tell you why. You know, the story in the forest is not over the case. Someone from our school made us take a picture and in two days knew about it the whole city. My life was hell, I was ashamed just to go out. Mom drove me every evening to hysteria. I wanted to move to another city, but we were going to Germany and savings. The mere memory of that time gives me pain. But I know - thanks to your repressive hypnosis, I realized that sex with daddy is the best thing that has happened in my life, and if I had the opportunity to go back in time, I would have done as well. So...

- I understand you.
- No. You are certainly a genius in this area, but even you will not be able to understand me. Let's change the subject. Tell me you made that up??
- Lie still, you need to rest. Let's just say, I had perfected this technique. By the way, this is called regressive hypnosis, not repressive. Are you hungry? Can I get you anything?
- No thanks, not now. What happened today...I am too excited to eat.
- Don't be silly, you need to eat. I have to warn you that your childhood experiences were superimposed on the ecstatic state produced by LSD, which is probably why you perceive sex with your dad as the happiest moment in your life.
- No... You'll hardly know the woman feels it. I really loved him, wanted to have kids with him, and would give his life for him. It is difficult to understand the man who had never loved anyone truly.
- Well, OK. by the Way, about the kids - I'll have to read you a lecture on genetics. I'll go look for something edible.... I hope there is something more nutritious than sushi.

As soon as he had left alone, he immediately set to work. Had to be done: review the video of the experiment, listen to recordings of their conversations, record their notes. Finally, turn it all into a logical structured text, if not the future of the book, then at least for himself. You should also find out whether there was any legal snag, making it vulnerable to a lawsuit. Victor knew that only a few scientists conducting experiments with hallucinogens, and certainly not in Germany.

The events of that day did not deliver the usual Victor of the joy of a successful experiment. It looked as if Natasha's psyche has evolved in the right direction to Victor, however Victor could not argue that. In the end, her talk could mean anything. Maybe it takes a while for Natasha to terms with the new feelings and needs of your new identity.

For two weeks Victor spent in reflection, acted ephedrine or not. He re-analyzed their conversations, but found no hint of something indicating a mental disorder. Natasha came to him almost every day, and Victor involuntarily had to play the role of psychologist, helping Natasha to process what had happened to her. Victor had lost hope for a positive result, when all of a sudden everything changed.
Natasha arrived as usual at 9 am. Victor invited her to Breakfast and was going to continue the unfinished conversation from last night, when Natasha suddenly said:
You know, I made a decision. I long thought and have decided that we can only be happy so, what you are. It is impossible to escape from yourself. If I were to be a pedophile, so I'll do it, no matter what happens.

Victor stunned stared at his plate, barely suppressing his joy.

- Natasha, watch what you say. Are you ready to put all their lives in danger?
- Well can it be called life? It is better to live a little, but happily, than to live in the heat but the comfort, and be unhappy, like in a Golden cage.

Victor was ecstatic. He is worth considerable effort to stay calm.

- Well, now what you going to do? To catch children near the school?
- No. You know, after I gave the green light to their fantasies, I found that nothing I was not so exciting as the thought of sleeping with Misha.
- Who's Misha?
- My son.

Chapter 4

the joy of the Victor was not the limit. It was hard to imagine that he was able to do: out of nothing he raised a great idea. No one believed him, but he did not give up. Had to improvise an experiment from scratch. And achieved success. He managed to reprogram the human brain! And in kustarnaya conditions, without implantation of electrodes into the cortex, without magnetron emitters, without drugs, facing many thousands per gram. I wonder how many will pay, say, China, for research in this area?

For a complete happiness lacked only one thing: compelling video of Natasha and her son. Truly convincing. Otherwise, the documentation may be perceived as the ravings of a mad scientist who it in the professional sphere actually listed. The video could be changed: certainly, to get a rich woman to have sex with own son possible in principle, however, the video would be a sufficient argument to give Victor a chance to demonstrate his discovery.ment.

Well Natasha, I'll help you seduce your son, if it makes you happy.

Victor and Natasha have developed detalirovki action plan. It was decided that Natasha and her son will spend a week in the black forest, in the country of the Victor. Why didn't Natasha - is the fact that the building will be equipped by unilateral mirrors with cameras behind them, and in such numbers that would be envied by Spielberg. Half of them worked in the infrared spectrum. Natasha will get a couple of syringes of collagen and an aphrodisiac from Peru, known in Germany as "Mushi". The cottage was on a hill surrounded by beautiful nature, and more importantly - in complete privacy. Everything has been thought of, including pornography and elements of Natasha's clothes.

- Are you ready?
- Always ready like a pioneer.
- Okay, time to say goodbye. I wish you luck.
Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for me.
- Nicht der Rede wert. See you next week. Maybe not. Go.

Natasha left. Victor came to the server and checked again whether the remote control and camera. Everything seemed in order. It was supposed to record about one and a half gigabytes in DVD - quality. To convey this amount of information via the Internet was impossible, so hard drives will have to pick up manually. Victor thought it would be nice to make mirrors from glass armor-piercing: if suddenly in a fit of passion they break a mirror and find the camera, the entire plan goes to shit. It will only remain a hope that is securely hidden in the basement of the server will have time to write enough information by that time.

Chapter 5

After a rather tedious drive through clogged tubes German autobahns Natasha and her son finally reached the small mansion, representing the country Victor. Natasha noted to myself that the place really could not be better to commit the greatest sin in history after the crucifixion of Christ. The house was surrounded by tall pine trees, at the bottom was a small lake. Attic with stunning views for many miles ry Swarnalakshmi forest.

It was getting late and she decided to Stoke the fireplace. Sitting in front of a crackling flame in a swimsuit and a lightweight skirt, Natasha chatted with my son about various things, about school, his friends and girlfriends. It seemed that for this evening they told each other more than over the past 16 years. Natasha looked at the dancing flames and thought that it was like to live the rest of his life, alone with the loved one, away from the rest of the world. Finally his eyes began to stick together from fatigue, and they went to sleep.

The next day they went swimming. The water was a bit cool, but crystal clear. They splashed like children, and made the swim. Looking at Misha utoe body, Natasha was excited stronger and stronger. Finally, she decided it was time to act.

Before heading back to the mansion, they decided to eat. To cool the beer, they buried it in wet sand on the beach. Natasha insisted, so she could go get the bottles. Taking with him a can opener and a capsule with the powdered tablet Mushi, she pulled out two bottles, opened them and poured some powder into one of them. Then, after thinking a bit, she slipped a little in the other.
A little after supper, they went back. Natasha ovila son arm around the thigh, gently hugged him again and started to ask about his girlfriends.

- Tell me, do you like any girl?
- Well, Yes...
do I know her?
- I don't know... It's Lena Ponomarenko, in my class.
- Tell me something about her. Is she beautiful?
- Yes...
- you Got a thing for her? Honestly!
- No, there was nothing...
- have You ever kissed?
- No...

From all the talk, location, Natalino body and gradually increasing medications Mishin member began to rise. The guy blushed slightly and slightly hunched over, to somehow hide it

- You have never kissed a girl? Mike, you're 16! You have long time to gain sexual experience!

- You know, we've never seriously talked about sex and about girls. As soon as we get home, we'll talk on this topic. You really never kissed?
- You know what? I'll have to teach you how to kiss a girl, otherwise you just embarrass yourself when you kiss your Lena.
- Yes? But how?
- Give me a kiss.

Misha literally went nuts. All his excitement suddenly somewhere disappeared and gave place to fear.

- Well, okay, what you hesitate, when I was 13, I kissed with her friends, then to not m not opasatsya. Just pretend I'm your girlfriend.

The last sentence Natasha said in a tone that nobody can resist her. And certainly not pubertyridie 16-year-old child, stuffed with stimulating means.

- Come on, come to me. Give me a hug. Don't be frightened, my girl you are also going to be able to embrace? Hold me.

Misha felt something pressed firmly against him chest to my mother, and excited not a joke. His cock was hard as a rock and now tightly against Natalina pubis. The idea that their genitals are separated by two strips of fabric and a couple inches of distance, aroused him even more.

- That's my girl. And now kiss me.

Misha hesitantly pressed his lips to the beautiful, sensual by Natasha's lips. Natasha wanted to stick his tongue at Mike right in the stomach, but she wanted active was exactly Misha is aroused her much more.

- You don't kiss me, just kiss me lips. As a young child directly. Natasha was evidently pleased to scoff at the ridiculous attempts of her son. - Take your lips on my lip.... Keep going...good pull your tongue in my mouth...

Mike more got a taste of what is happening. He leaned a hand Natalino head even closer to his and began to tongue and clenching of the lips all that came to him in Natashino mouth. Natasha purred from pleasure and threw a leg over Misha's hip. Her vagina was dripping with lubrication, and gradually she wanted more.

- All right, stop, enough for the first time. Well, how's my girlfriend? Come on, home is not very far left.

Mike still did not know that his mother just wants to fuck him, however, to think of anything else he could not. Premature discharge was only saved by the fact that in the morning he had enough time to masturbate. Finally they reached home.

- I promised you to tell you about the sex, isn't it?- charming said Natasha, and inserted the disc with porn in the DVD player. On the screen appeared the men and women, quite cruelly pushing each other's huge penises and other items.

- Sit down on the bed. In my opinion, bottoms bother you, take them off. Trunks then flew off Misha's body. - Now kiss me again, but only more intense, like a true lover.

- So.. Now kiss my neck... Intense... You love me?
- Yes!
Again love, kiss more... get lower... Take off your bra... Yeah just rip it off! Kiss my Breasts... My nipples...

Misha licked Natalino chest with such intensity that she blushed. Natasha was in complete ecstasy. More than anything, she wanted her son erupted sperm into her vagina. But she hesitated, hoping to get aroused even more.

- Get down even lower... lower... Yes...Oh, you like my tummy? Take off my panties...

- Oh, Yes! Kiss my feet! Now pussy! You should be kissing her lips even stronger than mine! Natasha literally pressed the head of his son into your sexual organ. Her hands crawl at the Mishin hair and their pressure became more and more. Natasha planted his feet wider.
- Spread your lips with your fingers, just be careful... Mike however was struggling to meet your mother. The idea that he licks her pussy, bringing it to the top of excitement.
- Yes! Yes! Ah! Ah! A-A-A-A-AH! Natasha shouted with all his strength. Her orgasm lasted more than five minutes. This she had not experienced even once in your life.

Victor looked intensely at the screen. That it was hard to believe. In a few minutes this little bastard will stick a dick in your mother, and then Natasha will be punishable (for an unknown reason incest in Germany was considered to be only vaginal sex), and Victor receives an additional means to put pressure on his victim.

Victor was not wrong. Natasha is clearly not going to stop there. Her vagina was engorged and so excited that it seemed the very touch of it could cause a cascade of orgasms.orgazmov.

Yes... Now come to me... stay out of the way for me... Natasha by the time it was all red and wet. She put Mike's dick in his bosom, tightly around his waist legs, gently bit his ear and whispered, "come on, fuck me... Fuck so how strong enough". Mike began to execute the basin of the progressive movement, picking up more speed. Three minutes later he and his mother came almost simultaneously, moaning loudly and frantically clutching at each other. Sperm was so much that it would be enough for at least four campaign in the sperm Bank. Gently pressed against each other, Natasha and Misha had kissed and fondled each other until we finally fell asleep.

Waking up the next day in the arms of her son, Natasha woke him up with kisses and gentle biting the lobe of his ear. Mike woke up. The proximity of the female body and the realization of yesterday's events had excited him and his cock began to fill with blood, causing some pain. "How about some morning sex?"- Natasha cooed and began to stroke his cock. Mishin penis became hard as wood and no longer ill. Natasha climbed on the son and began to cover with kisses his face. Then she sat on his cock, caressed his face, at the same time allowing Mike to thoroughly suck her fingers and began to rhythmically raise and lower your waistline. Soon her movements quickened and became elliptical. These elliptical movement forced Mishin member to move up and down like the lever of a water pump, bringing Misha's extremely much fun. So much that his buttocks reflexively clenched, and his pelvis rose up. Finally Misha is fundamentally discharged in the vagina of his mother. Natasha slid off of him with a satisfied smile and stretched, prognuv while back. Misha, by that time managed to lose the remnants of shyness, gently stroked her naked body. Natasha charming smiled, kissed him and asked, "will you be able to squeeze out a little more?". Mishin member told him the familiar pain, which has become something akin to pain perekreditovanija muscle, and a little hard, but sex was still not hard enough. "Nothing," said Natasha, "then I'll make you a Blowjob". She began to stroke his cock and kiss his feet. Then she stuck out her tongue and led him over to Misha's language, with the pleasure of watching his impatience. Then she skillfully around his lips, tickling the head language. Sensing this, Mike groaned, and his cock again became hard, despite the fact that only three minutes ago, he already released all of its contents. Natasha skillfully nadrachivat him intensely and licked, sometimes grabbing lips on his scrotum. In the heat of the moment she lightly squeezed it between his teeth. It was enough to bring Mike to a new orgasm. Sperm this time it turned out quite a bit, and Natasha gladly smeared it on his chest.

It seemed all of their existence turned into one giant sex act. Over Breakfast Mike took a chocolate, spent it on a naked moaning body of his mother, dipped wet Natasha's vagina, led her back and put her Natasha in his mouth. Natasha, instead of finally use candy for its intended use, clamped between her teeth and showed it to Misha, while smiling widely. Misha, who, though not distinguished by any particular intelligence, nevertheless, perfectly understood the hint, and immediately rushed to kiss his mom and got so his half of the candy. Following the candy bar he had been to extract from her vagina.

- That is the labia majora. Remember what I say about them?
- Yes, they have to kiss as much as normal.
- Not normal and the upper. What are they crazy?
- continued Natasha, smiling playfully.- It is your labia, they are very sensitive, so they need to be careful. This is called the clitoris. It needs to be massaged, so
she showed how.
- You need to feel how excited your favorite, and the more she is excited, the more effort to make.

Half an hour later Mike could easily be called the expert on female Masturbation. After that, they went swimming. Aroused from water, nature and fresh air, Natasha grabbed the passing son hot kiss and threw his right leg behind him. Mike is not wasting time stuck in her cock and fucked her standing breast-deep in the water and continuing to lick her tongue and lips.

In the evening they went into town, located 15 kilometers from the Villa. After strolling around a little, they went to the disco. Natasha suddenly realized that her excite the ignorant views held earlier, on the street the people seeing a very young teenager, groping forty-year old woman, and began intensely kissing with her son, clutching his ass with both hands. Under normal circumstances Mike would soon went voluntarily to fight in Chechnya than to passionately kiss his own mother in front of their peers, but now he felt like the happiest person in the world, not understanding how others can voluntarily give up this enjoyment. It seemed that in life there were two things - sex with mom and everything else, not worthy of attention. Since Natasha was still a very attractive woman, Teens around began to applaud loudly.iravati.

The next day Natasha emptied the bowel using enemas, and began to teach his son the art of anal sex. As her husband she never allowed her anus to be developed. She was lying on his stomach on a pillow, legs wide apart, hands apart buttocks. Misha had poured in her hole a little shampoo and began to carefully put a finger through. Finger freely entered with Natasha, leaving behind a strange sensation. Then Misha tried two, it was already somewhat painful. When she decided that her beautiful ass is well prepared, she ordered Mike to enter her. Misha leaned against the head to her hole and began to push into her his erect cock. Finally, his cock plunged. Natasha was a little uncomfortable, and she hardly pulled out from under his pillow. Mike has had to lay down on it fully. His dick was summoned to Natasha strange mixture of pain and pleasure. Mike cautiously began to move the penis up and down. The idea that her own son Fucks her in the ass, excited Natasha to the limit and her vagina immediately began to emit copious juices. This time the sex was very long, it lasted at least an hour. In the end, Misha pushed a member of the force, is not thinking about caution, trying each time to drive it deeper, while licking Natasha's face and shoulders and caressing her hands. Natasha was thrilled, it seemed that time stood still and became one never-ending orgasm. Her wet secretions hand tugged at swollen labia. Finally, Misha, who for 10 minutes was predigested condition, drove the cock a few times stronger and finished right in her ass, without removing the member. "I certainly do not understand," thought Victor, sitting in the glasses in front of the screen, "but first anal experience this is a good result."

In this spirit, last week. Natasha put son on viagra and had sex with him 3-4 times a day. In the evening they went to the same disco, where they all already knew. Natasha wasn't wearing panties under her skirt, and once Mike managed to fuck her on the floor. The owner was in shock, but the police small town have never visited the disco, so he decided to leave it as is and not risk customers. Girls and guys willingly acquainted with them, and one of them even offered to have a Threesome. "look how beautiful. Want it?"-asked Natasha son, not even thinking about the fact that she was from the power 14. Mike agreed, and they immediately went home. They drank a glass of brandy with a small portion of the Mushi to get rid of the last complexes and started to warm the girl, caressing and licking her whole body. Then their new girlfriend wearing a Dildo, and made a sandwich: Mike bottom, his mother on it facing him and his penis in her vagina, and the girl, whose name they still didn't know, riding on mishinykh feet in the pose fast-riding horseman to fuck Natasha rubber member in the ass. Then came Mike's turn: Mike stood there, holding both hands over the bar, the girl, clasping his two hands, juicy kiss on the lips it turned to her head, and Natasha, meanwhile, strongly and skillfully swallowed and jerked his dick and balls. Stimulation of the prostate Mishina decent size Dildo was so effective that he came with such force that his sperm flew out like a fire pump and left a stain on the wall. Natasha decided to myself that I will leave this spot as a symbol of love. Then they rested, watched some porn, talked nicely, and the girl expressed a desire to be satisfied. They left the room. Mishin member, already accustomed to this kind of overload, fits well, and Mike began to fuck the girl at a moderate pace. Natasha was sitting on the chair and masturbated, looking at this picture. Misha liked to have sex with her, and he didn't want to cum so early, so a few times before the orgasm he dropped the pace and waited for the fall excitement to then begin with renewed force. In the end he broke down and fucking her. She at that time managed to get two orgasms and was completely exhausted. Natasha looked at his son and was proud that she raised him to become a lover.

Two days later Natasha, languished after hours of foreplay and sex, only watched porn that they have not managed to see during this time. It was zoofilicos porn, where a young, slender and very beautiful blonde hysterically licking horse cock and tried to stick it in his still not broken vagina. Natasha, who two weeks ago even could not think about how to touch the horse's member, suddenly excited and told my son that he would like to fuck chestnut. Misha was not surprised. On the same day they went to the village and asked one of the farmers the amount of money for which it would be possible to buy the Mercedes C - Class with a small motor, if it now takes them a horse with a pack of food to him to the country, no questions asked. The farmer had agreed. "well, dear colleagues," thought Victor, "who's talking? This is only the beginning of a month will see the whole real essence of the person " . Victor had already began to imagine as prominent scientists around the world are creating a new psychology based on his work, as 100 years ago, it was with Freud and Einstein, as his buzz suddenly broke off the thought that she was certainly not going to fuck a horse in the room. "Infection"- he thought and rushed to the garage. There he got into his Porsche and raced to the nearest store for electronics. He was lucky - managed to find a very expensive model with advanced optics. Wasting no time, Victor drove like crazy towards the cottage. "only if rights are not taken away"- he thought, regularly hitting the ceramic brakes of his car, where I was the automatic camera with radar. On the highway he accelerated to 200 to 280 mph and kept that pace for over an hour. He did not know that the carriage horses are produced at relatively low speeds. Leaving the car in the woods, Victor walk got to give, found a cozy spot and lay down with the camera. About half an hour later the farmer left, and Natasha and her son stood beside the horse in the buff. Unfortunately, the lighting did not allow to remove everything in all its glory, however, it turned out good enough to make this high-class porn. Mike pulled from the bedroom to the yard clamshell, a small TV and a player and put him on the same porn. Natasha wanker member of the poor horse, who caught so much buzz that not even thought about how to kick, popped it in my mouth and the vagina. Mike the knight will not be wanted, and he stood aside, pulling the dick in his hands. Natasha was excited to the limit from horse to sling her cum, but could not be discharged. Then she called the son who start fucking her from behind while she was sucking the remnants of sperm from the huge head. Misha came too soon for her, and then Natasha wasted no time lay on a cot under the horse and put yourself a horse cock, hard vmeshalsya in her vagina. Mike bent over her and kissed her passionately, while Natasha wriggled his whole body and struggled to move the slippery semen from the cock, trying to reach the greatest effect. Finally she was satisfied. Her pussy still clenched convulsively, and from it oozed a mixture of liquids of different origin. She was so exhausted that she didn't even want to get up. She kissed her son and left to sleep on the street.

Victor went back to look for his car. He thought for all of two weeks of observation he never got up. It was caused by his excessive concentration on the job, or is he really that have hardened over time? He hated sex at heart, because he knew that sex is the driving force of the human psyche. However, regularly every two weeks he was discharged emotions with elite Asian prostitutes. "have I become impotent?"- he chuckled.

Chapter 6

It's been over a month since then. By this time the entire population Altensteig, a small and traditional town, where the same disco, already knew about an intimate relationship of Misha and Natasha. This link is seriously interested in the police. They were not able to prove, so they are a long time did not leave the family alone. Information was leaked to the media. Natasha's husband found out about this and publicly in front of the camera has sworn to kill them both for what was nearly placed under arrest. "You FOOL!!!"- grim thought Victor. The Prosecutor's office promised to impose three years for incest and three for sexual abuse of underage girls. Fortunately, the Girl, whose name was Anastasia, all flatly denied. There was a good chance that it will be locked up in a psychiatric hospital, because by the time psyche had so decomposed that it can no longer perceive reality. The universal fame of her aroused to the limit. Once she visited the city, with his only stockings and boots - she was arrested only by a miracle. Victor knew that he was no longer anywhere to go with the materials and develop a detailed version of this story that would help him pass through the court with small losses. Communication between the servers was protected by several anonymous proxy servers and its own original video format (Victor was not only a psychologist but also a talented a programmer), but he knew that a good computer expert would be able to track him down. Mike would regret that I ever was born of God. His tortured psychological tests are trying to beat a confession out of him. In the end, the court has granted permission to conduct surveillance, and prosecutors left them alone. About sex of course could no longer be considered. Natasha several times a day masturbated with vibrator constantly thinking about his son, who was on the roof and tried to stay away from her. She would gladly have sent him to live in another place, but her account was frozen, and Victor, fearing that they would listen, just changed the phone number. The police managed to get their issues because he had a medical license and officially he was her psychologist. Victor snapped dejectedly professional terms that boiled down to the fact that Natasha is not all right in the head, that was so long ago it is known. Fearing the worst, Victor visited the country was removed from the server 4 hard drive with the footage and placed them in storage in one of the Swiss banks. Natasha and Mike were sitting in the kitchen and silently chewed, trying not to look at each other. Mike hated his mother. He dreamed that she was sent to a psychiatric hospital, but could not bring himself to tell the police about their relationship. Natasha for the love of the son tried to steel himself, but she felt that she did not succeed. - You know... I can't anymore. Let's make love, one last time. And then you'll never see me again. Misha was almost furious.- Are you crazy? Quite sick in the head was bitch the fuck?? Fuck you! You know that we are listening to right now? I think at least a little bit! Natasha quietly sobbed, trying to articulate through tears the words of forgiveness. Mike felt sorry for her.- What are you... do you hear me? All will be well. They will go away. Nothing I can do and leave. Leave us alone. Can you hear me? He pressed Natasha to myself. So it took a few minutes. Then he went outside and showed the middle finger to where there was a police van. Hungry horse, long viewshi all the grass around him were drawn to him. "Fuck off!"- angrily shouted at him Misha.

She was quite a chore. She couldn't think about anything else, except a member of her son in her vagina. She was tormented by visions, and all hands are stretched already to numb the vagina. Lisu. Mushi long ago were spent. Natasha in a fit of blind rage walked into the hall and put your favorite porn where cute woman fucked young-looking lad, and with a zeal peculiar only to professional porn stars. Natasha's hand fumbled at the vagina, and then she was almost bent - so strong was the desire in recent times to get his son. She returned to the kitchen with viagra pills and sleeping pills. Making sure that Mike does not see it, she crumbled them and added in his coke. Mike returned to the kitchen, beside himself with anger.

- Okay, calm down, said Natasha. You have tears in eyes...drink up....

Mike, suspecting nothing, emptied the glass and flopped into a chair. In a minute his cock was standing like a stone.

- WHAT DID YOU DO??- he yelled at her and no longer able to hold back struck her in the face with his hand.

- I'm sorry, son. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry! Forgive me, please!

Misha ran to his attic. Natasha followed him. On the stairs he became ill, he with difficulty got to the room and flopped into bed.

Chapter 7

She was found three hours later, naked, happily swirling in the rain on main street and the streets Altensteig. Mike's cock was still in her sexual organs. To save him, but failed. Natasha was placed in a psychiatric hospital where she several times tried unsuccessfully to commit suicide. Victor has been on trial, but was exonerated because of the lack of direct evidence. His career as a psychologist was buried forever, and those few colleagues who have kept contact with him and assisted in the research, didn't want to hear. In response to this, Victor has written a book in which very describes in detail Natasha's entire history, starting from the moment when she called at his door. The only thing that has changed is the names of the actors, and looking-glass of the camera was erased from reality, the police did not deem it necessary to do an extensive survey of the estate and because they are not found. The book immediately became a bestseller in developed countries, this case has been discussed known minds from the field of psychology and psychiatry.

Victor changed his name, underwent surgery and moved to America after the assassination attempt on his life, produced by the local religious sect. From time to time he changes the place of residence and is every year visited Natasha in the hospital. Once he even tried to bribe the doctors to take her to himself, but it almost ended in arrest. Her condition has improved significantly since then, and there is a good chance for her release. Based on the book Victor was released the movie was banned in many countries, but nevertheless, brought her considerable income and fame.