I'm a thief. My generation, children of war, deprived childhood, very early learned the harsh law of life: "to survive, we need to be strong." My school was the street and the University area... From strikes, to raids, I lived a fun, knowing that this separation is not long, but because it is not particularly burdened by thoughts of the future...

One day, I decided to take the Museum. It was new, but the dealer promised good money for a couple of marks and a half to two meters, and I agreed...

Butter factory was small and left alarm, which I undid in a jiffy... Moving according to plan, I passed two rooms, and turned in the third, where he should have been hanging those paintings that I ordered. However, the flashlight illuminating the wall, I saw a completely different picture, instead of those that need it. "Well, wolves! Well, goats! Framed as the last sucker!" - swore to myself I decided to pull quickly, so as not to burn. But, leaving the hall, I suddenly noticed a small statue, inches forty. It was a woman, naked from the waist, well, top. And without both hands. Deciding that bezrybe cancer fish, I decided to grab a trinket, perhaps then, and thrown...

In the hut, crushing the Bank of the Capital, I gazed at the statue, taken in the Museum, who was standing right in front of me on the table. Imperceptibly, I was drowsy and I passed out...

I woke up because someone's hands gently shook my shoulder. Muttering something, I turned to the other side, but whoever was shaking me, still continues to Wake me. Angry, I jumped up on the bed and swinging, I wanted to hit him, but he was stopped. A meter away from me, obediently lowering his head, stood a girl of sixteen – seventeen. Dressed in her translucent tunic that reveals her small but appetizing Breasts.

- Who are you? – I asked.

- Kanista, my Lord! Your faithful slave.

- Slave?!? Are you kidding, Canesta?!

- Yes, if my soul dared to think something, not to mention the mouth, which is closed from the other speeches , not that I were kidding you?!? Yes, let me here will punish the gods, since there was something in the mind Il speeches wretched Kristy! But I am a slave, your slave master! My whole life, my body, belong to you, greatest of the great! So quickly change the temper justice with mercy in allowing me, your slave, to fulfill your morning toilet, washing entire body and rubbed oils! And without waiting for a response, Kanista have pornola to my box. It is light as a breeze the handles are touched thin blankets, which had covered me and pulled it. By surprise, I closed with the hands, but the girl lowered her head on my chest and then I felt the touch of her lips. It was so soft that I closed my eyes in pleasure. And at that moment, from somewhere above came the soft music, and the same quiet voice. I was so good that my head was spinning, and before closed eyes appeared a clear picture. Blue-blue sky, and in the background, or rather with him, flying down hundreds, thousands, millions of red petals of roses! And each of them, touching some part of my body, stroking his velvety skin... my Hands, like the whole body relaxed, and covered the nakedness. Because there was shame of nakedness, embarrassment and morality. And it was just huge, an overwhelming desire for love and happiness, and fenced me in those moments from around the world... I'm just resting her hands on the girl's head, instinctively pressed it, trying to lower, to my cock... But Canesta was in no hurry. She like playing with me, trying to collect all the energy, all my desire in my cock. Her moves, the music and song of the boy that drove me crazy! Suddenly the music stopped, and with it the song. But after a few seconds I felt someone touch my bursting with desire member. Opening my eyes, I slightly lifted my head to see who did it. Oh, My God! Before me stood a boy of thirteen! He was just the face of an angel. A light, slightly curly hair hung down over his shoulders and a tunic. A little pale face and his thinness emphasized a white tunic and short skirt, from beneath which was visible to his small cock.

- Is that you singing? quietly I asked.

- Yes, sir! in the same low voice answered the boy.

- What else can you do?

- All orders, sir!

- So show your skill, my dear... , what is your name?

- Alkamon, my Lord! – a little embarrassed by my question, replied the slave, and knelt down...

That he possessed the art of enjoying as well as vocal, I was convinced after a few seconds. I have several times sucked the cocks in the area, Yes slut on the raspberries... But this was not even ever! No, he was in no hurry as they are pulling my cock like the udder of the cow during milking, no! He, gently, like a breeze in the heat that brings the breath of freshness and hope, barely touching the tip of his tongue ran along the trunk of the penis, from the testicles to the head, then with a rapid movement, suddenly nasazhivalas mouth , absorbing it so much that I felt the head of his throat. At the same time turning over in my scrotum and testicles, as if to say to them : "You are good! You are beautiful! You are the best eggs in the world! So give me more sperm! Push, pour out it in my tender mouth that awaits her, no wait!" And then, as if hearing his call, I would be a powerful jet sperm. The boy froze, his eyes closed. I was finished and had cum in his cute mouth.
Kanista three times slammed and in walked three girls. They were the same tunics as Caniste. The girls silently walked up to me and helped up. Then, continuing to hold me by the hand, they led me somewhere after, for the first Canistel... a little down the corridor, we found ourselves in a large hall, round which stood a marble column, and in the middle was a circular pool.

- If we allow to start the procedure, so we can remove fatigue from the body as dirt?

You know, so start without delay! I replied, himself surprised by his style. And slaves already introduced me in the pool, gently paddling in the water at the steps... I'll tell you this, if you have never washed the three girls, life has passed in vain! Do not take any money, but ask, beg, buy, finally, the girls, to shower...


I was lying on a marble couch, blissfully closed eyes, and feeling as if you are going, drop by drop, dripping down my body in thin streams of oil that watered his slaves...

what, you're still not ready?! suddenly I heard a voice and sat up. Before me stood a man in the consular toga, embroidered with palm pattern. Spreading his arms, he said with a smile: - Oh, did you remember that afternoon we have you in the Senate to decide questions of a heavy burden? Quickly put on a toga that whiter not happen, and we'll go take a walk with you, my faithful friend and candidate!

To forget about this?! If I could I! Trust me, the guests forgot.

- So that's why I'm here! Yet there are up to meeting time, to be with you I want in one place , there by the sea.

- But what is there to do?

- You'll see, just hurry get ready...

Coming out of the stretcher, we found ourselves at the door of a large building, which is immediately with the noise opened and we entered... In the great hall stood the statues of the gods. This is usually not done in order not to embarrass the citizens, and the gods themselves.

- Oh, Thionic, what happiness! But I see you do not one?! – met us appeared, it seemed, nowhere man in a tunic.

- I greet you, o master, Histopa! I'm so glad to see you in health! And that, my friend, the first Anion. I hope you, he, too, will become a friend.

- But what brings you to me at such an early hour?

- So, that, too, and all who heard about your school, my friend! And I brought a Anion, to give him a gift. Because you, my friend, admit that he didn't expect that, huh ?

Do not say, see, enjoy. I am happy to help friends, and so let's start! Please come with me here in this room. Here young men are committed to excellence through knowledge of art through the flesh. Decide for yourself , what is art if it does not invest the soul, emotions, or life? That may show the picture when only paints the coldness brings? But if you hold the brush at the canvas, she is ready to him to touch, only expecting from emotions to instructions. On the other hand you touch his flesh. And gently pull on it until you feel the excitement that arises in a wave of burning there inside you. And continue your movements, the reality of throwing a fuss... When the moment of orgasm bright as the flash will blind your minds, then, and applied all the paint on the canvas one brush stroke, one movement, there mingled with the seed that splashed you had just on canvas...

His voice was so quiet and peaceful that I felt excited. But what I saw in the class, just put me in shock. At the easel stood a dozen young men. They were all completely naked and smeared with paint. A few people quickly drove the brush on the canvas, at the same time onaniruya. It seemed that they did not confuse the fact that they were not alone... the One that stood closest to us, suddenly moaned, faster Sadigov hand on my dick, bent all over, shot a jet of sperm directly into the canvas. And then, tucking his head into the fabric of the canvas, slowly sliding to the floor. His hair, covered in paint, like a big brush, leaving a strange trail called picture! Falling to the floor, the young man lost consciousness. His limp cock, frowning helplessly lying on the foot...

But no one paid any attention to his downfall In the far corner was really something! Two artists stood at easels leaning forward, and behind them fucked by two black slave. The artists sighed, but continued scribbling, managing and podmahivat partners, and apply brush strokes... Suddenly one of the slaves shouted and strongly clenching his buttocks artist, came. Literally immediately followed by another... Coming from partners, the slaves moved slightly to the side. Their Dicks big black Dicks hanging between his legs. The slaves watched with interest for another couple. Here both artists were not like everyone else, and was lying on the floor, on the side, opposite one another. But that head was just in front of the other member, and accordingly , the head partner of the opposite member. Their canvases stood side by side , allowing them to be creative, simultaneously, making Blowjob friend...

- How lovely, isn't it, my friend? said Gestopa, turning to my companion, They are almost all great talents! And I, as a teacher , particularly pleased to admit it. But let's go farther. There, at the seaside, doing my favorite, the creators of the sculpture. And they have today the final exam. I hope you'll honor us with attention and agree for the exam to be?!

- What say you, my friend Anion? After all, as we have the time?!

- Answer "Yes" to the glory of all the gods!

- That's fine, so do not delay!


On the flat as table sandy shores of the sea, awaited their fate five boys. Near each of them on a small pedestal stood a closed matter sculpture.

- My friends! Here come the happy and sad day! – addressed the graduates Histopa - Today you go out into the world, and the world knows you. Knows how sculptors who will eventually exalt their names and, I hope, and teacher's name! Open your creations to us and to the world! – already he shouted, and the students pulled off the covers from the statues. On pedestals stood three statues of Zeus , the statue of Hera and Aphrodite... Gestopa, passing by students, approvingly nodded his head and clapped each on the shoulder. And only when he reached the last, stopped in perplexity. But each time his bewilderment was replaced by anger escalating to rage.

- What are you and who are you, miserable creature?!? Shut up , he will answer me. You in our body as pain! Hinder all, and no good. I was hoping that at least at the final exam I do not put surprise, but evidently in vain!

- But what is my fault, tell the teacher?!

- And he dares to inquire?! Shut up!!! How dare you depict the goddess in this indecent?! What makes it hands? And the face?!?

- All as taught, what is now the angry! Yes, the hand holds it there, and face beatific smile, and so what? After all, she is the goddess of love, to love him born to give to all people, as without love?!

- Without delay shut up, unlucky! As long as the gods are not angry at us. And hammer the hell and otkoly her hand. Yes, hurry, she's going to see who!

Alexander reluctantly took a hammer with a short handle and looked hopefully at the teacher.

- Well? Why are you lingering, finish the same with this case! – Hastopan replied, turning away. Alexander, closing his eyes, swung and hit a rock... Heard the characteristic sound and the right hand of Aphrodite fell upon the sand, the breakaway quite well at the elbow. And in place of the chip shimmered in the sun Parian marble, like millions of droplets of blood glistening in the sunshine...But then again Alexander waved the hammer and the other arm of the sculpture fell on the sand...
I was about to say something, but a huge wave, as if the mighty hand that rose from the sea, grabbed me and threw me into the sky...


Opening my eyes I saw a police Sergeant, who carefully watched the small figure standing on my Desk.
- So this is it, the Venus de Milo, Yes, comrade captain?! – asked the Sergeant.
- Almost. This brother a copy and the original is kept in Paris, in the Louvre. And, thank God, he can't get there!
- That's for sure, comrade captain! Great works of great masters and was created specifically to more ordinary people could see them but to admire! And like you thieves will go to jail!!!