Hello, my name is Svetlana, I'm 32, as they say, the dawn of the forces! In his later years, managed to get a degree in/o, specialty "Finance and credit" of the local uni, and get raznoryadke in... the accounting Department of one of the core enterprises of the city. How many years have passed, and my position now known as chief accountant! Proudly? Well, I guess for students-probationers generally a limit of dreams...

Of his family there, although the tragedy in this no. Just young about it somehow do not think, and then not work, where you hang all deprives of free time and the mood at the exit for "romantics" have no... Look at yourself in the mirror and on a photo from 10 years ago, when prom was preparing? It's like the game play: "Find 10 differences"! With nothing in common! 2 different people! Then Busty, cheeks-apples, booty, now dried tall man with sunken cheeks and fallen breast... Cute? To me, they say, the Light, the way you look, slim, tall! M-La... Shrunken, I'm kidding!!! Hair the color of dark chestnut curly as well...

Years go, the happy family you want, and wages for more... And neither one nor the other! Prynts, where are you? And those Finance, which I so persistently taught, in fact, slipping through my fingers: for communal eating and small things, to whom, and to rejoice forgotten how...

Not from the generosity of his soul he rents a room in his visit I inherited from my parents. Could do a flat pass, but... I'm an Adult, so parents have to live, his corner wanted! Handed over to the students, and although conflicts to each other are not repaired, but was glad when they moved out.

And money for those with this date.

Anya I'm "sheltered" from the second year. Funny maliha, to which I, myself, without knowing it, had become attached. There were several reasons: she studied at the same faculty and specialty, that I was 10 years ago! And even the teachers we had are the same. Communication was simple and a bit naive, as I am in years... But most importantly: apparently we had something like! Look at her and remember yourself 10 years ago! Still standing breast, butt, cheeks... And the hair the color of chestnut! If we tell someone that we are sisters, and believe the same! Anya clothes and mine even wore, from which I had come, but who were still "in the know". And I fell for her almost sisterly feelings.

A summer internship before the last year, she also lived with me. Then I learned from her "terrible secret": she has a man! How does that sound? Not a guy out there, and not a boy but a man! Because he was older than her by 10 years, in both! Anka went all summer then come back later and tiarellas in the room with the mobile, and even at home, was spent... But warned that it will not.

I knew, with questions not climb, and was happy for her. As the older sister Hobbies, Jr.

— What is the name of the man? — I asked once.

— Dmitry! — beamed Anya.

— Mitya, so — I am determined.

— Dmitry Alexandrovich he somehow offended Anka.

I'm kidding, kidding...

The last graduating course, Golden autumn... remember Itself, more of the young and naive, who believed that I have a whole horizon! As it turned out — the untilled field!

And Ann lived the same dreams. And I didn't want to break them and throw on the ground.

"Dmitry Sanych" has promised to intercede for Anya and get her degree in the Department of the Bank, where he worked as a head of related Department! That lucky girl!!!

I was happy for her, of course, but his throat somehow squeezed jealousy, sadness, resentment and envy! Damn, some things are, and I have the apartment, which jointly pay...

But Anya swore that century I will remember! Because sheltered, fed and laid to sleep...

Believed her of course, but how? All was well! Sometimes she helped with money and let Anka said that all will return, and tried to return, but I immediately drove to the communal: it is a pity I was a girl, and the money is not there they were to for them to ask...

One day before the weekend, Anna told me that because they are "Dmitry Sanych" seriously, she wanted me to meet him! That honor then?

— You better ask if he's got the boys one of Bank managers?! — I joked, but on a meeting has agreed.

— You at me here is the closest person I can trust, — admitted Anna, and her words touched my heart. — Want to hear your opinion about Dima...

Set up a meeting on Saturday at city café.

Honestly, for me, was supposed to be a Fig, what is this "Mitya Sanych" has prelestno for Anka-a youngster, but my heart pounded with excitement. All the same people — my age, how do we connect? I even feared that besides the fact that clearly going to extra at their meeting, so more would spoil it lyapnuv which is not required...

But what was my surprise and amazement, when in the "Dmitry Sanych" I learned a fellow student at the University Dimka Evseeva! Damn, what is Dmitry Sanych?! I knew it — Mitya and Mitya!

Dmitri Evseev, the soul of companies, he would and my heart was able to hook, if not for his natural modesty! Still guys need to be more assertive? And he was polite and courteous... Smart, Yes, was original in thinking, mastered the guitar. With him was easy and simple, even Hiking went together and Ruban stew one spoon for two! Nice guy, but...

I rather felt for him some friendly sympathy than something closer, though he have dragged me that was visible.

I confess, we even slept with him. Twice!

Both times drunk. Well, you know how it is: drunk on the communal party, the hormones of the rod, but not with anyone... And my what is not an option, not a freak after all! But nothing personal, because sex for one night, like the sex that's not a reason for Dating!

However it is something I was inflamed with desires after the first time, as it looked at me with a gasp. I could only answer him, but nothing more. In my head steadily sounded: "Not, not, not..."

After graduation, we didn't cross paths. Almost, because all the running, Yes running... I'll See you on the fly, we will wave to each other, okay! However, Dima I did not forget to congratulate the holidays and duhami (my), but only thanked him and wished the same and in the same place!

Heard he worked in the Bank, but somehow it did not compare him, his work and his relationship with Anya until now. And that's how it came out!

When Dima came up and stared at me, I winked at him only than not a little confused by "small" and then just finished off with the phrase:

— What, Dima, a young pulled?!

I sat in that night. If before the meeting I was afraid to be redundant in their duet, I soon realized that Anya was out of our company. Dimka, of course, avoided courting, but never took his eyes off of me, and forgetting about the manners of adults, we excitedly told each other, and it amused Anya memories of student days: "I remember...", "do you remember... ".

For some time Anya left us in need, and we are left with Dima alone.

— Well, what do you have a crush on Anya? — I asked.

He smiled sheepishly.

— Yes, there is...

It was amusing to watch him at that moment. A grown man, and nursed a child! However, he suddenly looked at me, my smile faded. It was as though they wanted me to confess to something personal, but we returned to Annie.

When we got home, Anya all molested me, I think about Dima?

— Ani, the important thing is that you love each other, but for me... well I do when another said: "Mitja, he is Mitka!"

— Still, he's great! dreamily she said, and I did not something to dissuade...

... From then on I became calmer and safer for Anna, even when she returned home late. Or not back home.

Mitka... did I find the right answer!

Someday ...