Hi! My name is... Well, let's dispense with names, with no personal data and description of the appearance. For what? First, I don't want my name or similar external data has become the object of attention, and if someone happen to read this message until the end, he unwittingly becomes wary of the owner of this name and character traits, which I can calculate. It hurt my further "hunting"... Yeah, just warning you, if you are a supporter of traditional sex and relationships, then you can stop reading here: don't waste your time and my attention!

Yes, traditional sex does not interest me, although I sometimes use men in favor of himself. Fortunately, the data that sink separate individuals, I have! But more often I resort to other ways to relieve sexual tension, and with you, so be it, I will share the most common his way...

... Our meeting took place in a bar where I am a frequent visitor. The bartenders know me, and probably them thinking about my availability, but all I can give them, so the Fig in the nose! Those who work for tips, I'm not interested. But to their credit: that they bring me customers who want to obtain sprightly girl for the night and nothing to pay... Type of reciprocity! But the fee I charge! However, nobody dared to say and I'm willing to use it.

It certainly sent the bartender, although a few times I met him at the bar. Typical male, hungry for sex without commitment and in secret from the family. I clearly define married men from all other, and, by the way, for me they are a tasty morsel! Do not consider me a bitch, and You will understand why, but later... I need to firmly bind the man, but if he has nothing to cherish but his reputation, so what does it take?

I must say, I myself expressed interest in it, but it was part of my game. Otherwise the whole night he was staring blankly in my direction, and then, at home, secretly wanking on my way from memory... I had to make the first move, and I don't think that step over your pride!

Our company could calculate a nice, if not to take into account what wanted every! He wanted to use me and I'm his! I've played up to him, laughing at jokes, not all of which were funny. He generously filled my glass with wine, and it seemed to him that I am more and more become available... Naive!

To know him than to end our meeting, I would have kept my water and stale bread!

But I wasn't trying to get drunk like a bar whore. On the contrary, I wanted to remember everything clearly and accurately, and this would need to be realistic. And I felonie: I managed to pour a glass of wine, when he was distracted, and pretend to be drunk for me is not difficult.

He must have decided that I matured, and I often told him I would like to go somewhere out of the stuffy bar. In the end, we were at his house!

As you might expect, he was married! Now the family was somewhere on vacation, and he's not used to take advantage of this, bringing home night guest.

I looked at the pictures on the wall, which was his wife. Pretty, but no more. With her, he hardly experienced sexual pleasure, and this forced him to find a passion on the side. This certainly rejected oral sex and anal pleasures with her, he did not know! Is expected to make up for this with me?

We again drank, but this time he was entrusted with the bottling of me, and so made a fatal mistake! Along with wine to the bottom of his glass crunched crystals of sleeping pills, which is immediately dissolved without leaving obvious traces.

The drug was very strong, and soon his speech started to go, and his hands with which he touched me, would turn to cotton, but he has not yet realized that was the cause of his weakness. Until then, until he fell on top of me, snorting.

This was easier than I thought, and I easily caught her breath! Just in case, I patted his cheeks, but he didn't react, lost in drunken sleep.

I knew that sleeping pills are not long, and because I had to hurry.

I dragged him to the kitchen. This has cost me work! To drag a drunk and sleepy man — no easy task! Especially when the male is still heavier than you.

He was good, though a frail body. But I'm satisfied with it! Don't like drisha, and those folds over the body, starting from the chin.

I could not pay attention to his cock, but while his master slept, he did not were of particular interest. I managed to hoist it onto the table, placing the belly on the cover, so that legs and butt remained smeshannymi. Naturally, he was naked.

He didn't come to, and that made me happy. It would be worse if he started to realize something. With a man, even drunk, I would not cope!

Before his awakening I have remained for about 15 minutes, and still had a lot. With him I had a big bag, and this stuff, when we came out of the bar, still was trying to find out what was in it! I didn't answer, but allowed him to carry her home. Of course, I did it intentionally, because the bag was not heavy... But the sight of men in female bag, let the large dimensions, unwittingly belittles the man and the taxi driver taking us, did not hide his reaction to the client-henpecked.

However, he didn't care, reveling in thoughts of the upcoming night, he was ready and not on that!

In my bag was all we needed to diversify the evening in my script and not make it boring! First of all, some ropes different length. I tied his feet from the legs of the table so hard that the cloth until the redness rubbed the skin. Then I bandaged his body so that he could not lift the trunk from the lid. This required a hassle and a special calculation, because a strong push would weaken the knots, and the game could get loose! But I knew that sleeping pills for some time did not let the strength gradually restored, and if I will not procrastinate I will have control over him even when to return to power, and the emotions of them.

I twisted him back, and it turned out that to use them he could not. In the fingers there was no strength, even though he already began to recover.

Well, that's great! Everything was going according to plan...

I connected my iPhone, intending to capture the event on camera, and chose the angle. Then came the final stage.

I removed the panties, crumpling like a gag, sent down his throat. He immediately began to rebound, because the lack of air began to apply extra brain signals to awakening. However, to spit out my sweaty moisture from the panties he couldn't, exactly how and to rise from the table without assistance.

From a misunderstanding of what is happening he groaned and protested, but I wasn't paying attention to it. On the contrary, I deliberately stood in front of him, holding the Marafet, and he saw it!

I decided not to free yourself from the bodice, which feel convenient and comfortable. Besides, my prisoner was just not allowed to see me naked. However, even if I were to undress, he would, in his present situation, did not appreciate this. Moreover, all his attention now was focused on my main game I buckled the straps to his groin.

It was a didlo bright red color with clear veins artificial veins and blood vessels, making the subject of my passion is quite plausible when compared with the male phallus. Besides, this similarity was crowned with a couple of silicone balls-testicles, the size of a large natural male. Sometimes, when I was needed and very wanted, I used a didlo for self-satisfaction, but often ask him a different target.

When it was over, and I checked, as my grip on the subject of belts, I drew attention to his prisoner. The noisy nozzles, not looking away from the "subject", but to be free not tried. Probably, he already knew what was going to happen, but still obediently ...