He is also a personnel officer in Africa-so you can rephrase the famous saying. In early June, Pavel Ivanovich called me and offered to go to the Crimea-he has a ticket for two to the sanatorium, and his wife categorically does not want! Well, as they say - "on durnyak and vinegar sweet", and then a ticket to the sanatorium of the Ministry of internal Affairs - a sin not to agree. And on the way Pavel Ivanovich was in his repertoire-he told me two unusual stories from his great life activity in the personnel Department. What conflicts does not write out our life! Moreover, it is in Moscow - this city is simply a state within a state! The story of the first. Once conducted an investigation into the death of a man in a small town near Moscow. A resident of the capital was a major of one of the departments of the interior Ministry headquarters, so the investigator had to conduct all the intrigue of the case. It turned out, major holidays and weekends have always held in this provincial town is obscenely clean air, clean water in a small river with excellent fishing, calm evening, just pressing on the ears after a wild continuous noises of the big city. He is well rested after severe strenuous everyday service.And here also such pleasant nonsense - in the young seventeen-year-old schoolgirl was disliked. Sporty young man, expensive gifts, a beautiful seduction of a high school girl, who was at the same time a year as not a virgin - this contributed to a wonderful leisure day at the weekend and wonderful nights in bed with a hot tight body of a young beauty. Plus a cunning bribe-taker took the Charmer to the capital, showed one of the Universities of her choice - the Vice - rector was his debtor, so now the beauty was trying hard to please the loving major-he gladly listened to the joys of oral and anal sex-getting incredible pleasure from her inept, but such bright estapades. And the plump lips of the young whore and her wonderful elastic ass involuntarily excited the major with only one of its kind, so that despite the age, the erection of the man was always on the level. And arrived at his invitation to the cozy house of the major, his colleagues were shocked - their boss lay lifeless, and flew around the room and scurried butterflies incredible colors. It turned out, a brave officer, and did not know that he had a wild pollen allergies coseclinic bright creatures. And after a survey of residents at the major's bed in a wild hysterics, a sweaty young beauty was beating-the Opera was in shock. When all expertise, all served to your Department, and for meeting the many generalao was somewhat shocked - I have seen them in his life. The young beauty and mistress of major Angela is his daughter. This is confirmed by her mother, telling about the long novel of a young Lieutenant and graduate of the school, right on the prom. Then the insidious seducer wisely disappeared, leaving as a gift the daughter who was born in due time. Now a student of the capital University lives in the major's three, moderately using his Bank cards. That's just all offers by suitors, she States refusal -- no man didn't like her in bed after the brave, though elderly lover-dad. History of the second. Inna and Victor's mother never confessed who their father was. After she left to work in the US, her brother and sister were left alone. Inna went to College, and Victor worked, plus receiving transfers from mom, who did not really want to reunite with the children, arranging his personal life in the New World. Dressing in hand-me - downs from the Second-hand, the Charmer Inna hesitated to meet with the guys, and they did not pay much attention to her-they had enough trouble-free friends with a "good heart", as brother Inna joked. Dashing handsome changed girlfriends like gloves, so paying attention to the inattention of the guys to his sister, took up her "education". Already in the "old age", as he joked, as much as 19 years, he affectionately saved his beloved sister from the" lack " - skillfully conducting defloration. And then he showed her all the pleasures of sex, especially he liked the Blowjob performed by his sister. Brother persuaded his beloved sister to answer the attentions of an elderly neighbour on the same floor, as it turned out, the investigator and a skilled grafter. So, receiving money from a neighbor "for cleaning" she is quite changed. One fine new year's eve which she met together with colleagues of the neighbor at his request - all men like to brag! - before piercing eyes of employees of Prosecutor's office the young beauty student appeared, in a short tight dress, a low neckline and black stockings on the most beautiful legs she was just a "Ray of light" in their company. Men were smitten, and their wives are a little shocked - beauty and youth of "niece" of the chief of their husbands. Once in Prosecutor's office held meeting and it was decided to take prints and DNA of employees - everything is possible in this difficult life. Inna worked part-time in a Department run by a senior justice Advisor, so she fingerprinted and opened her mouth to experts for identification. A week later, shocked the expert also shocked Nicholas, an employee of his Department and his neighbor, Inna turned out to be his daughter! And her boss was the insidious seducer of a young graduate student, skillfully escaped from the bonds of hymen. A year later, Inna married the captain of justice Sokolov, who fell in love with her at first sight. So now the incredibly prettier beauty has a husband and two lovers - explicit and secret. Clear know all the chief cannot be denied, especially his beloved daughter, who tried the case "pet" beloved daddy and the chief. And the secret-her handsome brother, who is delighted with the charms of Inna