- Hi, Masha! Recognize me?.- in the handset sounded optimistic male voice.
- No, who are You?- I didn't answer confidently. After all me not call men! And then there's name calling...
It's Andrew! - continued male voice.
Oh, Hello! Mom said she gave you my phone number. I didn't recognize you.
I thought, " of course I didn't. How could I remember you, after all, 11 years in prison!"Actually, Andrew said that will call me on Friday evening, of course, if I'm not busy. Honestly, I wasn't happy to see my cousin. After all, I already have a tight life schedule! But to refuse is to offend... Came Friday. At ten o'clock in the evening the doorbell rang and on the threshold of my odnushki, which I got from the emigrated aunt, was a man of forty years, who was frankly glad to see me. It was Andrew. Next to him was a bag . It turned out that there are potatoes. Me. As a gift. Well, practical, so to speak! Already sitting on the couch, we talked about my life. It turned out, that Andrei lives in neighboring town, married already. He didn't want to talk much about himself. Andrei not seemed so urkan somehow. Quite ordinary man. Suddenly his phone rang.:
- Come here. House five, apartment 93.
Andrew took the phone and explained to me, surprised that I'll be right there behind him a friend who brought him here. "Directly invasion of men in my apartment today" - I thought, opening a door to the friend of the cousin.
- Good evening! Is Andrei here?- shook hands with me man, standing in the doorway. I bulged my eyes at him: a well-dressed, high korotkometrazhnyy brunette of about forty, with a good figure and expressive face looked at me, slightly smiling!
- Yeah,- handed I out.- Andrew here!
I smiled at the man, too. Already at the table in the kitchen, despite the very late time, we drank tea with my cake. I was glancing in the direction of a friend of my cousin Anton. Needless to say I liked it very much, and most of all I admired his big shot in the area of zip soft light blue jeans! Friends came on an important meeting, which lasted, and so would before we met, it turns out. Oh, this world of thieves! Before leaving, Andrew gave me a hug, saying that if there is any problem, I can always refer to it for help. I smiled goodbye and Anton, he told me to get as much! And it doesn't matter whether he had trips to the zone or not... The men left, I went to clear the table, when the doorbell rang. I opened. It was Andrew, he forgot his smartphone on the couch in the room. Giving him the phone, I broke out of my tongue:
- Anton is such a handsome man! How old is he?
- 38 him, - winked at me cousin and, promising more so on long not disappearing, is gone.
All weekend I thought about Anton. After all, I did not have a boyfriend and, although I was almost always busy with something, nevertheless, I wanted to communicate with a man. And while it is not, I sometimes allowed myself to indulge in the bathroom with a strong stream of water spurting from the shower, which with gentle force caressed my little, overgrown with small, Golden curls of hair mound between the legs, bringing me to the border of new, strong, unexplored feelings! I was in College all week, giving out commercials at lunch, and on Thursday and Friday, I was sitting with an old lady heart attack while her family was away. By the weekend I was to get as tired! Waking up at eleven on Saturday morning and doing gymnastics, I stammered about my aunt's cat, went to cook myself porridge. The bell rang. Finding the phone under the sofa, I pressed the green button to answer.
- Hi, Masha, it's Anton. Remember me?- the voice of a man literally paralyzed my mind!
Hi! I'm glad to hear you, of course I remember you!
Damn, fool. I have to say that it is not "remembered", and "of course I do"!
- Maybe I'll come over tonight?- asked Anton.
His voice was so pleasant and masculine. It really was a desire to see! I was scared! No, I really wanted to have sex with this man, a strong pleasant male, but when my thoughts began to come true, I doubted! Dozens of times, I heard the girls in my subgroup, openly talked about sex, how they admired intercourse with some shabby boys. And then, I breed for the evening suggests, and I'm still thinking, stupid!
- Arrive.- I said into the phone and bit my lip. Anton promised to come around eight o'clock in the evening. I went to the pharmacy and bought birth control pills, because I did not know how a man wants me: what if he prefers without a condom? Nalepil of meat and making two salads with meat too, I went to the bathroom. Throwing off my clothes, I looked at my body in the mirror: slender legs, elastic ass, strong not big Breasts with sharp nipples and my wonderful mound between the legs, covered with Golden hairs - I was a very pretty girl with long wheat hair, blue eyes and soft velvety not tanned skin! Thoroughly washed with fragrant shower gel, wearing almost a new beautiful silk robe, I began to wait for a man. Makeup I did not do-well, I do not like to paint! I decided to be natural! But beautifully cooked dinner. Man's gotta be fed. Anton came without ten eight. He brought a bottle of wine, candy and fruit. My heart was racing. Having removed a jacket and sneakers, Anton remained in a beautiful strong male body tight-fitting white t-shirt and black jeans that covered his strong legs and the place in the area of lightning, which attracted my attention last time! I just terribly wanted to cuddle up to a strong body of Anton! To feel all its power, warmth, male smell of this pure, strong male! I immediately decided that I would not break in front of him, I would not pretend to be a whole, although she was at that time! My cheeks burned with excitement and passion! We were sitting at a table in the kitchen. I told Anton that she made, he ate with good appetite, praising my culinary skills. Then we moved into the room on the sofa. Anton sat widely and very bravely spreading their legs, sex trafficking, turning towards me. The man smiled, spoke softly and did various manly gestures: its uploaded his chest hand hold, then their strong thigh osteotomy black jeans. I literally devoured Anton's eyes: his wide, but not thick palms and long fingers were so sexy that I wanted to press to my lips, lick them! Hands men were strong, slightly tanned and covered with dark hairs. Anton looked at me with undressing eyes, his beautiful black eyes as if to say: "I want now!". On the street it was autumn and getting dark early. I got off the couch. Going to the window, drew the curtains, giving this understanding to Anton that I want to be closer with him... Sitting on the edge of the table, I looked at the man, slightly smiling! Anton stood up from the couch, a slow step approached me. Oh, how this man is well built! He was a head taller than me, thick strong neck on which hung, going under the t-shirt, chic gold chain! His broad shoulders, strong embossed hands and chest covered with a white t-shirt, strong legs beautifully covered with good black jeans, and the harmony of his male waist was emphasized by a leather belt with a silver buckle! Below the buckle was the most coveted hill that I wanted so much to fondle! "Oh, what's so great hidden from me, virgins?I thought. Anton came very close to me. With his hand he touched my waist, held gently with his palm on my side. This touch was already enough for me to bend towards the man! I did the same thing, patted my hand on his waist, right on the leather belt! Anton liked it. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, " I want to!"
-OOO, loud exhale escaped my lips. I grew bolder and held her narrow palm for a strong male chest, her face pressed against the fabric of his obligaci, I smelled this awesome aroma clean strong male body! Having thrown away my shame, I decided to be myself and finally lose my virginity! It's time! Moreover, man this be that it will spread her legs every play the virgin! Well, unless she's a lesbian. Anton began to untie the belt of my beautiful silk robe.
Anton, wait! I'll spread out the couch, " I told him, already decently hot.
The man released me from the embrace of his strong hands, and I, pulling away from his strong body, a slight movement, as if by chance, held his palm on the bump in the zipper area of the jeans! I bent down to the linen box at the bottom of the sofa, fished out clean sheets, two large pillows. And a blanket, what, caught there for something, stuck! While I was leaning face to the couch, Anton came from behind and clasping my hips, tightly pressed his bulge to my tender ass!
Drop the blanket, ' said the man. I stared my eyes, looking between my legs at the socks of Anton, who stood behind, thinking: "I don't want in the ass! I want as all normal!"Anton, I won't be like that! I screamed, turning sharply to him.
- I just want-in my pussy... pussy... or rather, in a small, narrow, tight, hole that I still sealed!
Anton laughed out loud:
- I'm not going to fuck you! What makes you?! I grabbed myself by the forehead: "What an idiot I am! I messed up! I messed up!"I fell to a wall on a sofa, buried the face in a pillow and cried... I was just shocked by my stupid behavior! Suddenly felt someone gently stroking my thigh and down the leg! Opening eyes, I saw, that in room there is no of light, only a small red luminaire on the table dull imitates the burning candles in a vase! Turning around, I saw Anton lying next to me, looking at my face and smiling.
- I'm drunk on birth control. Can we not elastic?- I asked him, smiling foolishly. -As want,- said Anton, untying the robe on me.
I stood up, throwing off the silk robe with himself, remaining only in cotton panties and bra.
Take them off!- I asked Anton, whose hands, so wide, dry and warm, already with might and main caressed my tender body! The man hastened to fulfill this my request. I was completely naked! Pulling Anton's skin, I made it clear that it was time for him to undress! Strong, quick movement, the male threw her off himself, exposing his torso uploaded! Then Anton turned me onto my back, placing me in his strong hands! I felt my sharp, hardened nipples, male slightly hairy chest! I felt how heavy Anton was and understood what it means to lie under a man when you understand that you will not run away anywhere! Anton was wearing only jeans and socks. The man continued to caress my supple, gentle, completely tanned body. I arched to meet his caresses, especially when his wide, dry and warm palm began to caress me between my slender legs!
You're wet!go out whispered somewhere in the crown of Anton.
I caressed his broad back with my palms, stroking them on his strong muscular shoulders... Spreading her legs apart, I felt like a very rough jeans, this hillock man, rubs against my fluffy mound, covered with short Golden hairs, bringing me to moans! Suddenly, while, Anton began to unbutton his belt.
I do!"she said, pouting theatrically.
Forty-year-old male turned over on his back, breathing heavily, and gave me complete freedom over unbuttoning his jeans! Riding Anton, like some sort of stud, I, completely naked and emboldened, leaned his small palms in the men's strong, slightly hairy chest and started to RUB his fluffy mound of badly raised men's solid lump, covered with black cloth jeans! Anton lay, throwing his big arm up on pillows, watching me, circling, just on the jungle gym! I bent down to Anton's strong chest and kissed his nipple, then another. With my tender tongue, I began to lick one of them until it hardened. Then, I set to another.. Anton moaned in pleasure and began to breathe deeply.. I same, has carried their wet tongue Mat from thick Golden chain, hanging on a strong neck men, until beautiful buckle leather belt! Falling below, I began to gently stroke and massage the hill of Anton, feeling his hardness under his palms! The male spread his legs wider apart. Slowly, sitting between his strong legs, I began to unbutton the leather belt, banging his silver buckle. I saw the way his manhood throbs under the jeans of this strong male! Then I began to unbutton Anton's jeans. They were fastened with metal hidden buttons, each of which I had to unbutton slowly, exerting force! When I completed my last, my desirable man held his broad hand on his slightly hairy belly and took my hand palm! With his other hand, Anton parted apart the unbuttoned fly of his jeans and put it on his rebellious penis, which was still hiding behind the soft fabric of white panties, my palm! I started stroking, squeezing his cock through the fabric of panties! Anton slightly moaned! I pulled down a wide elastic band from the soft white panties of this hot male, releasing his penis! I was scared.. Anton's pin was big, with almost completely closed skin the head on which top there was a hole and from it, the size of a pea, the transparent drop of a dense man's liquid was allocated.. A member of this thirty-eight-year-old male would be covered in swollen veins. But what scared me, so it was under the skin of this already large member of some three balls, shaped like beans! "The horror!- I thought,- This is how I will be the first time something like this?.. Anton between my legs all break that dick!"But I was already very excited and could not stop! Gently, his gentle fingers, I lifted the smooth, thin skin downwards, Baring a firm, great, poured the blood of the head of the penis Anton! A groan of bliss escaped from the man's chest! Opening wide your mouth, I have incorporated a slightly salty penis! After licking it, I let it out of my mouth, smacking it.. Anton, lying on the pillow, looked approvingly at what I do, one hand patted me on the head, fingers removing the hair from my face. I put her little palm to him in the pants, began to caress pursed in excitement large eggs Anton! Man hard and hoarsely breathed! Tongue, began to lick the base member, burrowing in hard, black hair framing which was a member! And again I caressed the big head of ruby color, completely absorbing it in a mouth, trying not to touch the teeth!
- Throughout. Come to me!"breathing heavily, Anton ordered me, pulling my hands to his chest! Hugging me with his strong hands, completely naked, hot male overturned me on my back, pinned to the bed with his strong heavy body! Anton, kick freed from the panties along with the jeans, falling to the floor, knocked buckle leather belt, kissed me on the lips.. I opened my mouth slightly and rolling his eyes up, and gasped.. It was my first kiss in my life! Hot, dry and wide palms of Anton, stroked my velvety skin of a back, squeezed elastic buttocks, caressed between legs! With bowed head, male language held by my solid papilla, I groan, instinctively, pleasure, clasped the head of Anton with his hands.. He covered mine with his lips, and parted them with his tongue. I just opened your mouth and felt a hot tongue of Anton gets into my mouth! Our tongues are entwined in my mouth! Everything was floating in my head.. I clenched my legs like I was afraid to pee! My hands caressed the shoulders in relief of Anton. I was completely relaxed! The man put his hand between my clamped thighs and parted them. Gathering saliva from his tongue with his fingers, Anton smeared it between my legs. I wanted as soon as possible to feel the sweet pain of the first intercourse. Anton, nikunau your middle finger slightly entered it into my virgin, tight, little and such a hot hole! I groaned and arched to the male to meet! Anton put his strong, slightly hairy hands under me, his thick Golden chain was on my forehead. And before my eyes was wide, strong and slightly covered with short black hairs chest of Anton! I put my hands on his back and got ready to feel the buzz! My cousin's friend made a move forward with his strong hips.. I felt the hot and smooth head of the man's cock come between my lower lips. Anton froze. Then I felt this thirty-eight-year-old male move in small movements. I was very pleased! Then Anton hugged me so tightly that I almost could not breathe! The man leaned his body forward, and I felt his cock penetrate me, tearing my virginity to shreds! I was in pain and I screamed.. Anton stopped only when all his big cock entered my virgin flesh! I lay pinned to the bed a large male and being crushed as the pressure of his master! I was hurt, but I felt proud of myself! Proud of the fact that I'm losing my virginity to a gorgeous man and give him a thrill! Anton began to move slowly in me, making unhurried movements with his toned, strong ass. I quietly groaned and Alcala, lying under a man! Acutely feeling his cock with his open pussy, I caught hitherto unexplored sensations..
You're tight!,- cachaca Anton accelerating movement. His cock was like iron, only velvety and hot! Sometimes, Anton stopped and I felt like I have been there between the legs that is throbbing.. Like another heart! Anton took his cock out of me and re-entered! I screamed in pain! The man moved faster, his movements became more assertive! Again out of my pussy and already faster than last time, I entered my pin in me! I felt like down on my ass glass drop of something hot!
- So you need to do eight times! And you will become a woman. You want to lose your virginity, don't you?- wheezing, my man told me. I lay quietly, obeying the will of this experienced male. Anton already just hollowed my body! The feeling of pain was gone and I felt only growing like a snowball, an unknown charge of colored energy accumulating in the bottom of my stomach! Anton loosened his arms, my hard nipples rubbed against his strong body.. I almost scratched his back with my fingernails!
- Yes, Yes, Yes."I whispered, arching towards Anton. Suddenly I was covered by a hot wave of buzz! My body was shaking, like in convulsions, there was a rainbow in my eyes, the lower abdomen seemed to shrink and unclench... I realized that this is an orgasm! Anton even more accelerated rhythm of your movements! His breath became hoarse, a gold chain pounded on my hair, on my forehead. Suddenly he came out of me, a sharp movement found himself near my face, pressed my thumb on the chin, from this my mouth opened. Anton pressed the head of his cock to my open lips. Several times the man ran his hand along his penis, and a hot stream of sperm hit me in the throat! Anton roared like a bear! He was super high! Sperm all flowed into my mouth from the open hole on the top of my man's penis, and I swallowed greedily! And only when all the male juice Anton had swallowed me, the man held my tender lips with his dick and stood, looking down at me. His eyes are full of satisfaction! I came down with pillows below, so my face was right between my legs under my testicles Anton! I started to kiss it, such wet and heavy, covered with black, stiff hairs of male eggs. Anton, already by normalizing their breathing, standing over my face on my knees, stroking your fingers through my hair. Then the man went to the bathroom. I looked at my pussy: the lower lips were red and swollen, glistening. And there were drops of blood on the sheet... It's been a month since then. We meet with Anton most often on weekends. I learned a lot about him. Anton often gives me gifts and different opportunities in life. I was with him a plate is awesome! Well, someday, I'll give you more details. Bye, bye!