I have always respected and loved my husband immensely. We always had great sex and our feelings flowed without barriers. He fucked me as he wanted, I gave him all. But I had to go to my mom's every summer for a couple of months. And then one day after a visit to my mother, I came and I feel that something is wrong. Like attentive, but as something looks in side. In the evening, as usual, we engaged in wild sex. After the separation is sometimes very passionately. But here he surprised me for the first time. As soon as we started to fuck, he takes out the camera and says he wants to make a couple of pictures for memory, so as not to be bored in a long separation. Well, I agreed, I think really let my Vanya rejoice. He made pictures of my overgrown pussy (and I do not cut almost never, because it hurts then, when it grows).

And then again, I started to notice something strange, he rummages on the Internet all the time, and as I go, then turns off the page, but I was always curious, and we trusted each other. I somehow decided to sneak up on the door, and in the kitchen left the radio loud. I look at the crack, and he looks at some pornographic pictures.I think she did. I come sharply, and he already jumped up. I to the screen, and there is a website Prestopino opened. In General, the usual porn, only now I see that this site is for communication, and he's there in his profile with someone courteous. I come to torture him, Yes. And he closes and closes everything. I began to calm down, they say I look and look, I understand, let's see, I identity like. And he still closes and leaves the site. I realized it's not clean. And began to her husband with a passion and became his literally to torture. I can.)
She did not last long and admitted that the site posted my photos. My anger knew no bounds. I tore and metal, but realized that it was my husband and I live with him and on. So I started to investigate that as a Yes. It turns out that while I was gone, he started getting into viral communication. Began to write stories on my behalf and place them on the Internet ( who is curious, can read under the pseudonym of Inna Milfova pornorasskazy-who wants you can look, but this work is not to my taste-somehow vulgar).Then he switched to virtual communication on the sites, and when I arrived,I decided to back up all his stories with natural photos, and I did not even ask permission. In General, I was angry for a long time, but then decided to somehow deal with him this topic Here and he began to persuade me that I agreed to communicate on this site with him, and even on other similar sites for Swingers. I at first in any, but he convinced me and I agreed.

Our first friends were a young couple, they were about 30 years old. Met, chatted, decided, that are more suited each other. Soon all four of us to gather. Artyom then calls me and says that the two of us can go without our halves. My roly gave me good. We went out. Artemka was very courteous and passionate. He liked me. That's just the nature of more than a Blowjob I'm not ready - hygiene is not the same. But did you suck his cock passionately. It was my first man on the side. Then we met and the four of us, but this meeting confirmed my fears that nature is a bad place for sex. Mosquitoes, lack of water, etc. it.p. Our next man was from the same site for Swingers. He was older than us and his name was Sergei. With it we can easily met in a cafe, agreed to meet at the apartment .There they got me all fucked together with her first child. To be honest, I was tired, and they were both happy. We would have continued to develop relationships with other guys, but it's time for me to go home to my mother. Roly, saying goodbye at the station, said that allows me to meet men, but he will also make love .I didn't think much of it. But the time has come, my Vanya calls me and reports that meets ... men. I was shocked, for some reason did not expect such a turn. He said he met a man on a gay website. Sergei (the name of his new friend) had an idea, bro to ride out of town, where my roly pounced on his cock like a whore. Serge finished quickly and I wanted more. Vanya sucked him so cool that it was no worse than a whore. Swallowed all the cum, too. They met back at the apartment, where Vanya was fucking Sergei. Serge was dressed like a woman and stuck her in the hole van. But something didn't work out for them. They never met, but Vanya went on my hands. That summer he managed to visit with three more men. Once, even with two lit. In General, the life gone from him. I was angry and living with my mom...