This time I was lucky-in one of the corners of the beach, in The silver forest, came across a peasant who was looking out from behind the rare bushes selflessly tormented his crooked penis, making it so that all this could see a lady of fifty years, sitting nearby..Its pleasant fullness was not covered by anything, and since it was three meters away, I could even see some hairs on her pubis,large fleshy brown labia..She quite favorably watched the actions of the exhibitionist, even slightly spread her legs to open the pink slit, straightened her large Breasts, although this was not particularly necessary..on the face it reminded me of a Cossack from the movie Quiet flows the don,still remember that brunette,tanned,the skin smooth and elastic body,of cellulite it was not yet obvious...The man went into a rage, jerking off with such passion that his hands practically it was not visible-only the blurred image,and could be heard squelching sounds...Looking at all this I also began to podrachivat,..I already was,but my boy,my pride ,in General it is not small in size,against that monster fluttered in front of me,as it is not impressive..He muzhichek anything special, not presented: whether Uzbek,or Tajik vague age- somewhere in the 40s, I thought I was an old man, and I recently turned 23 years old...He was bald, somewhat plump, tanned, only a white stripe in place of panties and cock...Not even so-FUCK!..Huge ,what sirengo color shit,like the pileus hanging over the barrel,not too thin,intertwined wires as strands marine rope...I said that he jerked off with some incredible speed,the tip was directed toward the beautiful stranger ,and with his palm he couldn't even clasp the stem completely...When he saw me and what I do the lady smiled,but her attention was drawn to the "old man",I, having the opportunity to do what he loved,admiring her beautiful form,was not satisfied with what was happening, because he was deprived of her attention, besides,and he always returned his gaze on the contrary,it was painfully inspiring sight : it was thought that such a prick and a half-liter jar will not fit,not to mention the vagina,was not seen in the man another way...and he just looked at me with great excitement continued..And then it struck me- without thinking about what I was doing,I walked up to him,knelt down,and took his cock in his palm and tried to shove it in his mouth..All this was done so that the stranger opposite do not miss not a single detail...I can't say I haven't heard of gay people ,but I've never even thought about it...I have always liked women, I could spend hours admiring their bodies on the beach,or jerking off in the Park from behind the bushes,on passing women,speculating and imagining how they look without clothes,and what I would do with them,but the sight of this naked beauty, with interest watching the session of Masturbation in relation to her, and attention to my efforts to get her interested,told me my next steps...

Prick the man was really huge...The skin is kind of velvety, smooth, with a pleasant musky smell..Spending on her tongue and wet with saliva, I tried taken it into his mouth...When I took all these actions, the man first tensed and tried to move away from me,but since his cock was already in my palms,and my lips were already kissing his prick,- stopped, and began to gently push my way,to see previous experience has taught care..The lady on the contrary also did not remain indifferent,watching what is happening...With one hand she lifted her large Breasts,and the right,running it between her legs ,began to stroke herself in the crotch...From all that was happening, the man stopped to control himself, and abruptly moving his pelvis literally hammered the prick into my mouth...Nothing is impossible! Especially if everyone involved is interested..The only thing I was afraid to hurt his teeth, because he had already started to move, trying to fuck me in the mouth, though without much success, because there was no special space - so two - three centimeters back and forth...In addition,the jaw cramped,and as he tried to push the prick as deep as possible, I began to suffocate and tried to escape...It was not there..Grabbing me by the ears and twisting them,he didn't give me any opportunity to jump and escape,and only increased the frequency of the hits From these shocks,lack of air,the smell of his cock,I was already sick,my ears were ringing horribly,tears filled my eyes and I thought I'm gonna die,when suddenly starting back, he strongly pressed me to him in the next moment,literally view my face into your belly,stopping short of what mgnoveniye and then he started to shudder..At this point,my mouth was filled with some thick salty moisture ,and since it was sealed like a gag heroic prick,and the flow of liquid did not weaken ,I began to choke and mechanically took a SIP and then without stopping continued to swallow everything that I was lowered into my mouth...

The first experience was extreme..In front of my face dangled this incredible prick,which has already begun to return to the natural color of the hole in the head still continued to appear drops of sperm,and I was just pounding,gagging shook my body,my head was splitting,and my ears were burning,as if there stuck red-hot spokes..
Young man,drink of water, handed me a bottle of our Charmer,wiping a handkerchief to my face...I drank water and couldn't stop,had to swallow the life-giving water,washing away in the throat, the aftertaste of what happened...What is it you are so the man ,reproachfully said Belle, looking at "Uzbek"...Yes, everything is fine with him ,already out of your eyes does not take,ready to swallow - he replied,squeezing out the last drops of the prick and offering me to lick it...and I only breathed,looking into the eyes of my Savior, licked the beast...

Oh, you naughty boy, laughing, she rubbed my hair, running her hand over my head....and the guy just said, " thanks, that was great...Not so often it is possible to finish so well, and even in such a company"
Luda, you can not leave one, be sure to get into history -...We were approached by a full, clearly older than his wife, a man, tanned like her, and also naked...Under his tummy was hiding a small member,which is completely lost in the curls of gray hair..when they got close I smiled involuntarily - was too ridiculous they looked:tall,broad-hipped ,big Breasts,cool ass,strong legs with strong calf and round,passing under her armpit ,all grown the gray hair man,with his small.some sort of birdcage..
Yes, that young man wanted to surprise me,smiled Lyudmila..

Well, as....

Yes looks are not calculated their strength...Not cope...Yes, there is ,even I probably couldn't ... First try...
They talked about us like we weren't here..I've recovered...My abuser, too..and already again, thoughtfully stroking his horse,already improved almost completely..
Yeah..The husband muttered in amazement..Rare sight..
Here is here is, - told Ludmila..And the young man for the first time in my life,as I understand it,tried Blowjob? Yes, I said..
It's too extraordinary...