Go in a quiet voice I said, and held out his right hand to her arm.She saw the gesture but the hand got in the way but rather reached into my small purse pretending that she's there looking for something and wants to get.(Bitch I thought,okay, business time still to come…)
We passed 20 meters,leaving the arch which led into the yard we both looked around and started looking for the bench(I was in this yard a long time ago and remembered that the dead end of the yard there is some shaking but the benches I do not remember that there was), but Oh gods here it is a bench not just a bench and two benches between which table. One shop was even with a back.
I-“once upon a time I was in this yard”(we walked in silence much tension you had to say something)
She-“Alex are you Smoking?”
I - " Throw, all not as not throw”
She“ " And I do not smoke, although to be honest on the robot with employees sometimes go out for a smoke break”
I - “you have a women's team at work?”
She“ " Yes, there is one man, the driver of our boss”
I'm lucky..what do you do for a living? well, if it's not a secret of course?”
She“ " Not secret but let not let us about work.pause trade sphere”
I - “you said your feet were tired, let's sit on the bench?”
She smiled and turned her head in my direction, at that moment I realized something.
I realized that she deliberately went to the bench, I realized that IT leads me to it and I'm not her,but the paradox was that I realized she was looking at me not as a man in his Prime but as a boy student next to her to spin and does not know how to be with her... it made me very uncomfortable, in an instant I did not recognize myself…
What the fuck is happening to me? If it was any other girl I have used it several times already hugged him, I would tell her how I like it, I passionately kissed I touched where I'd like to touch her, but there was something else there with her, I felt like a schoolboy(as the paratroopers) perforation, after this strange sight and after that strange smile…
Approaching the bench had to cross the border I knew it was an opportunity to touch her again and that I took a few broad steps forward crossed the border, turned to her half-turn and gave her his left hand in the hope that she would take my hand…
I-“Vic carefully here border”(I watched her for her reaction, she first looked at my hand then raised his gaze to my eyes, her eyes told me everything I saw: do you think that just like I'll take you by the hand, do you think that I'm so readily available, I'm not a 25 year old girl who is ready to jump at you after a few kisses....well, in General something like that)
She-“Yes, Yes, I see”(she took me by the hand)
It was a blow to my ego.I did not expect that she won't take my hand but again her eyes told me everything and I realized I was cool with it.
I'm - “which one do you want to sit on? this one or the one with the back?”
She“ " with the back...I have wet wipes let's wipe so as not to get dirty”
She took a box of tissues from her purse she pulled one gave it to me and she took one, I'm respirable this napkin look and vetch sat a little bent over the bench and rubs it.
Blyayaya it back to me, ass I can see her sexy waist,the skirt is tightly fitted her ass fuck I can see it in a Thong blaaaaa oteto woman blyayaya kind of Hotness I want, how I want to hear how she moans blyayaya blaaaaa)))))
She carefully rubbed the bench for 10 seconds I looked at her from behind I imagined how I would undress her I imagined how I would hug her kiss as I will dive into it I will fuck her I will fuck her…
She finished wiping the bench straightened crumpled napkin and threw it into a cut plastic canister that stood under the table and served as an urn.
I took a step forward to the bench with backrest(Vic stood close next to me) leaned forward to wipe a place but suddenly:
She-“Yes, there is enough here, I had already wiped down, let dry a little and I sit down, you better wipe yourself…”
I turned her head and saw how she was pointing at the bench opposite to the one that without a back from the bitch thought to me, she does not want me to sit down next to her, or pretends that she does not want a BITCH...well, fuck with you masjaska sit opposite…
Wiped the bench look Vika sat down on the bench I'm waiting until it dries look like she threw her leg on the leg, look at her legs she was in a skirt to the knee, in black pantyhose and black shoes with heels I thought on such heels on such asphalt as we have in the city to walk unwisely I would say dangerous))).
I“ " beauty requires sacrifice!”
She-“what's it to you?”
I-“you have such beautiful legs and you are so loaded with heels, no wonder they're tired...”(she smiled and looked at their heels)
She - " thank you”
She“ " we had a small corporate party today, employee's birthday, we all dressed up”
And then she said,” I don't know who, " said in a low voice, but it was a Cry of the soul.I got that signal. I knew what she was getting at, and that she was afraid to admit it..
She - “do you have a cigarette?”
I-“Yes, let's have a smoke” I took from his pocket a pack of cigarettes handed her the open pack, she reached for the cigarette look touched one. At this point I used the one cunning trick in General take and lower my arm with a pack down, she is trying to finger her right hand to take the cigarette but it does not work.
Look took my hand looks at me confused again, I am getting her a tutu like take it again stanitsa look touched one cigarette again, I hand pack it down again, not poluchaetsya take a cigarette and looking up at me the look I'm smiling she smiled back I put my hand back up like take(all this happened in silence but literally 10 seconds of each other, we knew we were playing each other and we both loved it...) she silently stanitsa again. again, I lower my arm and then her left hand touched my right hand from the bottom trying to fix the hand…
She touched me I felt the warmth of her hand she has a very soft skin. When she touched me I saw how she looked up at me she was smiling it was nice to hold my hand she wanted those seconds to last forever...I saw it in her eyes.It is very leisurely to tell in the dark(because at that moment we looked at each other)pushed a cigarette, and I at this moment made a mistake much made a mistake I'm holding a pack of cigarettes, wanted to catch one of her fingers but it so happened that I his little finger as it pushed her hand from his arm.You say that no she took my hand...No not she I know she liked to touch me and I dolbayob piece he pushed her off his pinkie was well, and Nitsche you do not podelaesh…
I pulled a lighter out of his pocket KVIrc-KVIrc I present it to her like podmareva she took in lips the cigarette a little bit bent to the fire podkalivat.I look at her seeing her blonde hair see her fragile plactice her Breasts what are her legs fucking kakaie she's cool and soon she will melt in my hands all turn out Alexey all happen…))))
She exhaled the smoke watching podurile need yourself to get light a cigarette, strike a lighter oops thought appeared shorter and lighter strike sharply on the lever of the gas supply do not press created a false appearance of faulty lighters…
I-“damn I guess the gas ran out,Rimma give me from your light it?”
She's Vikulya???” smiles at her like how I called her
She extended her right hand to me,a Smoking cigarette clutched between her index finger and her middle finger.I looked at her fragile hand and I again thought what if…
She was sitting on the bench I was standing just a step away from her his hand she gave not straight and a little taller, I stretched out my hand to her hand pretending to want to have a cigarette I rastafire your fingers and put them into her hands and slowly began to approach the cigarette slipping on her fingers.I looked at her hand I think that at this point she looked at me in the face, finally, the cigarette caught between my metincom and ring finger I seal it, my thumb was protruding to the side and did not participate in this exciting slide but then I grabbed her little finger and I waited for a second to pause, I kept looking at our hands I don't know why but I felt that if I now look at her she pulls my hand, I decided to do this another way, I turned it palm up her meinzen thereby slightly twisting her hand I got a sharp step forward, and simultaneously with this step, I kissed the edge of her little finger,I removed his thumb and kissed her toe with my kisses, I began to rise up on her arm, I kissed her everywhere fiction that the sleeves of the jacket I held her hand the power she's stood to take my hand but the second she removed her liked that I kiss her hand and I couldn't do I could not stay I kissed her hungrily stronger faster with the language, I began to slide the tongue on her hand I lost my head…
She's“what are you doing???”
I couldn't stop. I couldn't answer. but the worst thing for me was to see her look. I didn't want to see her eyes. I just wanted to kiss her hand.…
She's“what are you doing????” a louder voice she duplicated his sentence and sharply jerked his hand
I looked up at her our eyes were almost on the same level she looked at me with fucking eyes but she was smiling. I looked at her I had nothing to say I stood half-bent position, couldn't even straighten up, couldn't see straight don't know but inside me something stirred inside me something Schelkovo.
She-“Alex are you?” I straightened up I looked at her she looked at me she was waiting for what I say,I could not squeeze out a word…
Figuratively: at this point in one ear to me someone said: get together come to her hug her kiss her don't be afraid she wants it she's waiting for this she's all burning act…
In the other ear for me too, someone whispered: what act? stop!!! now get a slap in the face you've already messed things up with her you have to behave like this STOP!
I stood looking at her thoughts spun in my head what to do next here I'm a jerk...myself drove to a dead end
She-“Well, you give...I didn't expect such a turn”
Fuck that, you tell something that you look at her like a sheep at a new gate you dumb shit…
I took a step back and sat down on the bench (my legs were wadded) I looked down at the ground I saw how to smoke a cigarette that accidentally fell I looked at this cigarette and sighed heavily…
She-“Alex are you okay?You're red. Alex everything is fine I'm not mad”
I raised his eyes on her she smiled I smiled back, I felt better…
I was ashamed to look at her I don't know why probably due to some helplessness, it was probably for me the most beautiful girl in my life and this is my confidence where-that disappeared, or maybe I fell in love I do not know…
Again I looked down again I saw a cigarette. I need a cigarette just have to smoke…
I quickly took out cigarette from packs,took out a lighter, quickly lit a cigarette and made several abrupt puffs…
She-“do Not be nervous because” it was easier for me I looked at her she was eating me with her eyes, she considered my condition in which I was
She-“You're just nervous it will pass, pause and you're done strong”
I - " I'm Sorry, I don't know what came over me, don't be mad at me, okay?”
She - “I'm not angry, I was nice and a little ticklish”I looked at her, she smiled, I also smiled
I - “you have very soft skin”
She's“I use baby cream.”we both laughed.…
Wait for the continuation…