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Cleaning lady (long story)
According to the materials of the criminal case ... Vase ... I came to get settled ... Cleaner ... - Nina stared in fright, glancing at the big-person holster. The man grunted vaguely. Then, meticulously, he looked the girl from head to toe and waved toward the door of the house. The house, when she went there, carefully stepping on the parquet, seemed huge, like a castle. Nina walked for a long time up the spiral staircase to the third floor, until she came to the mistress's office - a well-groomed middle-aged blonde, who had numerous plastic surgeries on her body and face. - Remember! My name is Larisa Aleksandrovna. Your robe, rags and mops in the pantry. You're going to be lazy, I'll drive you out right away. - she arrogantly dictated to Nina, who had frightened her, admiring her fingers on which were decorated with impressive ornaments. The next day, Nina so thoroughly laundered all the rooms that the hostess walked through the rooms and nodded in satisfaction, patted her cheek, as if she were a dog, and put a banknote in her robe pocket, saying: “They didn't lie to me.” You're a good worker, albeit a young one. Work the same further. The main thing is not to spoil anything, otherwise I will throw it out on the street, like a doormat. And this is your prize ... So Nina did every day, worked, wiping and washing away all the dirt to a mirror shine. The owners' son Vladik was a bit annoyed - a spoiled 11th grade schoolboy who pointedly threw everything he could on the floor - candy wrappers from sweets and chocolates, banana peel and passed on carpeted floors in dirty shoes, the traces of which were poorly removed even by an ultra-modern, washing vacuum cleaner.
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