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My daughter's boyfriend
- In terms of? - Well, I want to impress him, I can’t do it myself ... Help I knew what she wanted - Ksyush .. What are we with you ... - Come on, nothing like that here We went into the room, and there he was lying on the bed and heaving his swollen penis. Ksyusha whispered: - Let's suck together. Ksyusha lay down at his cock and began to suck. I came up and lay down next. Ksyusha sent me a member and I started to suck. I have not had sex for so long that I decided that nothing terrible. I took his dick with both hands and began to swallow very deeply. Ksyusha was licking his eggs at that time. This huge member completely turned my head and I climbed on it. Ksyusha sat on his face and he caressed her with her tongue, and I kissed Ksyuha and stroked her pussy and breasts. When he finished at me, Ksyusha became a cancer and he flew at her and fucked in the ass, and I lay under them and licked her daughter's pussy and her boyfriend's eggs. When he started to finish, he stuck out his dick with Ksyusha and put it in her mouth. I watched him fuck my daughter in the mouth and masturbate. He finished in her mouth and saw me masturbating, came up to me and thrust me in my pussy. And Ksyusha sucked my nipples. When I started to cum Ksyusha thrust her thumb in my ass, it gave more pleasure. Then I felt that her boyfriend had finished with me. After that I showered and went to bed. In the morning, her boyfriend came to me and said:
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