I've been through in the Dating chat of their mobile operator on the computer its like to povertythe you know ! )) But here's the hitch - the girls/girls/zralok/grandma - many, each a text to dial, wait for answer, understand what it can do - there are a shitload of time is spent ((( Yes, more than half of the women did not respond, and approximately 10% of questionnaires - from podarkov, slut prokidyvaya !(( I know you bastards, where members look !)) So... after another unjustly held knit - as-that by itself has developed in the mind of the poem interesting... Probably I'm under the impression his girlfriend was ! )))

I want to grab your thigh.,

Hand caress your pussy,

Breast kissing through shirt,

Prick slap on the lip!

Asking you for the impossible,

Like: - Show me how to piss!

And lay down next to inadvertently,

Muttering shameless poems!

Vskochil yourself - pull in your mouth;

Climb in your ass-tongue;

And assure, that I - your cat!

Although love here-nor under than ! )))

These lines convenient to send to all potential ladies, which profiles are you interested... Just put in the box the cursor and spew from the buffer rhyme )) As it turned out , this text - there are a number of awesome advantages. I remind you that all ladies have posted their profiles on the Dating chat! So, after your text, you're waiting for a response from a reporter. If the answer is no, it's - "profile of a dead soul." On such MD-keeps the main earnings of the owners of this service. But if the answer you came ,this woman - alive-skorva-hot !)))

Why would I ? The answer is simple: EXPERIENCE ! First , there is no living woman who would not respond to this verse ! )) And according to the type of response text - you can easily find a partner, ready for anything, right "Zdesya" !!!

1) If the reaction is sharply negative = means lady satisfied with life and the traditional-modest education...

2) If in response SMS-ke you can see "interest"= means the lady is not hungry, but something is not satisfied in my life...

3) If the reaction is positive = it is POSSIBLE and NECESSARY to work with this man ! ))

4) If the answer is super-positive = the subscriber is very closely STUDIED sexual games;

and only you can decide how to build a further relationship with this girl! )))