Country lot
Work in a trade union, in a team of adults and respectable people who are much older than you and you are the youngest in the work collective of this institution. Rainy, dreary for many, the end of the working week, especially for those who would like to hit the road on the high mountains, swim in one great lake. From all this you can get a good pastime, precisely in the presence of these two ingredients. I did it, not without the help of colleagues. About that and the story.
Summer in our area is somewhat unstable. That devilish heat, which even those who love heat do not endure, forest fires three years ago, which became famous all over the country, do not bear so much. Then it rains for several days, which sometimes are not very encouraging either, especially when you work in a stuffy office, you suffer from roasting, and then you want to go to nature. And in nature, there is a beautiful rainfall that irrigates the fields, which, of course, is very “suitable” for going out into nature. So the townspeople sit in their hruschobs on such days, they are bored, especially the young, from whom the soul itself seeks freedom.
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