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The story of my debauchery. Mom and others
I was born in an ordinary family, my mother worked as a financier, and my father worked as an engineer at a construction site. Until my 11 years we lived as an ordinary family, as it seemed to me. Then my father fell in love with another and went with her to live in Krasnodar. I can not say what was wrong, maybe it was more beautiful or something. My mother and I stayed with his parents in the city of Shakhty. Of course, the grandmother and grandfather took care of us as best they could, but my mom found another job and we moved with her to the city of Rostov-on-Don. I don’t know how much this work was better or worse, but in the housing plan it became closer, we didn’t have enough money, so she rented a room in the North. We lived with the mistress, a good woman who, apparently, having felt her own soul in mother, took care of her and of me. We had a separate room with our mother, we slept with her on the same bed, which in fact didn’t disturb us, because at home I didn’t often sleep with her. Neither her nor me was embarrassed by the fact that she slept in a nightie on a naked body, did not hide herself when she was dressing, did not make me turn away, but simply stood with my back to me. I was not excited by the sight of my mother’s bare breasts, or her ass. I will say more that I did not even find her attractive. Very thin, hanging chest 2, dark long hair, which made her even older, a little makeup and not bright clothes. They are said to have passed by, and no one will remember. I do not even know what my father found in her, but it is obvious that he found this one, because she did not have any gentlemen at all. Even when they were sleeping and her nightie was bullying, and she, hugging me, pressed pubic hair to me, I didn’t have any emotions.
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