I really love Blowjob.
Of course, I like it when I get a blow job, not when I do it. I myself also tried to do Blowjob. Tried four times. Once I was not enough to understand that I'm not blue.)))
Why did you even carry out these tests?
Well, I guess there's something homosexual about me. And sometimes there comes a time that it comes out of the underground out.
Though, analyzing those days which I counted only three periods (And is: four Blowjob for three periods), it seems to me that after all in those days I terribly wanted sex with the woman (with the most that on is, the female!!!), sex unusual, new, with new poses, acrobatics, all sorts of experiments. The desire that burned me, despite the fact that a bed is attended a normal woman, wife. But, as I thought, passed stage, uninteresting duty, occasionally claiming the intercourse was love. And here are some thoughts about the experiments, and led me into the territory of the strange, the unknown, and as I did convinced me homosexual or if you like blue ties.
It was in 1993, and twice in 1995.
The first adventure, which made us think about belonging to the blue camp, took place in the train Kislovodsk — St. Petersburg. It happened quite by accident, with the conductor of the car in which I was driving home from vacation. And the next two episodes took place in St. Petersburg, when I, purposefully, found partners with the help of the newspaper "Chance".
The conductor on the train (I'll call him Valery), as I now understand, was a real bisexual, interested in men equally, as well as women.
Happened this as something very easily. In the dead of night, in the coupe conductors, we drank with him the wonderful wine and talked themselves, about life, about business, about the rest.
As you probably remember, in the compartment conductors shelves for sleep only on one side. Accordingly, we were sitting next to him.
First, his "accidental" touching to me was incomprehensible, then suspicious, and when they become Intrusive, I spoke to him honestly. He said that with men never had sex, but do not mind to try. That in this situation I see myself only as an active party, and if he considers this unacceptable, then it makes no sense to discuss this topic further.
I do not remember verbatim, but it was something like that.
Valera closed the inside of the compartment, and began to undress. I followed his example. He first knelt down in front of me and began to kiss my cock, moving the skin along the trunk. I tried to watch what was happening, but whether the unusual situation, but most likely from the realization that it was a man and not a woman, I did not have a proper erection.
Valery tried, and his efforts kept me even more. I couldn't help feeling unnatural. But to recede was already stupid.
I told him to sit next to me. When he settled down next to me, I began to massage his hand his cock, already quite hard and ready to fight. Compared to him, I to "active" is clearly not pulled. So I tried confident behavior to demonstrate their activity.
I threw him on his back and leaning to his groin, absorbed into his mouth his penis as much as I could, which immediately caused an emetic spasm. Not enough yet at this moment vomiting! I've become more careful.
I can't say I was disgusted. I tried to listen to myself. Assess sensations and make a final conclusion: whether I need it or not.
The taste of the cock was not unpleasant, but nothing exciting in it was not. The smell of the female organ always drove me crazy, I always revel in it, and from a member of nothing so smelled.
To the touch of his hands, too, nothing new. Here is the feeling of the mouth was new. Yes, there were quite interesting feelings, but my sexual arousal is not affected. The erection, at least, did not appear. There was some pathetic excuse for her. I might then for the first time felt such impotence. I realized that my first homosexual experience ended in failure, but decided to finish the job. Valery something, why suffer? I continued the movement of the head (or mouth?). Suddenly Valery hand removed my head, and turned to the me its back.
— Enter! — a hoarse voice said Valera, he was Horny.
I began to masturbate myself intensely in order to continue somehow. But no amount of persuasion on my friend's didn't work. Hide "impotence" was already impossible. I confess.
— Valera, I'm sorry, I can't get it up. I can't be with men. - I was making excuses, because, in principle, I liked this guy. Day and evening, when we talked, he made a very favorable impression. And nothing "blue" about his behavior I have not seen. Or just not be able to recognize? Well, I assure you that I am today, "cyan" not able to distinguish straight. By the way, Valera was not "blue", but "Bi". In these categories, as you can see, there is also a significant difference.
- How about I help you cum? - I decided that it is necessary to put an end somehow adequately.
Can I come inside you? - really, he said, " can I put it in for you?". He was holding his hand on the cock, and I suddenly felt his desire in my gut. I urge such obvious desire that I have never seen from the opposite sex. But maybe this all seemed erotic stories . Only then did I suddenly feel like I had to give in to this guy. Perhaps this feeling women experience when finally decide to give in to the harassment of another lover. Not because I got courtship and pressure, and not because the most already unbearable, namely, as humanitarian aid, precisely because it was a pity for the poor guy, then, so that his testicles did not burst because of a frenzied desire, and because the desire is not directed somewhere, namely me... !
- Well, let's give it a try. - I climbed on the shelf and got on all fours.
— Stand with your knees on the floor, and he lay down on the shelf with his chest. - Valera confidently began to play the role of "asset". But that day as other days in General, I was not destined to be initiated into the gay brotherhood.
Valera introduced me to the anus, only the head of the penis, as I had a terrible pain in the passage, and further progress became impossible. I was surprised and shocked. I didn't think it could be so painful, so impossible to hurt. And this attempt also had to be abandoned.
We went to the toilet one by one, cleaned ourselves up, and Valera asked me to give him a Blowjob, because he can not calm down. I didn't mind.
A few seconds before the climax, Valera warned me:
I'm coming!
And I brought it to a close with my hand. Later, I often remembered with regret that he did not cum in my mouth. I wanted to know everything to the end.
So I did my first ever two blowjobs.
I do not regret what happened. But in his "don Juan" list I men to enter did not.
Full homosexual contact with the conductor of the train Kislovodsk-Petersburg did not work, but I have this adventure enough for two years. In two years I will happen two more similar episodes, with the difference that they will not be random. They will be the result of the search, and finally put an end to my sexual orientation.
Although, you never know when God is at work? Who knows... who knows...