Visiting friends
Outside there was a terrible heat, summer is in full swing. My old friends, the couple Andrei and Marina invited me and my son to visit me. We in the city in such a hell, even go nowhere to buy. And they have a private house on the coast of the sea, I just could not disagree with their proposal, stay with them, and have not seen each other for a long time. I bought train tickets and had to leave in two days. Before that, of course, I decided to go shopping with my son, bought gifts, and naturally updated my bathing suits. Everything was ready by departure, we got to the railway station, there were still about twenty minutes before the train left. They went into their compartment, which already had a guy with a girl. When they got to know each other better, it turned out they were going on a honeymoon trip to the south, to the same city as us.
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